The Pirate Family

446 Chapter 440 Create God!

"I have had a little accident here, I will call you after I finish processing."

The clown man slowly hung up the phone worm.There was a slight smile at the man behind him.

"My task doesn\'t include solving the traitors. Don\'t force me to do it, Barreiros."

"This is the reason why I left the navy.

Barreiros said with a gloomy expression.

"Your task should be to steal this fruit before the transaction. After all,"

"The navy is glorious and a symbol of justice." Barreiros said sarcastically.

"The righteous navy never trades with us dirty pirates."

"Whatever you say."

The clown snapped his fingers, and the alley became extremely silent.

This is his ability, the fruit of silence. After the ability is used, no sound will be produced within a certain range.

The reason why they are ambushed is because the navy internally reasoned based on the habits of Barreiros and Modo that these two insatiable pirates are very likely to blackmail the navy after the transaction is completed.

So simply don\'t do two things, and get this fruit by eating black.

However, sending the clown man over is also a helpless move. Most of the navy\'s energy has been held back by the two things that happened in the new world before, and it can\'t be released at all.

Otherwise, sending a lieutenant general directly over, wouldn\'t it be safe to do so.

Barreiros is obviously not used to the suddenly peaceful environment, but the clown man has no plans to fight Barreiros. He throws a smoke bomb, and then disappears in the smoke bomb. Without a trace.

The fallen Navy Diez Barreiros, once a brigadier-level officer in the Navy, was a good old man with a simple and honest character. However, after the incident about six or seven years ago, his personality changed drastically and he blatantly defected from the Navy and became A pirate.

However, even though he became a pirate, Barreiros\'s strength was beyond doubt, and the clown man was not sure of victory.

The smoke cleared, and the figure of the clown man disappeared without a trace. Barreiros furiously punched the wall of the alley. The wall cracked every inch and the house collapsed.

This was so, and he couldn\'t calm his heart down, he chose to leave after he wrecked a circle around here.


On the other side of the wall, the clown man leaned against the wall, took out a lighter and lit a cigarette for himself.

He didn\'t run very far, he kept standing here watching Barreiros\' performance.

But just after the cigarette was half burned, he suddenly heard the sound of a person applauding.


"You\'re endless, knowing that I can\'t catch it..." The clown man turned his head and said impatiently.But after seeing the person who came, he was suddenly stunned.

"I didn\'t expect that Qi Wuhai\'s younger brother would be a spy planted by the navy."

Jody clapped and walked slowly in front of the clown man.Said sarcastically.

"I\'m very curious, if Doflamingo learns about this, what kind of expression will appear on his face."

"What do you mean, Mr. Corazon."

"People from the Wienhill family!" Corason stubbed out the cigarette, his face uncertain.

He is different from Modo. As the core cadre of the Don Quixote family, he certainly knows Jodi, who is a solid ally of Don Quixote, the Wienhill family.

Modo, Barreiros, they don\'t know themselves, so they can stay alive, but this Jody can\'t let him go anyway!

The identity of one\'s navy spy can never be revealed!

"Have you killed yourself?" Jody said playfully.After finding out the location of the fruit of the operation, he no longer had to pretend to be that silly appearance.

"It just so happens that I am also interested in this thing in your hand."

Jody said playfully.


Ten minutes later.Jody took the suitcase and walked out of the pile of rubble.Under the absolute power gap, any ability tricks are meaningless.

Whether it was physical strength, speed, or mastery of domineering, Jodi completely suppressed Coralzon.If it weren\'t for Lorne\'s order, he wouldn\'t be prepared to stay alive.

And because of his identity, Corazon would never mention this matter to Doflamingo, so he could only swallow the pain himself.

Jodi came to the port of Mini Island, ready to board the ship he had prepared and leave here.But he was stopped by someone.

The old man who asked Jody to clean up the paper dust looked at Jody carefully, as if he wanted to see if the other party did nothing bad.

But just when he was about to say something, he was stopped by someone, and a young man ran over in a panic. There was still a fire and dead words in the words.

Hearing this, the old man didn\'t have time to entangle with Jodi and left quickly.

Lying comfortably in the cabin, Jody took out a phone bug and said to the other side.

"Boss, I got things."

"Got it." A man\'s slacking voice came from the other end of the phone worm, and the other side was leaning, as if writing something.

He took out the peach heart fruit in the box, examined it carefully, and then asked suspiciously.

"But I don\'t know what\'s so good about this thing, but it\'s able to perform operations on people. As far as the treatment is concerned, isn\'t Xiao Anqian\'s ability better? There are no side effects."

"Because the biggest use of the fruits of surgery is not to treat people." Lorne said lightly.

"Don\'t use this fruit, help me get it back safely."

The biggest use of the fruit of surgery is to perform immortal surgery for a person, but once the surgery is performed, the capable person will die on the spot.

Lorne didn\'t want to risk his subordinates\' lives.

"I know the boss, I don\'t want to be a capable person like yours. As a pirate, I can\'t even swim."

Jody said dismissively.

"That\'s fine." Lorne said lightly, and then hung up the phone worm.

Inside the laboratory of sky city.

Lorne put down the quill in his hand and handed a bunch of data to Gage, who was sitting opposite him.

"Can you make this for me?"

Jiaji took the data, looked at it, and said with a frown.

"Isn\'t this about adjusting your physical fitness to the level of an ordinary person, and then creating a clone?"

"Yes, yes, you just need to provide some blood, and then cultivate it in the culture room for three days."

"How much." Lorne said lightly.

"Minimum 100cc, maximum 1000cc, and then at least three weeks."

"The more blood provided, the faster the culture."

"Okay, then I\'ll accompany you to the laboratory to get some blood."

"But I have a question, what does it mean for you to cultivate a clone?" Gage asked doubtfully. The physical fitness required by Lorne is similar to that of a navy recruit.For a scientist like him who has studied the gene industry for most of his life, it is just a piece of cake.

"What are you doing." Lorne took a deep breath and said playfully.

"Create God."