The Pirate Family

484 Chapter 477: A Man Who Is Not Afraid of Death

Suolang was stunned by Jodi\'s look, but he glanced at Yaze who was standing in the front, and his whole body stiffened.He said bitterly.

"Yes, I will take back all the dignity that your Wienhill family took away from me!"

None of the people present care about Suolang’s anger, just like when two lions are fighting each other, they never care what the sheep think, even if this sheep is their prey, it caused them to fight. the reason.

This is not important at all, there is only another lion in the eyes of a lion!

Yaze stared at Jodi fiercely. He didn\'t know why Jodi, who was supposed to be in the factory, was in this place, but since he encountered it, there was no reason to escape.

He is the King Seven Martial Sea, the most dazzling new star in this sea, how could he be afraid of such a little-known little figure like Jody?!

"The ghost is good at dancing!" Yaze waved his hand, and countless black ghosts flew out of his body.

This is all the souls he collected.

"A lot of acrobatics." Jody touched his head, smiled honestly, then beckoned to Ya Ze, the whole person disappeared.

Jody appeared in front of Ya Ze, the dark, armed color wrapped around his arm, and hit Ya Ze in the abdomen with a punch.

It\'s him!

As a senior cadre of the Wienhill family, he has been following Lorne\'s elders from the advancement of the city. He has never lacked the opportunity to obtain devil fruits, and there are even quite powerful ones, but every time, he refused. .

Because Jody only believes in one thing all his life, and that is his fist!


Ya Ze\'s face became distorted, and the whole person was directly knocked into the air, hitting the wall on the first floor of the tower of worship.

The Veenhill family once played a game. Without using abilities and weapons, the strongest fighting ability was not Ainilu, who used thunder and lightning all the year round, nor Lorne, who was good at priest fighting skills, and he was not a natural skin. Fat tiger with thick flesh.

"Is this what you are capable of as King Qiwuhai?" Jody sneered, his body disappeared again and appeared in front of Yaze.

"Orca chisel!"

With his hands clenched into fists, he constantly blasted towards Yaze\'s body embedded in the wall.


His fists were as fast as lightning, making it hard to see his movements. At this time, Jody had completely turned into a killing machine.

The killer whale is the largest conventional predator in this sea. It is famous for its ferocity and cruelty. Every time Jodi\'s boxing is like an orca struggling, it slams into Yaze\'s body.

The blood seeped from the wall and fell on the ground with a hint of coquettishness.


Jody took a deep breath and gathered all his power on his right arm. The armed color on his fist was as black as an abyss, and he blasted towards Yaze.


This indestructible wall, made of unknown material, started to crack, and the cracks grew bigger and bigger, gradually covering the whole wall.

The sacrificial tower began to shake violently, as if a major earthquake had occurred!

A certain man reading a book upstairs put down the book in his hand and frowned, but then stretched out again.

"It seems that Jody has been wronged over the years."

After saying this, the man waited until the shaking subsided a little, and then started reading again.Next to him, there was a young girl with long white hair, who was also reading the book quietly.

On the first floor of the Tower of Sacrifice, Suo Lang stared at the scene blankly, opening his mouth wide in disbelief.

He couldn\'t connect the mass of fleshy mud in front of him with the famous king Qiwuhai, the powerful pirate, and the ghost hand Yaze.

Yes, if Jodi didn\'t make a move, he completely overwhelmed Yaze, and he did not give the opponent a chance to resist.

A black air stream flowed out of the mass of fleshy mud and rushed into the strong Han Tok\'s body. The man accepted all this with a mule expression. His muscles atrophy. At the moment when his consciousness was about to disappear, his eyes suddenly recovered. After Qingming, he looked bitterly at the black shadow that gradually condensed before his eyes.

His lips squirmed slightly, as if he was sending out the most vicious curse in the world.

"I am waiting for you."

After the resurrection, Yaze looked at Jody with a hint of sarcasm in his eyes.

"Presumably Lorne has already told you about my abilities,"

"Fisher Tiger killed me fifteen times, Seaman Jinping killed me seventeen times, Hawkeye Mihawk killed me twenty-one times."

"How many times can you kill me?"

After gaining this ability, the one thing Yaze was least afraid of was death. His frontal combat ability was not strong, and there were countless people who could kill him in this sea.But in the end, these people all lost in their own hands.

Without exception.

Yaze\'s favorite thing is to watch those people who think they have invincible power in the world, after killing himself many times, their power is weakened and collapsed.

At the time of his resurrection, he had already issued an order to the pirates who had gone to the arsenal, asking them to come here immediately.

These pirates are the remnants of Lilu and Tok. There are hundreds of people in total. Each of them is controlled by Yaze and can become the embryo of Yaze\'s resurrection.

In other words, on the sky island alone, Yaze has hundreds of lives. What does this Jody fight against himself?

"Enough to kill you will never get up again."

Jody said disdainfully, the power gathered in him.

But at this time, Jody suddenly felt a cold back in his back.This was a warning given to him by the domineering look and feel. Without even thinking about it, Jody instinctively turned sideways, rubbed his back with a sharp dagger, and melted down.

With the cutting edge on the dagger, Jody\'s fragile shirt instantly shattered into pieces.

As an assassin, Oya understands that the most important thing for an assassin is to learn how to kill the enemy.

You have never been stronger in this world, and the winner must be your rule.The strong will not necessarily win, but the strong must win!As an assassin, her destiny is to act when the enemy\'s vigilance is most vulnerable.

Therefore, she didn\'t do anything when Jodi appeared, because she didn\'t know Jodi\'s strength.

She still didn\'t do anything when Jodi provoked, because in her opinion, winning is the biggest provocation.

She still didn\'t do anything when Jody killed Yaze!Because she knew that death was an indifferent thing to Ya Ze.

She was waiting for the best opportunity, so when Jodi was ready to deal with Yaze, she moved.

Her body twisted into an unbelievable angle and stabbed behind Jodi!