The Pirate Family

443 Chapter 437 "Big Business"

North Sea, Mini Island.

A bald man set foot on the island in a boat, took off his sunglasses, and the sun was a little dazzling.

Mini Island is a small and moderately prosperous island. Because it is adjacent to the navy branch, ordinary pirates dare not invade.In addition, it is rich in oak that can be used for shipbuilding, so the residents of the island can live and work in peace.

"Is this here?" The man smiled comfortably, and then lit the information in his hand.

The soot fluttered with the wind and fell to the ground.You can vaguely see the words Fruit, Trade, Vulture Pirates, three weeks later.

"You young man has no quality at all!"

Just as the man was about to leave, a shriveled old man grabbed his clothes and said viciously.

"Are you talking about me again?" The bald man didn\'t react for a while, pointing to himself and asked in surprise.

"Is there anyone here besides you?" The old man yelled angrily, pointing at the paper dust scattered on the ground.

"It is you filthy people from the outer islands that make the neat Mini Island messy."

It turned out to be the paper dust scattered on the ground.

The bald man said with a smile, bent down and picked up the dust on the ground with his hands, and asked casually.

"The law and order here is pretty good."

In the era of big pirates, residents of other islands saw a stranger and their first reaction was whether the person was a pirate.

The old man rushed over and shouted at himself, seeing that he had never experienced a pirate invasion.

"Of course!" When the old man heard others praise him for being here, his spirits suddenly came to him.

"Next to this island is the G23 branch of the Navy. The King of the North Sea, Colonel Scarlo the Whale Slayer is here, who dares to come?!"

"Is that so?"

The bald man threw the paper ashes into the trash can beside him, clapped his hands and said lightly.

"Then you have good luck."

King of the North Sea?He has never heard of this title, and perhaps the former Vinsmoke and Don Quixote families have this qualification.

But as Gage was taken over by his family and Doflamingo led the Don Quixote family into the new world, Beihai no longer had the power to convince the crowd.

A country that has not experienced artillery fire may be able to continue peacefully, but it will never be able to get out of the famous strong.

Once their protective umbrella disappears, this small and weak country will be swallowed up by this cruel era in an instant.

Moreover, this so-called G23 branch of the Navy is not a guardianship umbrella.

At least in the eyes of the bald man, all the naval branches outside the great route are insignificant.

The old man kept smiling after seeing the bald man putting away all the ashes.

"It\'s a good thing to make corrections if you know your mistakes. Don\'t let me see you throwing rubbish!"

"Oh, by the way, what\'s your name, I want to notify the people of the Health Administration to stare at you."

The bald man had been nodding his head and repeatedly saying yes. After hearing the old man ask his name, he was taken aback for a while, then put on his sunglasses and smiled.

"Jodi. Carlos Jodi."


After separating from the old man, Jody started looking for the bar.

When Jodi stepped into this tavern called "Woodpecker House", at least Wushuang\'s eyes noticed him.

And looked at him all over.

Experienced bounty hunters can judge whether the opponent is carrying a weapon by the protrusion of the clothes.

After simply judging that Jodi did not carry any weapons, they continued to drink.But the eyes never left Jodi.

Experience tells them that the hands of those who come are covered with the blood of many people. In this era, killing someone means that they have a reward on their backs.If the target gets drunk later, they don\'t mind making a little extra money.

However, Jody ignored the peeping of the people around him, instead he walked directly to the bar and ordered a glass of wine. After three rounds of wine, the drinkers began to talk loudly.

They talked about everything, but the most lively thing discussed during this period was that one.

"Hey, do you know that there is another big news in the new world!" a red-haired drunk man suddenly said.

"What are you talking about?" his companion asked drunkly.

"What else, of course, is that thing in the newspaper the other day!" the drunkard said excitedly.

"About the battle between Hawkeye Mihawk and Red-haired Shanks in the new world of Slanka!"

There was a lot of rumors about this incident, and the decisive battle between two top swordsmen destroyed a rich island.This makes the pirates who worship power surging.

"But, I have inside information!" the drunkard said mysteriously.

"It was not the duel of the two swordsmen that really destroyed Slanka."

"I know, how can human power be so terrifying, isn\'t this nonsense?" His companion deeply agreed.

"I heard that the demon Lorne was also watching the duel of two top swordsmen on the island, one of the seven seas of the king at that time. But I don\'t know why, he encountered another king, the sea of ​​Qiwu, the ghost hand Aze."

"The two had a dispute. The demon Lorne directly used the secret weapon of the Wienhill family and razed the entire Slanka to the ground."

"But Yaze escaped, and the angry Lorne directly released a reward in the underground world."

"Is it so scary?" his companion said dumbfounded."What weapon can destroy an island at once?"

"Don\'t you understand?" The drunk looks so strange to you.

"I have a friend who is a shipbuilder, and he told me that there has always been a legend in the shipbuilding industry, that is, there is a supreme ship in the legend that it is easy to destroy an island with one shot."

"In the new world where the strong are like clouds, is it weird to own such a ship?"

"Not surprising." The other man raised his glass.


He murmured after he drank the wine in the glass.

"New world!"

Which man does not yearn for such a free and wanton life?


It was almost time, and Jody didn\'t pay attention to the chatting of these pirates, but asked the bartender pretending to be drunk.

"Do you have anything here? What pirate group is recruiting helpers."

Like most small islands, the tavern on Mini Island is also open all night, and part-time functions such as "exchanging information", "publishing rewards", "calling companions" and so on.

The reason why Jodi asked this was because according to intelligence, it was a small group of pirates who got the thing, and they were going to make a deal with the Navy in a few days.

However, it may be due to lack of strength and fear of being caught up in the navy. During this time, he was recruiting troops.

Sure enough, after Jodi asked, a strong man with a beard sitting in the corner suddenly raised his head and looked at Jodi carefully.

"Try him for me." The brawny man said lightly.