The Pirate Family

407 Chapter 401

Chambord is not peaceful, someone is plotting something.

This was Lorne\'s first thought.

The rabbit took Lorne and Garrett to the naval base in area 65, where they would take the bubble pod to Mary Joa.

Lorne raised his head and squinted slightly in front of the white base gate. The plaque with the word "Justice" hung in the sunlight looked more solemn.

The naval soldiers in the base were training with sweat and rain. From time to time, officers passed by Ron and others. After seeing them, their faces showed fear and walked away quickly.

Half of this fear was given to King Lorne as Qiwuhai, and the other half was given to the rabbit\'s mask!

After the rabbit took Lorne into the bubble pod, the navy breathed a sigh of relief.

"It seems that they are quite afraid of you." Lorne said with a chuckle, sitting casually on the rose red sofa in the pod.

As the center of the world, everything about Mary Gioia follows a philosophy, that is, not seeking the best, but the most expensive.

Lorne saw at a glance that the cost of this small pod was estimated to be about the same as the bounty offered by the more powerful pirates in the world.

The rabbit nodded and said nothing.This made Lorne a little uncomfortable. The blood inherited from the Vennhill family made him extremely handsome.In the past, countless little girls were admired by this skin.

This rabbit was the first to show him a cold expression.But I don\'t know why, Lorne always felt a familiar feeling in this woman.

He noticed that the rabbit was wearing a slender sword around his waist and asked.

"Do you also use a sword?"

"I\'ve learned swordsmanship for a while before, and I know a little bit of fur, so I won\'t show up in front of adults."

The rabbit replied in a hoarse voice, and the whole room fell silent again.

The bubble pod rose slowly, and finally came to the highest point of the sea, the Heavenly Dragon Sacred Land Mariagioa.

This is the only two cities in this sea built of white jade, a little more sacred out of thin air.

Two rows of soldiers in armor stood on both sides of a red carpet. After seeing Lorne stepping out of the bubble pod, he bowed together.

Lorne narrowed his eyes slightly while looking at the white castle standing in the distance.

He finally set foot on Mary Joa for the first time!

"You came at the right time," said the rabbit timely.

"At this time, the kings of various countries are holding a ball and marriage, and the princesses are all in Pongel Castle. As you are, I believe that many princesses will be favored."

"Didn\'t I come to participate in the Seven Wuhai Meeting of the Kings?" Lorne said in surprise. He is already engaged at this time, so it is inconvenient to participate in this kind of networking event.

"You have forgotten that, in addition to the status of King Seven Wuhai, you are also the ruler of the Iron Kingdom Sdio, and of course you are eligible to participate in the World Conference."

The rabbit led Lorne to the gate of Pangel Castle, and Lorne squinted his eyes to look at the castle.

In order to show the extraordinaryness of the Tianlong people, Pangel Castle was built to be extremely tall and magnificent. The gate of the castle alone is more than ten meters high.

It was just that Lorne felt that compared with the surroundings of the castle, this gate was still too "new", as if it had just been built.

"It seems that something happened here." Lorne said with a light smile, but suddenly, he was taken aback.

"What\'s the matter?" Garrett found Lorne\'s anomaly and asked with concern.

"It\'s nothing, it just feels like someone was watching me just now." Lorne returned to his senses and looked at a place in Pangel Castle.But he didn\'t find anything unusual, so he said lightly.

"It may be an illusion."

"It\'s okay to be careful," Garrett said, while silently making a cut in his hand, blood slowly flowed out of the wound and dripped onto the ground.

Caution is a virtue.

"You are the king invited to participate in the World Conference, and you have the right to walk around in Pangel Castle." Rabbit explained.

"During the World Conference, the Navy sent three generals to take charge of the security work here, so you don\'t have to worry about your safety."

"But there is one thing you must pay attention to. After all, this place is the base camp of the Tianlong people. If you encounter any impulsive things, please hold back."

"After all, the Tianlong people offended here are quite troublesome!"

Listening to the rabbit\'s words, Lorne felt more and more strange. Her words seemed to explain her doubts, but they seemed to care about herself.

"Did the two of us met before?" Lorne asked subconsciously. As soon as this sentence came out, the rabbit was stunned, as if he didn\'t understand why Lorne asked like this.She said after a while.

"No, it\'s the first time we two met."

"Really." Lorne felt that there might be too many things in the past few days and made himself a little mentally disturbed, so he said with a smile.

"I just feel like you are an old friend of mine."

"No, you admitted wrong." Rabbit said calmly.

"If you have nothing to do, then I will leave first. By the way, the meeting of the King Qiwuhai will be after the World Conference. If you have any questions, please contact the navy stationed here."

After speaking, she left without looking back, walking hurriedly, as if she was escaping from something.

"Do you know her?" At this time, even Garrett, who had always been nervous, felt something was wrong, and she held Lorne\'s hand and asked suspiciously.

"Could it be one of your little fans?"

"I don\'t know." Lorne shook his head and left the incident behind him. He took a deep breath and slowly pushed open the door of Pangel Castle.

Inside the gate is a huge manor, and Lorne can see the peerless treasures of various eras, which are randomly placed around the manor like goods.

The plants and trees here have traces of history, and Lorne stepped through the gate with one foot, as if passing through the years.

He raised his head with enlightenment, and smiled at a room with closed windows in the castle.Lips opened lightly and whispered towards the black window.

"I\'m coming."


"Have you finally seen him? He didn\'t recognize you?"

Mary Joa, in a special room, the rabbit hurried back.In the room, a girl with short emerald green hair was applying this nail, and when she noticed the girl came back, she asked without looking back.

"Is he the same as you think?"

"He realized it was me," the rabbit said, panting, clutching his chest.

"So I can\'t meet with him anymore. Next, let Cheetah do the task about him."

"Silly girl."

At this moment.The girl with emerald green hair looked at the rabbit and said distressedly.

"Is it really worth doing so much for him?"