The Pirate Family

514 Chapter 506

After hearing the news that Karp was still alive, the giant king Odin showed a relieved smile.Human life is extremely short, and he is afraid that he will receive the news of Karp\'s death when he wakes up.

"There are not many interesting people in this world, he counts one." Odin smiled slightly and raised his glass.

"To Kapu for his bravery!"

"To the hero Kapu\'s bravery!" The palace ministers all raised their wine glasses and drank the wine in one go.The strong aroma of wine filled the hall.

"Speaking of it, I haven\'t seen him for a long time." Odin wiped the drink from the corner of his mouth and said softly to Zhuan Yuan."When you go back, tell him, let him come to Albuff at some time and practice boxing with me."

"Recently, the pirates are overwhelming, Teacher Karp is busy dealing with it, and may not be able to spare time." Zhuan Yuan also picked up a glass of wine and replied Odin."But I will tell Mr. Karp."

A burst of magnificent music sounded, and the palace musicians behind him added a festive atmosphere to the banquet.It was a huge drum with a layer of skin of an unknown beast, and the tune was exuberant, with an epic heaviness.

"Is that so?" Odin looked slightly regretful, he closed his eyes and seemed to be immersed in the magnificent music.

However, he recalled what Roger said to him at the top of the palace pyramid.

"Old Odin," the man stood at the highest point in Albuff, pointing his finger at the vast ocean ahead.

"With your strength, it\'s a shame not to be a pirate."

"What\'s your regret?" I was supposed to be sitting on the steps of the pyramid, drinking wine while enjoying the picture of the sun slowly falling into the sea.

The afterglow of the setting sun dyed the earth red, as did Roger\'s face.The guy said excitedly.

"Because pirates are the most free profession in this sea! Sooner or later, I will let this sea be full of men who pursue freedom!"

He firmly said that Roger was short in stature, but in his own eyes at that time, he was taller than the mountain.

I don\'t know why, I was sure at the time that he would definitely achieve this goal.

"Freedom?" Sitting on the throne, Odin suddenly opened his eyes. He waved to the musicians behind him, "At this time, play an elegy! The hero\'s elegy!"

"Use this to pay homage to that man!"

The music turned from magnificent to heavy and sorrowful, like a dead hero muttering to himself before he died, as if he was telling his legendary life. In front of him was filled with immature young people, watching with longing eyes. Hold him.

With the performance of the music, the hero\'s breath became weaker and weaker, but the music became more and more exciting.


The last song ended, like a hero\'s sigh before he died, but all the young people stood up unanimously and walked out to the unknown world outside.

"We are all getting old." Odin sighed and said slowly.

Their era is finally over, and this sea belongs to young people after all.Even if the lifespan of the giants far exceeds that of human beings, he has to admit one thing, that is, the most powerful hero of Albuff has entered his twilight years.

Odin glanced at Thor and Loki in front of him, wondering which one of them could inherit his throne.

"No, father, you will live forever!" Thor stepped forward and bowed slightly to his father, and a giant with a long braid brought a big blue cat into the hall.

At the moment when the big cat appeared, Loki lost consciousness for a moment, but quickly hid the anxiety.Head down and drink silently.

Anyway, the whole country knows that his character is so capricious, no one knows what he is thinking.

"Knowing that you love Tom, father, I specially brought it out of the giant prison, but please don\'t worry, father, now that after Tom has left, I have sent heavy soldiers to guard the prison, absolutely no mouse can escape. "


A fat mouse crawled out of the big blue cat\'s hand and looked at the giants in the hall shiveringly. It has no words to tell. It is clear that it can be free and happy in prison, but it can\'t do anything. Shen, fell into the clutches of that demon.

The whole hall was silent.Thor gave an awkward cough.

"This mouse is Tom\'s friend, so I brought it together."

"Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu." The mouse raised his fat paws as if expressing his dissatisfaction.The cat lazily walked to Odin’s side and rubbed his head against Odin’s leg to show her kiss, but at a glance, he saw Lorne in the hall. The whole cat was stunned, and even his movements changed. It\'s getting stiff.

"What\'s wrong with you, Tom?" Odin found something wrong with the cat and asked suspiciously.

"No, nothing meow!"

The cat replied, and then buried his head, not allowing himself to look at Lorne.

Don\'t let the smelly old man find out that he has let the human woman go, otherwise he will definitely get a bad scolding.

Odin didn\'t think much, and then started drinking.It\'s just that the cat\'s move was completely visible to Thor.

He coughed and said seriously.

"Tom is not only his father\'s pet, but also the patron saint of the entire Elbaff. Under his supervision, the Giant\'s Prison is solid, and no criminal has successfully escaped."

"It is the pride of the entire Elbaff."

"Indeed." Odin nodded. Tom has helped him a lot over the years.Personally take care of the criminals who are guilty.

But when he thought of the sinful prisoner, he subconsciously glanced at the bell that hung on Tom’s neck. This bell held the woman’s daughter. She once committed an unforgivable crime in Albuff. None of the giants can forgive her.

It\'s just that I have to guard Albuff and cannot go to sea to solve her personally, so I have been dragging on, and there is no chance to avenge the "Yoruru" elder.He glanced at the Zhuanyuan on the main hall, and now there was a man from the navy who could use the hands of the world government to deal with that woman.

"Tom, give me the bell on your neck." Odin said slowly to the cat beside him.

"Meow!" The cat yelled, then retracted his neck, but didn\'t move, dare not look into Odin\'s eyes.

Odin realized that something was wrong, and said seriously to the cat,

"Tom, give me the necklace around your neck."

At this time, the cat raised his head reluctantly and allowed Odin to remove the bell.


Odin snorted and smashed the upper end of the bell directly, exposing the hollow inside.

And there is nothing inside!