The Pirate Family

495 Chapter 488 Arrived in Elbaff!

"Man? You brought the man back?" Woke glanced at Jasmine, his eyes strange.

"I\'ll just say why you are not interested in the little Wulai of the village chief\'s house. It turns out that you like humans." He said regretfully. "That kid in my family grew up with you. He has been annoying me all these years. , Said she wanted to go to sea to find his sister Jasmine."

In primitive giant villages, young giants like Jasmine with a "petite" figure and good temper are very much loved by the younger generation of giants.

"It\'s not what you think! Uncle Uke!" Jasmine explained blushingly. Elbaff\'s custom is like this. They are quite repulsive of outsiders. If there is no introduction from the clan, any outsider will come here. Driven out by them.

There are usually only two types of people that giants bring home.

One is the benefactor and the other is the lover.

Of course Lorne was not Jasmine\'s benefactor, which was why Jasmine was unwilling to bring Lorne back to Elbaff.

"I have nothing to do with him!" Jasmine explained.She slowly put Zhuan Yuan and Lorne back on the ground.The clouds on his face are not scattered.

She remembered what she said when she left the village, and she wished to find a place to dive in.

"Really?" Woke asked suspiciously.

"Really!" Jasmine explained helplessly.Her face was red.

"That\'s it, Mr. Uke." Lorne explained in a timely manner. Without explaining to Jasmine, the little girl might find a gap and get in.

His clothes were stained with some Neptune-like blood stains and looked a little dirty.

"That\'s good!" Wu Ke was relieved, he smiled honestly, he lifted his huge fish basket and shook it."Hurry up and go back to the village with me. I just caught these fishes and just went back to have a banquet!"

Lorne took a look at Jasmine and found that she hadn\'t said anything, so he walked into the deep forest with Uke with confidence.

Everything on this island is very big, ordinary shrubs are several meters high, and the big trees beside the road can\'t even see the canopy.Lorne and his party followed Uke around in the dense forest, and finally saw a puff of smoke, and a thatched village appeared in front of them.

Several giant little pirates were playing football in the village. The ball was made of the skin of a certain beast. It was extremely tough. A little giant kicked and rolled in front of everyone.

"It\'s naughty." Uke picked up the animal skin ball and threw it back at the little giant."Who do you see is back?"

"Sister Jasmine!"

After seeing Jasmine, the little giants put down the ball, and came to the side of the giantess alive, excited.

"Why grow so tall, Little Wu\'an?" Jasmine smiled and stroked a little giant\'s head, then took a handful of candy from her body and gave it to the little guys.

This is the candy she specially asked Ron to prepare. Every beancurd has a bigger head.

"Thank Sister Jasmine!" The little guys took the candy, jumped up excitedly, and then slowly left Jasmine\'s side.

From beginning to end, they didn’t care about the two of Lorne and Zhuan Yuan standing on Jasmine’s shoulders.

Because in the hearts of these little giants, they are already the shortest people in the village, and there is no one who is shorter than themselves in this world.

"These little guys are easy to send." Uke said pointedly."Wait later, do you want me to speak for you."

"No need!" Jasmine said slowly when he saw a young male giant wearing animal skins and riding a huge Kodo beast approaching here.

The giant with a braid, strong muscles, carrying a bone spear, and an unknown beast on the bone spear, should have just returned from hunting.

The one that should come will come!

"Jasmine! You will finally come, do you want to marry me!" The young giant jumped off the Kodo, and threw his prey aside.When she came to Jasmine, she made a gesture to hug her.

"I said that the people outside the sea don\'t have a good thing! They are all weak and incompetent rats!"

"Combine with me! Our child must be the best in the village!"

"You misunderstood, Wulai." Jasmine pushed the young giant away, frowning."I have a mission when I come back."

"Others don\'t like you, so why should you lick your face and lick your face?" Zhuan Yuan, who was standing on Jasmine\'s shoulders, said coldly. As Jasmine\'s good best friend, she certainly knew why Jasmine had to go to sea in the first place. Unbearable the harassment of this giant in front of him.

"Who are you? Little human race?" Wulai looked at Zhuan Yuan cautiously.

Unlike those kids, he knew something about the open sea, so he knew that outside the sea, there was a race named "human" that looked similar to the giants but was several times shorter.

Zhuan Yuan snorted coldly, and did not answer Wulai\'s words.Her identity is very embarrassing, although she hates this Ulay very much, but due to the above order to maintain a friendly relationship with Albuff, it is inconvenient to befriend these giants.

At this time, Wulai finally saw Ron sitting on Jasmine\'s shoulders and resting on her snow-white neck, and said jealously.

"Who are you! Why are you here!"

At this time, he remembered what Jasmine had said when she went to sea, and said to Jasmine in disbelief.

"Is this the husband you chose?"

Lorne, Zhuan Yuan: "???"

Jasmine\'s face turned red, but she still said in a cold voice, "It has nothing to do with you, Wulai."

"It doesn\'t matter to me! Jasmine, you don\'t like me at all, but this man is so weak and his arms are so thin that he can\'t even beat the big dogs at the entrance of the village. How can I protect you!"

Wulai said angrily. He looked at Lorne, his eyes full of hatred.

He drew out the spear he had stuck to the side and aimed it at Lorne who was sitting on the shoulder of Zhuan Yuan.

"I want to fight you!"

Lorne: "???"

"Don\'t mess around, Wulai." Jasmine said coldly, and opened Wulai\'s spear. "I don\'t like you. It has nothing to do with you. Even if you beat White Beard, I I won\'t like you either!"

Wulai didn\'t understand who the white beard in Jasmine\'s mouth was, but he was dazzled by love and immediately lifted his spear and walked out of the village.

"I\'m going to kill that white beard!"

At this time, many people from the village gathered here and surrounded them.The eyes of the little giants were full of curiosity. It turned out that the two people on the shoulders of Sister Jasmine were not toys, while the older giants were full of helplessness. They were not easy to intervene in such things.

Jasmine touched her forehead helplessly, trying to persuade Wulai, with Wulai\'s character, it is really possible to go directly to the sea to challenge Whitebeard.Although she hated this man, she still couldn\'t bear to watch him go to death.

Challenge the white beard, it is really possible to die!

But before Jasmine spoke, Ron, who had been sitting on his shoulders, suddenly spoke slowly.

"I accept your challenge."