The Pirate Family

496 Chapter 489 Duel (1)

Although Ron had never met this giant named Wulai, since Jasmine had brought him here, it was considered a great help.

In return, Lorne was willing to help Jasmine deal with some small "troubles."

"Challenge?" Wulai looked at this small human like an ant, and roared with urn sound.

"Only you?"

He was just talking angry, after all, in the hearts of giants, duel is a very serious matter.Wulai wanted to use this to express how important Jasmine was in her heart.

But I didn\'t expect that this little thing really dare to promise himself!

"Can\'t you?" Lorne jumped off Jasmine\'s shoulders and jumped to the ground. He was less than two meters tall. He was a normal human being. Compared with Wulai, who was dozens of meters tall, he was like a small toy. general.

Wulai was about to insult a few words, but suddenly felt a faint power centered on Lorne, spreading everywhere.

"Is this? Overlord\'s egg?" Wu Lai\'s pupils shrank and said condensedly.This kind of power is quite rare even in the giants. Ulay has only experienced the previous giant hero "Waterfall Beard" and the giant prince "Rocky".

So he put away his contempt, and threw his spear heavily on the ground three times.

"You are indeed a respectable opponent, but I won\'t let Jasmine out!"

"So, let\'s use our strength to decide the winner, loser, leave Jasmine!"

The spear hit the ground heavily for the last time, and the earth seemed to feel Wulai\'s determination, and it vibrated slightly. A spider web-like crack, centered on the spear, spread everywhere.

The giants present were all shocked, because using their own weapons to hit the ground three times, it only means one thing, that is, to put the other party in the same position as themselves. You must know that Wulai is the son of the village chief, this village. , And even the giant kingdom are countless strong people!

In the tribe of giants advocating strength, strength represents status!

Why is this little bit in front of him so important to Wulai?

But at this moment, Jasmine, who was the person involved, was stunned. She didn\'t expect that Lorne would stand up for herself.Uke next to him has already begun to disperse the giants around him, clearing a huge circular field for Lorne and Ulay.

In the giant\'s world view, duel is sacred and no one can interfere.

Knowing that the matter could not be changed, Jasmine quietly grabbed a giant child named Wu\'an and said something in his ear gently.After the child listened, he spread his legs and ran into the depths of the village.

"Why, worry about Lorne?" Zhuan Yuan, who was sitting on Jasmine\'s shoulders, joked. She still remembered how Jasmine joked with herself before.

"I\'m worried about Wulai," Jasmine walked to the edge of the field, found a place, and said in a deep voice."After all, Lorne is a pirate!"

She bit the word pirate very hard.

Although this era is the era of the pirates, these free-spirited men, working part-time in burning, killing and plundering, did not leave a good impression on ordinary people.Even in Giant Island where the folkways are simple and the news is blocked, the word pirate is linked to brutality.

"Ulay’s status in the village is particularly special. He is not only the son of the village chief, but also a member of Prince Rocky’s guard. If Lorne hurts him, not only his plans will be blocked. Even the world government and Ai The relationship between Albaf may also be affected by this."

Jasmine is very clear about her identity. She is not only a member of the giant clan, but also a lieutenant admiral of the navy. She is a person who bears the blue justice.Her every move is related to the lives of thousands of ordinary people.

"It\'s so serious," Zhuan Yuan frowned. This is her first time in Elbaff, so she is not clear about the customs here.

"That\'s the case, so I can only pray that Lorne will keep his hand, at least not to make Wulai lose too ugly." Jasmine said slowly.

She was very clear about Wulai\'s strength, but it was precisely because of this knowledge that she believed that Wulai would be defeated.

Because his opponent is that demon!

A young giant race nearby heard Jasmine\'s words and said dismissively.

"Sister Jasmine, I\'m afraid you have stayed overseas for too long, and you have forgotten Big Brother Wulai\'s strength!"

"This kind of smallness, how could it be Wulai\'s opponent!"

He picked up his weapon and slammed it heavily on the ground, shouting at the center of the field.

"Brother Wulai will win! Brother Wulai will win!"

Gradually, other Wulai\'s support was also infected by the young giant, and they yelled with him.

"Brother Wulai will win! Brother Wulai will win!"

The sound and waves are like a tsunami, neat and uniform, overwhelming, and the momentum is like a rainbow!

"It seems you have a lot of little brothers." Lorne said calmly, standing ten meters away from Wulai.

"In the Giants, as long as you have strength, you will have everything!" Wulai\'s muscles were tight, like a beast ready to go.He completely put Lorne in the same position as himself.After all, Lorne is a person with "Overlord\'s Egg". In Wulai\'s memory, everyone with "Overlord\'s Egg" is a monster among monsters, just like the pirate group ten years ago. And... the man who is now in Elbaff.

Being able to fight with the owner of the "Overlord\'s Egg" made Wulai feel passionate Pengbai even thinking about it.

"You go first!" Wulai said, even though the man in front of him has such a terrifying spirit, he is still a small thing after all. If Wulai takes the first shot again, even if he wins, he won\'t be justified.

"Then, it\'s disrespectful." Lorne moved at the moment Ulay spoke.

A circle of smoke rose on the ground, and Lorne disappeared into Ulay\'s sight.

"Fast speed!" Wulai sighed, even though he was already very cautious, but he still underestimated the strength of the man in front of him.At this speed, the naked eye can\'t catch it at all. Even if you use the domineering look and feel, you can only "see" a group of people like shooting stars.

But this was enough. Ulay raised the spear in his hand and poked it at the space above. It was enough for him to feel the danger coming from!

A figure suddenly appeared in the air, just in time with Ulai\'s sharp spear.

"It\'s over, the owner of the Overlord\'s Egg!"

Wulai roared, being able to kill such a strong man made him excited.

And his supporter gave Jasmine a provocative look, as if showing off Wulai\'s tyrannical force.

In response to this, Jasmine could only helplessly shook her head.

"I said, Brother Wulai is invincible!" The young giant said excitedly, but when he turned his head, he was shocked by the sight in front of him.

A huge head fell on the ground and rolled a few times.That is the head of Wulai!