The Pirate Family

515 Chapter 507 Great Changes

"Humph!" Odin snorted coldly, and threw the bell directly in front of Loki. The bell smashed into a big hole on the ground.

"Rocky, did you forget to tell me something?" Odin said coldly. He knew that his son was domineering and would never bow his head to what he believed, but he did not expect that he would dare Disobey the meaning of the ancestors.

Love the daughter of the giant\'s enemy!

"Nothing." Loki raised his head. Since he can\'t cover up, he might as well face it calmly.He looked directly into Odin\'s eyes."Is it wrong to like someone?"

"It\'s not wrong to like someone," Odin said angrily. "You used to like so many people and I didn\'t care about you, because I understand the feeling of freedom better than anyone."

"But only that human woman can\'t!"

"Because she is that woman\'s daughter!"

All the princes and ministers were stunned by the sudden change and remained silent.

"Her mother is certainly at fault, but what does it have to do with her." Rocky straightened his chest and raised his head and said.

"Children cannot choose their own parents."

"Does the hatred of the fathers have to continue to the next generation?"

Lorne, who was next to him, had lazy eyes, but after hearing Loki’s words, he became very sharp.

It was because of Caesar that he was imprisoned in the city at the beginning, so he fully understood Loki\'s feelings.

There are always things in this world that cannot be changed. Such things are often called destiny.For example, children can never choose who their parents are.But is it true that being born as a human is destined to bear the hatred of that country?

This is unreasonable, this,

Not destiny!

When Rocky said this, Lorne decided that this man was the same as himself.Since destiny wants to do it himself, he must disobey this so-called destiny!

At that time, if the man couldn\'t hold his own destiny in his own hands, what was the point?

"You troll!"

Odin stood up and said angrily. He wanted to slap Loki and slap him, but suddenly he covered his chest with a pained expression.

"Defend Your Majesty!"

The giant guards hidden in the shadows swarmed out, guarding Odin behind him, and then surrounded the Rocky group.The sharp spear aimed at Loki\'s head.

"Father has a heart disease, and once the mood fluctuates sharply, he will get sick. You and I know this." At this time, Thor walked out with a pity on his face and said in pain while looking at Loki."You and your father are quick to come, and you often contradict him. I also know that."

"But I didn\'t expect that you would be so cruel and deliberately make him sick. Is that enemy\'s daughter really more important than your own family?"

He directly occupies the commanding heights of morality and completely shifts the responsibility of Odin\'s illness to Loki.

"I..." Loki wanted to plead a few words, but he couldn\'t say anything.At this time a giant with long braids walked behind Thor and handed him a small pill.Thor walked up to Odin, lifted Odin, and gently fed this small pill into Odin\'s mouth.Then he said coldly to Thor in the hall.

"Fortunately, I brought the medicine to treat my father\'s heart disease with me. Now he takes a good rest. There should be nothing serious."

"But you, just stay in jail and wait for the father to wake up and punish you!"

"Take them down! Go into the Giant\'s Prison and reflect on it."

The giant soldiers aimed their spears at Loki.Loki did not resist, letting them tie their hands with a rope.Then escorted to walk outside the hall.

"What to do?" Zhuan Yuan watched several giants holding ropes and came over unkindly, and subconsciously asked Ron the solution.

Her identity is too sensitive.It is impossible to do it in Albuff, this will affect the cooperation between Albuff and the world government.

"Watch the changes." Lorne said slowly, even though the giants didn\'t know that it was him who helped Rocky rescue Lola from the prison.But because he and Zhuan Yuan were brought by Loki, they were also detained.

Because the fruit of the operation can cut objects at will, as long as he is not restricted by Hailoushi, any prison is a joke in front of him.

But because of Zhuan Yuan, the alliance between the world government and Elbaff was involved, and he didn\'t want to tear his face so quickly.

After all, this woman was involved in this dispute because of herself.

The two powerhouses remained motionless, allowing the giants to bind themselves into a zongzi, then lifted them up, followed the soldiers detaining Loki out of the main hall, and walked towards the giant prison.

Before leaving, Lorne set aside the main hall and supported Odin\'s eldest prince with a weird smile on his face.

This country is interesting.

As if he had noticed something, Thor subconsciously raised his head, seeing the backs of the giant soldiers gradually moving away, thoughtfully.Then he waved his hand and said to the plaited giant.

"Check the identity of the human male, and tell me everything he has done since he came to Elbaff."

The braided giant nodded and quickly disappeared into the shadows.At this time, he stood up, made a pity, and said slowly to the princes and ministers who were still in a state of confusion.

"My family is unfortunate, making everyone laugh."

"Now that the father is in a coma, let me administer the court order temporarily."

The first prince and minister reacted, prostrated on the ground, and shouted respectfully.

"Your Majesty Thor!"

At this time, other princes and ministers also reacted, and they also learned the appearance of the first man, crawling on the ground.

"Your Majesty Thor!"

"Your Majesty Thor!"

Listening to the sound of compliments one after another in the hall, Thor nodded in satisfaction.This feeling of holding power is really great.This is also due to Loki\'s cooperation too, otherwise it would take a lot of effort to make the invincible father king\'s mood fluctuate sharply.

At this moment, Thor thought of Loki\'s arrogant look when he refused, and he couldn\'t help but snorted.

"This specially made medicine will give the father a good rest for a while. But you won\'t be lonely either,"

"Because, the human woman you love, I will send her to you soon."

"Who made me your brother? My dear brother."


The giant soldiers opened a cage and threw Lorne and Zhuan Yuan into it.Loki is detained at the bottom of the Giants Prison, guarded by Tom himself.

After such a thing happened, the cat no longer dared to neglect his duty, and even returned the vocal cords to the mouse, and lay down in front of Loki seriously.

The mouse, who finally got his vocal cords back, was very excited, scurrying around in the prison, and even danced in front of him after finding Lorne.
