The Pirate Family

447 Chapter 441 Bait

Doflamingo once explained to himself that any devil fruit can be awakened.

The awakening of the animal devil fruit can obtain a powerful recovery ability, as well as some characteristics of this animal.

After the natural devil fruit is awakened, it becomes the natural element itself, which can easily and permanently change the terrain of an area.

The awakening of the Superman Devil Fruit can change the surrounding environment.

For example, he himself can transform all the surrounding buildings into thin lines.

At that time, Lorne didn\'t know what to do. He couldn\'t imagine what would happen after he awakened?Turn people around into perception?

That is too abstract. Lorne believes that the essence of fruit awakening is either to tap the potential of the fruit at a deeper level and strengthen its effect, or to expand the scope of the fruit from oneself to others, or to conceptualize it.

When he realized this, Lorne suddenly became clear.He seems to have fallen into a misunderstanding.

The essence of perceiving fruits is to strengthen one\'s five senses, to make oneself hear more clearly, see farther, and be able to observe the world from a third perspective.

However, Lorne developed a "illusion killer" that changes the opponent\'s perception, and a "distorted illusion" that controls the opponent through perception.

Thinking about it now, isn\'t this another characteristic of fruit awakening, which expands the scope of fruit and conceptualizes it?

I completed the fruit awakening a long time ago.

Since his own ability to fruit awakening can control others, then Lorne needs to verify his conjecture.

"Creating a god?" Gachi was unclear, but his boss had always been a godly god, and he didn\'t ask anything.

After taking out a pair of needles from the cold storage room and taking a tube of blood from Ron, he said lightly.

"The laboratory has limited beds. Remember to take this thing away in a few days."

It takes more than five years for normal clone fighters to grow from embryos into individuals.

But that\'s all because of the need to control costs in the case of mass production. Now that the Wienhill family has a big business, they don\'t care about it.

"Okay, I am waiting for your good news."

Lorne took off his sleeves.At this time, he was wearing a white robe and a pair of round-frame glasses, and his long black hair was neatly organized, matching his gentle smile.

It\'s not like a gangster who is dominating the ocean, but like a gentle teacher.

After speaking, he walked out of the laboratory. Violet had been waiting outside for a long time. After seeing Lorne coming out, he said quickly.

"The bait you put out last time was hooked."


"Solang." Violet said faintly, "The slave ship sent him to Bubble Island, and then passed through the slave trade center there. After several rounds, he finally reached the hands of a pirate group that occupied an island. ."

"It seems that their ambitions are not small." Lorne said lightly. In this developed shipping world, a craftsman who can build ships is an extremely rare talent.

"Yes, it is said that they have been peeping at the territory left by Skee before, and they have been in constant conflict with Sea Knight Gaia."

Violet said lightly.

"But this is not the point. After Suolang gained stability, he went around to denigrate you, Young Master, saying that you crossed the river and demolished the bridge, ungrateful."

"It fits his character very well." Lorne didn\'t fluctuate in his mood.

He is indeed very kind to his family, but he has never regarded this Suolang as his family.

"After the news that he had worked for the Weinhill family, his worth doubled, and even the little pirates offered him, hoping to get some family secrets."

"But just a day ago," Violet said slowly as he changed his voice.

"Soran was robbed."

"Judging from the traces left on the battlefield, the person who robbed him is most likely the woman under his command, Ji Aoya, the ghost demon."

It turned out to be her.

Lorne remembered the woman with outstanding temperament wearing a red cheongsam during the Seven Wuhai Meeting of the King.

She didn\'t know that Yaze had been controlled by Huo, and she was still trying her best to fight for Yaze\'s position at the meeting.

"Aze has a good group of companions." Lorne said with a smile. The reward he issued in the underground world was very clear. That is that Yaze has offended me. Anyone who wants to help him will be regarded as Veenxi. Enemies of the Er family.

At this juncture, Oya even dared to do so, that is, pushing herself to the opposite of the Wienhill family.

"remarkably brave."

This was Lorne\'s evaluation, and at the same time, he also felt that there was some good luck. Originally, Suolang was a bait for Huo, but he didn\'t expect this Yaze to bite him without even thinking about it.

"Is the empty island set up?" Lorne asked Violet.

"Already ready." Violet said lightly.

"According to your instructions, after all the residents of Sky Island have moved to Sky City, we will transform Sky Island into a prison."

"Okay." Lorne nodded without saying much.

But at this time, a phone worm on Violet suddenly rang.

"After so long, have those guys finally couldn\'t sit still?" Lorne said lightly, then motioned to Violet to connect.

This phone worm is dedicated to the king\'s Qi Wuhai, and only the five old stars and a few of the high-ranking navy can call here.

They contacted themselves for only one reason, and that was to adjust the contradiction between themselves and Yaze.

"Lorne, are you crazy?"

As soon as the telephone worm was connected, an old man yelled at him.

"Why are you posting a reward for Yaze in the underground world?"

"Because he offended me." Lorne said non-committal.

"Then you can\'t do this," said the Warring States angrily.

"The Seven Martial Seas under Kings are part of the three major forces in the New World. They must be united against foreign enemies."

The Warring States period had some headaches. The navy had a decisive battle with Kaido just now. Although Zefa was successfully retaken, the latter lost its combat effectiveness permanently.If you start fighting again, you may be taken advantage of by others.

"Yaze counted against me, I almost died there." Lorne said lightly, and a single sentence blocked the phone worm from the other side of the Warring States period.



The two were silent for a while, and after a while, the Warring States Period said.

"Then do you have a suitable candidate for King Qi Wuhai."

Because of the destruction of Slanka, he didn\'t know what happened on the island. Now that he heard Ron say this, he decisively regarded Azer as an abandoned son.

After all, Lorne\'s "Wynhill Armed Company" has businesses all over the world, and even within the Navy, a considerable part of the weapons and equipment are produced by Weynhill, and Lorne himself is also a strong veteran.

Putting two people together, fools know who to choose.