The Pirate Family

485 Chapter 478 Killing You Time And Time

This is a blind spot in everyone\'s heart. When they knock down the enemy, they will instinctively think that they are safe, so they put down their vigilance.Aoya has used this trick to assassinate many powerful men, including some prominent figures.

The moment Jody turned sideways, Aoya didn\'t even think about it, and his other hand cut across Ya Ze\'s body from another angle.

Two swords are inevitable!

This woman, Biaze is even more dangerous!

This is Jodi’s judgment. If it is an ordinary strong man, he will definitely hate Oya’s assassination, but who is Jody?It was the strong man killed from that hell. He gritted his teeth and gathered the armed colors of his whole body on his arms. The dark and sturdy arm collided with the dagger wrapped in cutting aura!

But at this moment, Jodi suddenly felt weak, and his body movements were a little more unnatural. Is this the ability of Yaze that the boss said?

After killing him, he was really weakened.


The two made a harsh sound like metal rubbing, and a sharp sword aura was wrapped around the dagger. It easily opened the domineering defense of Jodi\'s arm. Jodi\'s face changed drastically, and he quickly stepped back, but it was too late. .

The dagger tore through Jodi\'s skin, and blood splattered over the hall. Jodi\'s face was dignified with his back leaning against the first-story spiral staircase..

He clutched his right arm, blood dripping down the arm to the ground continuously.

Converge into a small drip.

A huge crack appeared on his arm, white bones were faintly visible, and blood kept flowing out of this crack.

Aoya, if you don\'t make a move, you can turn the tide of the battle instantly. This is the assassin!

At this time, at the top of the tower of worship, the man and the woman who were reading the book stopped the movements in their hands.Said softly.

"Big Brother Jody seems to be injured, shall I go down and take a look?"

"En." The man replied lightly without lifting his head.

The girl who got the answer showed a happy smile, she walked out of the room, and a pair of white wings grew from behind her, like an angel!

"Now, how many times can you kill me?"

On the first floor of the Tower of Sacrifice, Ya Ze showed a playful smile on his face. He and Ao Ya had cooperated with this trick many times, and they were naturally intimate, and many powerful men were in their hands.

Suolang closed his mouth again, and his mood was like riding a roller coaster, ups and downs.When Jody "killed" Yaze just now, he thought it was all over.He understands the rules of the Vennhill family, this group of villains will not let any traitor go.

But the development of things took a turn for the worse. He didn\'t expect that Jody hadn\'t been proud for long, and he was hit hard in a flash.Sure enough, none of these famous big pirates are in vain.

"Haha." Jody snorted coldly, without continuing to argue.

He was careless. The reason why he was hit hard was because he misassessed the weakening of Yaze\'s ability, failed to adjust his physical state, and did not anticipate Oya\'s ability, and did not expect this woman\'s ability to be effective in armed sex. Domineering has such a powerful restraint effect.

But if you lose, you lose. Jody didn\'t intend to argue with anything. As a pirate, the winner is always king!

He snorted coldly, took off the remaining clothes on his body, and wrapped it around his arm. The body was strong enough to his level. Although the recovery was not comparable to those of the animal type fruit ability awakeners, as long as the bleeding was stopped, it could still be simple. Of activities.

"To deal with you, one hand is enough!" Jody said proudly. He stretched out his remaining right hand and waved at Yaze.

His eyes were full of provocation.


How could Yaze endure this provocation, he bowed his body and rushed towards Jodi, behind him, the ghosts flew like a Hundred Ghosts!


"Ghost grip!"


The dark fist and the hideous ghost hand collided together, and a shock wave spread from the place where the two punched their fists, raising countless dust.

"How did you hit me just now?" Yaze laughed grimly. He felt that this man who was as fierce as a beast, his fists were not as fierce as before.He controls a ghost, attached to Jodi’s arm,

"Here!" Jodi yelled, and a secret energy passed from his arm to Yaze\'s body. He was almost killed by the former chief of the city, Wei, and Jodi also secretly learned. One move Wei\'s secret skills, and later learned his priest fighting skills with Ron.

At this time, he completely mastered the technique of burying an Jin.


The ghost attached to Jody\'s arm exploded furiously, and Jody\'s whole person was blown up, his left hand was weakly drooped, and there were traces of anxiety on his skin.

But Jody didn\'t feel complacent for long, his face changed, and he felt a little strange in his body, as if a mass of energy was running around in his arm.When he was about to rush to the position of his heart, an explosion suddenly happened!


Yaze\'s body was blown apart!Like a rain of blood scattered, the black air current filled the hall once again.

Yaze, died again!

Outside the tower of worship, the first pirate of the five-person team has arrived, headed by a stupid expression, allowing a black air current to flow into his body, and then Yaze once again moved from his body. Climbed out, like a ghost returning from hell!

"Damn it! Damn it!"

Yaze yelled frantically. He didn\'t expect that he had done nothing and had died three times!

Although death was a trivial matter to him, death in the hands of this humble opponent, Jody, made him feel humiliated.

Before his body was completely condensed, he couldn\'t wait to rush into the interior of the sacrificial tower. The humiliation he suffered could only be washed away by the blood of his opponent!

But the moment Yaze stepped into the sacrificial tower, a gate made of silver-white metal, Lorne, went down and replaced the gate blasted by Yaze, isolating the tower from the inside and outside.

"Why, are you doing it yourself?"

After Yaze fell through the door, he calmed down and looked at Jody, who was standing in front of him, with sarcasm.

This man, his proud double punches have been destroyed, what did he use to fight himself?

"No," even so, there was no trace of fear on Jodi\'s face, he looked straight into Yaze\'s eyes and said lightly.

"I\'m just afraid that you will run away."

"I can kill you the first time, the second time, I will definitely kill you many times."

Jody said calmly, with a certain tone.