The Pirate Family

406 400 The Deepest Hidden Person

In the second half of the paradise, there is an island named Roland.There are no special products in this country, but due to its excellent geographical location, it is located at the intersection of several chambers of commerce routes, and its name is also peaceful and content.

The ruler of Roland Island is the Roland family, and the family patriarch Roland III is the king of this island.Unlike other kings, this Roland III was not immersed in the extravagant royal life, but was keen to exercise his martial arts. He is the king of this island and the most powerful warrior in the surrounding waters.

Roland has a beautiful and beautiful daughter named An Lina, who is regarded as the jewel in his palm.And Lancelot, once was Anrina\'s rebel knight.

The next plot is a bit dog-blooded, the noble lady Anlena is in love with the young knight, and the whole castle knows this.Later it reached Roland III\'s ears.

The king had a conversation with the knight, no one knew what they were talking about, but later, the knight found the noble lady, and rightly refused her love.

The noble lady was heartbroken and locked herself in the house.

The story ends here, but it is a love-hate entanglement between ordinary young men and women.But then things changed unexpectedly.

A pirate led his men to this sea area, carrying a letter of appointment engraved with the coat of arms of the world government, declaring that this will be his territory from now on.

Several surrounding countries have surrendered, and only Roland is left.

Roland III was of course unwilling, so the pirate made a proposal, that is, Roland III can choose one of his subordinates at will to compete. If they win, they will leave here immediately, but if they lose, Roland must surrender to him. .

At that time, everyone thought that the pirate was kind and offered such a condition.But no one thought that the famous Roland III and the invincible Roland III would easily lose to an unknown man without even three tricks.

For a time, countless rumors spread. Some people said that Roland III was nothing but a false name. Others said that the pirate was too strong, and there were all kinds of opinions.

However, later, the target was gradually directed at Lancelot. People believed that Lancelot was resentful after being reprimanded by Roland III, so he colluded with outsiders and used disgraceful means.

On the one hand, the pirates immediately made a hypocritical statement. Lancelot was a great hero, and they decided to betroth Anrina to him.

Sunshine and handsome, the admired knight instantly became a betrayer rejected by everyone.

Even An Lina looked at her gaze in love, and she was a little more suspicious.In desperation, Lancelot had to escape Roland and become a pirate.

"But I guarantee with the glory of the knight that I really didn\'t pass the pirates." Lancelot said bitterly.

After listening, Lorne pondered for a moment, and he felt that the man was not lying.After a while, he said slowly.

"The pirate. Is it a ghost, Francis Yazer?"

There are seven Shichibukai under the king, and this ghost hand Aze is generally regarded as the weakest one under Qiwukai.

Because the significance of the establishment of the King\'s Qiwuhai is to deter pirates.

The bear, Mihawk, Maverick, Lorne, Doflamingo, and Krokdal are all big names in the underground world, and even the defeated Moonlight Moria once contended with Kaido.

Only this ghost hand, Ya Ze, could not produce any outstanding results.And he is also the only one who has been stationed in Paradise for a long time under the Qiwu Sea.

But Lorne knew that Qiwuhai, the most hidden king, was not a bear, but this man named Yaze!

"Yes, I will never forget his ghost hands." Lancelot took a deep breath and said slowly.

He didn\'t wonder why Lorne directly guessed Yaze\'s name, because there were only so few pirates who could get approval from the world government.

All this is connected.Lorne nodded imperceptibly.It seems that my previous guess with Ainilu was correct, and there was a problem with this Yaze.Lorne did not continue to dwell on this topic.He looked at Lancelot.

"What are your plans next."

"What\'s the plan?" Lancelot\'s face was a little bitter.

"I haven\'t traveled far in my life, so I plan to go a little further and see the new world."

"If you die somewhere, it\'s not bad, even if it is an atonement."

Boom boom boom!

At that time, there was an explosion from the west and the roar of a person.Lorne looked at Lancelot and said slowly.

"It\'s a shame for someone like you to die in obscurity. If you can sail to Bubble Island in the new world, go find a man named Moorman and stay under my command."

"I will take you to clean up your grievances."

"Do you believe me?!" Lancelot clenched his fist, his heart was extremely unstable.

"No one can lie in front of me." Lorne said with a smile, "So you are willing to go to that Miss Anlena again and make her believe you?"

His grievances could really be washed away, and there were some tears in Lancelot\'s eyes. He stood up again and gave a chivalry salute to Lorne.

"I do!"

"All right," Lorne said lightly."I allow you to fly the Vennhill family banner, and let me see your determination."

"Fightforyou (fight for you)!"

After speaking, he got up and left slowly, but when he walked out of the tavern, there was no confusion in his eyes.

A determined man is like a lion.

"Congratulations, you have subdued another good subordinate." Garrett blinked and said with a smile.

In her eyes, this Lancelot\'s strength is quite good, and if he learns to be domineering, he should be able to stand alone.

"Don\'t you ask me why I fell in love with him?" Lorne said with a smile to Garrett.

"Why?" Garrett really gave Ron a face, and asked gently.

"Because the name Lancelot is not a good word. It also represents betrayal, deceit and lies."

Lorne gently raised the wine glass in front of him and drank the liquid in the glass.The blood-red liquid dyed the corners of his mouth red, making it a little more evil.

"But I don\'t believe in evil!"

"You are late, which has to make me doubt the efficiency of your cp0."

At this time, the door of the tavern was slowly opened, and a woman with a slender figure wearing a rabbit mask slowly walked in.She seemed a little nervous, her body trembling slightly.But he said calmly to Lorne.

There are still some blood stains on her white gloves, it seems that what happened just now.

"Sorry, some accidents just happened. But now it\'s all done." She took a deep breath and said respectfully to Lorne.

"I am the person responsible for receiving you."