The Pirate Family

442 Chapter 436 News from Elbaff

The Tengu man retracted his hand, and also took back his inner excitement.

Heral is right. A man like Kaido is a beast no matter how badly he is injured.

Only another beast can defeat a beast.

Like a group of lions, young lions provoke the elderly lion king and compete for the position of leader.

"Will this man named Lorne be that lion?"

The tengu man murmured, his eyes lit up.

After the defeat of the Guangyue clan, Kazuki has always had a legend, that is, under the command of General Guangyue, the legendary warriors were not killed. Kaido\'s revenge!

These revenge warriors are called "Akasaku Nine Group".

This legend is the driving force that supports the tengu man\'s survival.

He has been waiting for ten years, and he doesn\'t care about waiting another ten years.

But, the people of Wano Country, can you wait any longer?

Tengu men don\'t know.But he rekindled his confidence, ready to summon old friends, ready to respond to the call at any time.

People are such a simple creature. What they need has always been the flame of "hope".


At the site of Sri Lanka, Lorne was sitting on a simple raft, playing with a badge in his hand.

The badge is about the size of a dinner plate, and the front is engraved with a crossed hammer and sword pattern.

According to Shanks, this is the pass of Elbaff, the kingdom of giants. If ordinary people go there without this thing, they will be regarded as an intruder and then expelled.

However, the way to get to Elbaff was very complicated, and Shanks himself didn\'t know it. He had saved a giant by accident and was invited to arrive.

The only thing I know is that the place where Albuff is located is a windless zone.To go there, you must travel through the territory of White Beard.

"It\'s really troublesome." Lorne thought that he had a headache. He had already offended two four emperors. If he offends another white beard, he shouldn\'t want to hang on in this sea.

"Father, father, you really have a problem for me."

Lorne muttered to himself, and then put the badge away.

Elbaff is a must.Not to mention there is a secret about onepiece, even if there is only a word from Caesar, Lorne has to go.

After all, that is the only person in this world who is related to him by blood.

And Ron had already thought about how to get to Elbaff.

There are many giants and pirates in this sea, such as the small garden island at the entrance of the paradise and the two guarding the gate of the justice island.Lorne was about to grab one to act as his guide.

After all, these giants always know the way home.

Garrett sat aside, playing with his fingers boringly, the crimson diamond ring on the index finger of his left hand glowing brightly.

Maybe it\'s been too long, Garrett felt a little sleepy, so he stood up, walked behind Ron, hugged him, and then closed her eyes against Ron\'s solid back.

"This raft is a bit crude, thank you very much."

Lorne touched Garrett\'s smooth hair, and a faint fragrance of a girl came from it.

This ship was made by stitching them together with wooden planks scattered around Slanka.Because of the big bang, the fishes in the nearby waters were all scared away, and Lorne had no choice but to go out to sea through this simple ship.

Fortunately for him, the people of the Red-haired Pirates group are even more miserable. They have a whole boat crowded on a small raft.Fortunately, the members of the Red-haired Pirates are all optimistic and don\'t care about these.

At parting, Shanks waved his hands, bid farewell to Lorne, and said triumphantly.

They will leave the new world for a while, and meet again later, they may be enemies.

He will not be merciful.

Of course, Lorne didn\'t care about this. Such words were nothing more than angry words among friends.

But there is one thing more important than this.

Lorne\'s eyes froze, revealing a trace of killing intent. He took out the phone bug and dialed a number.

"Blu Blu Blu."

"Hey, this is Violet." An intellectual female voice passed through the other end of the phone worm. As Lorne\'s secretary, Violet was always ready to answer Lorne\'s instructions.

"Help me offer a reward in the underground world." Lorne said coldly.

"Who?" Violet was stunned, but quickly reacted, someone should have offended Ron.

"Aze, the ghost hand Francis Yaze." Lorne said a person\'s name.

When Azer calculated Lorne, he was already on Lorne\'s kill list.

This time Lorne escaped, so he was ready to meet death in a panic.

"That King Qiwuhai?" Violet realized the seriousness of the matter. One current King Qiwuhai issued a reward to another King Qiwuhai, which was unprecedented.

As an ally of the navy, the world government has always tried its best to put an end to any grievances between the king\'s Qiwuhai. Even the sordidness of Lorne and Moria before was reconciled under the mediation of the world government.

Even if it is only a superficial reconciliation.

But the reward offered by Lorne undoubtedly tore the last layer of face.

"How many rewards should I make?" Violet asked solemnly.

She could be sure that Lorne was really angry.

"Billions." Lorne said lightly."Don\'t talk about life or death."

Since this Yaze values ​​the bounty so much, he will offer him a high-priced bounty.

Lorne didn\'t expect the group of waste bounty hunters to be able to kill Yaze, he did so, just announcing an attitude.

This Yaze, offended him Lorne, and the two sides continued to die.

Anyone who wants to help Yaze must weigh his own strength and whether he can offend the powerful Weinhill family.

The summer of 1509 in the Haiyuan calendar.The two news shocked the entire sea.

One is that the former naval admiral, Black Wrist Zefa, was defeated by the crazy newcomer, the evil spirit of the New Pirate League during the mission.

He himself became his captive.

This Huo also made a high-profile announcement to publicly execute Zefa.

Under the leadership of the hero Kapu and General Kuzan, the navy raided Stone Island to rescue Zefa, but Kaido led his men to attack.

There was a fierce decisive battle between the two sides.

According to incomplete statistics, in this war, Kaido lost more than ten pirate ships, and the navy lost more than three times Kaido’s side. Even Zefa also left permanent injuries and could no longer fight. .

The second thing silenced everyone.

Shanks of the Red-Haired Pirates meets with the world\'s number one swordsman to fight in Silanka.

No one knows the outcome of the decisive battle, but after that battle, Slanka was completely wiped from the sea.