The Pirate Family

416 Chapter 410

The news that he is a revolutionary army must not be leaked out.Xiong began to wonder, if Lorne knew this information, how likely it was that he would kill him in Mary Joa.

Lorne\'s abilities are weird, but the whole world knows that his abilities cannot be directly used in combat, but can only play an auxiliary role.

To deal with the strong, he uses his fists more.

Even in the battle of Locksor that attracted worldwide attention, Lorne chose to use the terrifying weapon that fell from the sky after he lost to Jhin in close combat, in order to end up seeking common ground.

Therefore, if the Bear can resist Ron\'s weird ability and drag him into the field of close combat, his chances of winning are quite large.

And Lorne didn\'t say a word either. He felt Xiong\'s killing intent gradually appearing. Although he did not know why, he was a little more vigilant.

Lorne squinted and said.

"I don\'t know what you think of this new Pirate League?"

"Arrogant, ignorant, arrogant, don\'t know how to forbearance." Xiong said lightly."Not as good as you."

"This kind of pirates, a lot of them will emerge every time, but few people can make it to the end."

Xiong is telling the truth, compared to Lorne, his qualifications can be regarded as very old.Counting from the time when he became the king of Qiwuhai, super newcomers have emerged on this sea.

Challenge the Sand Crocodile Crocodile who became famous after the White Beard Pirates,

The demon Lorne who personally changed the pattern of this sea,

The red-haired Shanks is so terribly powerful that he can even be equal to the Four Emperors Pirates.

The youngest king, Qiwuhai, the ghost hand Aze who is known for playing with other people\'s body and mind,

The enigmatic woman who has challenged countless famous swordsmen, shattered the reputation of the famous swordsman Udyk Treite, and caused the Dressrosa Rebellion, Sakura Swordsman Sakuramiya Rashi,

After the defeat of the Golden Lion Shiji, he defeated many competitors with absolute strength and occupied most of the previous Golden Lion Pirates.

Rising rapidly, defeated the king\'s Qiwuhai Moonlight Moriah, the evil thought Huo, who was itchy teeth hated by the navy but could always escape safely in the navy round up,

And the "King of Ashes" Diaros, who shocked the naval headquarters just a few days ago, attacked Judicial Island and retreated.

In his opinion, this evil mind Huo is just one of these newcomers, not very conspicuous.If it weren\'t for him to be too crazy, and to make several big things in a row, Xiong couldn\'t even remember his name.

"I can get the ridiculous praise of the famous tyrant Xiong," Lorne said with a smile, but there was no panic expression on his face.

"Then I\'ll ask you one more question. What do you think about the whereabouts of dr. Begapunk after the New Pirate League captured Punk Hassad?"

The bear clenched his fists without a trace, and quickly let go, frowning slightly, but still pretended to be indifferent.

"How would I know about his whereabouts. A frail scientific researcher like him might have been killed in that war."

The bear\'s every move did not escape Ron\'s eyes. Seeing this scene, Ron could basically conclude that the reason why the bear joined the King\'s Seven Martial Seas should be related to Vegapunk.

In other words, the two people have the same purpose.

"You said, this King of Feather has so many fine equipments, is it really someone from the New Pirate League helped him to install it?" Lorne said all that he was referring to.

After finishing talking, ignore the bear on the side, and left alone.

After a long time, Xiong muttered to himself when he looked at Lorne, who was already gone.

"The New Pirate League?"

Then he said dismissively,

"Ha ha."

Lorne walked alone on the white and holy road of Mary Joa. He heard that the floor here could move freely, sending people where they wanted to go.

However, due to the two incidents where the Dragonites were attacked and the World Conference was attacked one after another, the guards were so busy that they had no time to take care of them.

From time to time, they met a few Tianlong people. After seeing Ron, they seemed to think of something, their expressions changed drastically, and they left quickly.

Lorne felt dull and went back to the place where he lived temporarily.The Qiwuhai Conference was about to be held in Malin Vandor, and he had to take Garrett with him.

Pushing open the door, Garrett was sitting on the sofa talking and laughing with a woman. After seeing Lorne coming in, he quickly gave a wink at Lorne.

"Brother Lorne is back, you guys talk."

After speaking, he turned and walked into his room.

So in the hall, only Lorne and a woman with long lavender hair and a crown were left.

The two looked at each other, and Lorne smiled bitterly, but still sat opposite the woman and said slowly.

"Long time no see, Agatha."

There are some things that I have to face.This can be regarded as an explanation to Xiao Jia and also to her.


In the country of Hezhi, Kaido was drinking wine, and in front of him, the black charcoal snake was sitting with a blue face and said nothing.

"I must let Caesar\'s son pay the debt!" After drinking the last drop of wine.Kaido smashed the jug and said fiercely.

Have experienced the Dresrosa Rebellion one after another, and after the Cake Island incident.The Kaido Pirates successively lost two generals, Thaddeus and Jhin, and their reputation fell to a trough.Now the old man with white beard is sitting on the throne and laughing at himself, right?

He has been aggrieved by him for decades since his debut?

Sanchuanlu didn\'t say a word, even though there was still some time before he realized that plan, they would be able to dominate the sea easily.But he knew that he couldn\'t persuade the furious Kaido at all.

After all, this man dared to break into the navy headquarters alone!

The Kaido Pirates at this time.They have accumulated a resentment and must find a place to vent.

But at this time, the phone worm placed on the table suddenly rang, after receiving it.

A husky male voice came out of it.

"Am I disturbing you, Master Kaido."

"I remember you kid," the voice was familiar, Kaido thought for a while.

"You are the pirate who traded with Lao Tzu before. What is your elk? Which pirate league belong to?"

"To be remembered by Kaido-sama, I am really frightened," the other end of the phone worm said respectfully.

"Let\'s talk, what\'s the matter if you call? Want me to help you take Slanka?"

Kaido frowned and said that he had vaguely heard about Slanka. If it weren\'t too far away from the country of He, he would be ready to send troops to take it down.

"Slanka, how dare to trouble Master Kaido?" Elk said lightly.

"We want to make another deal with Kaido-sama and borrow someone."