The Peasant Girl's Concubine's Name Moves the World

Chapter 380: Wait three hundred and seventy-nine

Chapter 380 and other three hundred and seventy-nine chapters can only think about

The most normal one is Jiang Haibin. The younger sister she brought with her is only a little dark in skin and delicate in features.

But because there were a few warm sisters in front of him, Ning Huaihao only felt that these people would lose their appetite at a glance!

Ning Huaihao’s fantasy of talented women and beautiful women disappeared instantly!

Song Jinxin saw that the warm family was also startled, and then came over to salute, respectfully: "Uncle grandma, fourth cousin... several cousins."

Song Jinxin saw Ning Huaijie take a gentle look, and his face was a little red, so he understood.

Some time ago, I heard Ning Huaihao say that Ning Huaijie was married and the object was a village girl.

Unexpectedly, she was actually the gentle cousin of the fourth cousin\'s family.

I haven’t seen it in nearly half a year, and these cousins ​​are so beautiful!

is really a big eighteen woman!

Song Yuting looked at the three warm sisters with complicated eyes. They were beautiful and beautiful, even if they were sitting there quietly, it was a beautiful landscape that was so beautiful.

In the past, it was just a yellow-haired girl, a dishwasher, a child bride-in-law, and a sick child. The earth-shaking happened in less than a year.

It\'s so beautiful that she can\'t even recognize it!

How can there be such a big change?

Warm the family, nodding their heads coldly or warmly.

The old lady Ning smiled and said: "It turns out that Mrs. Wang and the Song family are still related by marriage. This is really too predestined. It\'s not that a family does not enter the house! We also have business cooperation with the Song family."

Although the Song family is not as wealthy as the Ning family, it is also regarded as the last rich family in Jianghuai Prefecture.

Ning Huaihao was overjoyed when he saw them knowing each other, and couldn\'t help but smile at the warm three sisters Erya: "It turns out that these girls are still Jinxin\'s cousins! Since everyone is familiar, let\'s go to enjoy the plum! Hongmei is a must in Jianghuai! Let\'s go with Princess Hui\'an!"

His eyes were smeared just now. At this moment, Ning Huaihao looked at the warm profile face and was even more shocked:

beautiful! gorgeous!

Every angle looks different and amazing!

is simply stunning on earth!

Look at the skin that can be broken without applying powder and blows, the beautiful swan neck, and the slightly bulging waist of the chest...

Let him have an impulse, want to kiss Fangze, want to press her on the bed...

Do whatever you want!

Her beauty is enough to make up for her low birth.

It’s no wonder that King Jin will be favored and given the title of Princess Jin in the future.

It\'s a pity that he didn\'t get to know such stunning beauty earlier, otherwise he would definitely make an early decision, and now he can only think about it in his heart.

His gaze fell on his warm face, this one is also very beautiful, just sitting with Princess Hui\'an, it\'s bleak!

But it is much better than the daughter of the same knowledge!

The daughter of Tongzhi, he can\'t speak!

Warmth was looking at the painting of Master Xu, and didn’t turn his head back: “No, I don’t know how to appreciate plum blossoms.”

Ning Huaijie hates this fantasy-loving nerd. He coldly said: "Fourth brother, you can accompany your classmates to enjoy the plum blossoms. Don\'t let your classmates wait too long."

Ning Huaihao ignored Ning Huaijie. Seeing that Warmth was looking at the painting, he couldn\'t help but said, "Does Princess Hui\'an like painting? Unfortunately, I know a little bit about it. This painting is the Songhe Yannian painted by Master Xu in his early years. , I can see the scene exactly the same, if you want to learn, I can give you some pointers."

After speaking, he looked at gentle and warm again: "Do two Wen girls want to learn? I can also teach you together!"

The warm pavilion in the heart of the lake, surrounded by beautiful women, beautiful clothes and shadows, expressing affection, should be an ideal in the world!

The Wen family looked weird.

The person\'s eyes are really disgusting, and he said in a warm and serious manner: "Sorry, I can\'t grasp the brush smoothly, I can only grasp the tongs."

After studying with Master Xu for a few months, she found that she still likes to study eating.

Ning’s family: "..."

What the **** is the tongs?

How do you ladies catch the tongs? !

gently shook his head: "I don\'t like painting either."

But she also learned from Master Xu, embroidering also involves drawing patterns.

Song Yuting glanced at them, then looked at Ning Huaihao with a shy expression, and said softly: "Brother Ning, I want to learn, you can teach me! My cousin hasn\'t even caught a pen! Just don\'t Embarrass them."

Today, my mother asked Jinxin to bring herself out to see the fourth son of the Ning family.

She will become an old girl if she doesn’t marry again.

The fourth son of the Ning family is quite gentle, and he is already a child, versatile, and barely worthy of him!

Zhou Xinxin also spoke at this time: "Fourth Young Master Ning, I heard that my eldest brother said that you have excellent painting skills and want to learn something. Can you give me some pointers?"

Ning’s family is a merchant, but it is rich enough. When she gets married, she will have tens of thousands of silver to ask Fengshen doctor to help her heal the pockmark.

Ning Huaijie of course knows that Ning Huaihao invited so many classmates over today. Of course, his purpose is to give Wen Gentle their power, but it’s a pity that he slapped himself in the face!

He looked at Ning Huaihao: "Fourth brother, then you can teach Ms. Song and Ms. Zhou! As for the sisters of Princess Hui\'an, you may not be able to teach them."

Princess Hui\'an is Mr. Xu’s master, no, he is Mr. Xu’s apprentice!

An apprentice who has learned Xu Lao’s lifelong skills in only ten days and a half, and painted paintings that are more master than Xu Lao!

And Wenrou and their sisters also learned painting from Master Xu. That painting is not much better than many outside painters!

The Wen brothers and sisters are very smart. Even Uncle Wen is also rich in five carts, and he never leaves his hand when he goes out and sits in a carriage. His handwriting is vigorous and magnificent.

It\'s just that he was born into a farm, and his destiny created man, which buried his talents.

But gold always shines.

Ning Huaijie glanced at her tenderly, he felt that he had exhausted several lifetimes of luck in order to be married to her!

Ning Huaihao was dissatisfied: "Second brother, what do you mean by this? I am the number one talented man in Jianghuai, so I can\'t teach me when I learn to be rich in five cars? And I asked Miss Wen and not you."

This is how he is the elder brother. Isn’t this a way of breaking him?

Mrs. Ning’s guardian said: “Huaijie, you don’t know about that. Huaihao’s paintings are praised even by the master. They are really good. Huaihao, you can make a painting and give it to Miss Wen. ...... Let\'s make a meeting ceremony for the family!"

"My mother, this is a great idea! Pen, ink, paper and inkstone are waiting! I\'m going to paint in the warm pavilion in the heart of the lake! Shi Changbo, a few girls from Wen, let me go to enjoy my masterpieces? I have done it for you."

Wen Jiarui waved his hand after hearing this: "The kindness of Mrs. Ning\'s second wife and the fourth son, Wen\'s family has accepted it, so you are really welcome. I have a lot of paintings in my house."

Song Yuting looked at him expectantly: "Brother Ning, can you help me draw a portrait and give it to me?"

She met many sons this year, and the fourth son of the Ning family is more handsome and has a pretty good family background. It will be even better if he takes the exam in the future!

(End of this chapter)