The Pirate Family

415 Chapter 409: The Bear's Secret

The entire conference room was silent.All the kings sat quietly in place, like sinners waiting for the verdict.

King Yu suddenly opened his eyes, and then put away the signed agreement.Turned his head to look at Lorne and others.

"Qianwuhai under the king, right, the most self-righteous group of people in this sea!"

The King of Feather walked towards Lorne slowly, without saying a word, the other end of the phone bug said coldly.

"You think this bomb can\'t hurt you anymore, so you just sit on the sidelines, right?"

He just wanted to wave his arm, but his hand suddenly stopped in the air, unable to move.Doflamingo shot a thin thread in his hand, controlling him as a puppet.

For that matter, there is no panic on the other side of the phone worm.

"But I tell you that a new era of pirates is about to begin. You pedantic pirates cannot board the ship of the new era!"

"It can only be crushed by the waves of the coming era."

Huo said arrogantly, at this moment the last grain of sand in the hourglass just fell.

Most of the kings did not sign.

"It\'s a pity," Huo said lightly."You didn\'t do what I asked for."

His clothes faded naturally, revealing the strong muscles inside.There was a wound on the chest of the King of Feather that had only recently healed, and there were traces of objects in it.

This should be what he called volcanic explosives.

"All the kings died here together. It is estimated that the whole sea will become chaotic!"

"With your death, start a new era!"

Huo\'s crazy voice came from the other end of the phone worm. After getting some of the king\'s signatures, he wanted to kill them all!

Perhaps, from the beginning, he did not intend to keep the agreement.

King Yu\'s face turned blue and purple. At the last moment of his life, he finally escaped from Huo\'s control. His expression changed from shock, to pleading, to despair.

The solid muscles first contracted slightly, and then suddenly exploded, dazzling light covering the entire room.

At this time, Lorne and the others remained unchanged.

"It\'s almost done, Bear." Doflamingo slowly said. At this time, the third king, Qiwuhai, who had been sitting on the side without saying a word, the tyrant Basolomi Xiong suddenly stood up. Putting down the Bible in his hand, he took off his leather gloves, revealing the palms with strange pads inside.

Like a cat\'s paw.

"If you can travel? Where do you want to go?" Xiong said lightly, but the King of Feather could no longer respond.

"Then I will choose for you." The bear spread his palm, and the King of Feather who exploded downwards suddenly waved. The moment his palm touched the fire, the room was slightly distorted, and then, on the wall of the conference room, A huge hole suddenly appeared.

King Feather, along with the volcanic explosives on his body, disappeared without a trace.

The bear actually shot the King of Feather directly into the air. The other kings stood at the entrance of the hole, looking into the distance, but did not find the King of Feather.

Only the agreement that fell to the ground with the wind can prove that there is indeed a person standing before.

The tyrant Basolomi Bear, a flesh-ball fruit-powered person, can shoot everything out.

When he was sitting here, Lorne hadn\'t worried about what threat this King of Feathers could pose to them.

The king who didn\'t understand the bear opened his mouth wide, and his face was shocked. Is this the strength of King Qiwuhai?

Especially the King Magneto, who had proposed to abolish the Qiwuhai system under the king, was embarrassed and faintly afraid at this time.

Is this level of strength really something he can offend?

The phone worm was silent for a while, and then said slowly after a while.

"It seems that I am too arrogant. I didn\'t expect that the strength gap between you and Moria would be so big."

He directly admitted his mistake, which is one of his rare virtues.No one can not make mistakes, only correction can move forward in the right direction.

"On behalf of my apologies, I will give you a gift later. A gift you never thought of."

"I also have a gift for you." The bear put on his gloves and said lightly, as if he had only done a trivial thing before.

"Really?" Huo Gan laughed, "I am looking forward to it."

After speaking, he hung up the phone worm.Since it has failed, then there is no point in trying to profit from it.

See the truth in the sea.

At this time, the door of the meeting room was kicked open, and a group of soldiers from Mary Joa swarmed in and surrounded the meeting room.A tall figure wearing a smiling cat mask slowly walked in and picked up the agreement left by King Feather on the ground.Asked coldly.

"May I ask what happened here."

"I\'ll explain it." Link raised his hand, stood up and said with a wry smile.

The three kings, Qi Wuhai, were quickly released. After all, their identities were too special to offend even cp0.

"Fofufufufu, worthy of being a bear, your ability is really strong." Doflamingo squinted and said with a smile.

Although he is not afraid of this so-called volcanic explosive, it is still impossible to protect the safety of all kings as easily as a bear.

After all, the bear\'s ability is really weird. I heard that he once photographed the souls of several pirates who provoked him from his body and threw them to Moria for experimentation.

Xiong ignored Doflamingo\'s words, but stopped Lorne.

"Wait a minute, I have something to ask you."

"Then I\'ll go to Marin Vando and wait for you two first." Doflamingo saw the bear look like this and said goodbye first.

After all, the main purpose of their coming this time was to participate in the Seven Wuhai Conference. The so-called World Conference was nothing more than a joint product of their king status.

After Doflamingo had gone, Xiong stopped and looked at Lorne coldly.

"Why do you know my abilities?"

Before, when the King of Feathers just jumped out, Xiong was ready to shoot this ignorant ant to death. It was Ron who used the "whispering" ability to persuade Xiong to wait, and wait until Huo gave more information.

By comparison, the bear naturally doesn\'t matter, but the most important thing is, how can Ron know his abilities so clearly?Know what he can do.

You know, he rarely shows his ability in front of the world. Other people only know that he is strong, but it is not clear how strong he is.

Lorne smiled faintly. Of course he wouldn\'t tell Bear that he had watched the plot, but this smile looked very strange in Bear\'s eyes.He thought of the intelligence capabilities of the Wienhill family.

Will they find any information about their identity?Xiong squinted slightly and looked at Lorne.

The atmosphere suddenly became serious.