The Peasant Girl's Concubine's Name Moves the World

Chapter 379: Who to choose?

Chapter 379 Who to choose?

After Ning Huaihao went out, Mrs. Ning said with a smile: "Huaihao’s classmate came here, and he seems to be the son of an adult Tongzhi. This year\'s imperial examination is ranked in the top 20 in high school! Said he knew our family’s Meilin Meihua. It’s already in full bloom. I brought my sister to our Ning’s to enjoy the plum blossoms. Miss Wen, you sisters will also go to the plum forest to enjoy the plum blossoms later! Our mansion has a large plum garden covering nearly five acres! It just so happens that today’s plum blossoms are in full bloom. Exactly."

The five-acre Meilin is bigger than the small courtyard of the Wen family!

Mrs. Ning looked at the warm family, waiting for them to be envious.

Ning Huaijie sighed, “Unfortunately, five acres of plum grove is less than a golden lotus.”

Second Mrs. Ning: "..."

The old lady Ning is thinking about Huai Hao’s classmate to take her sister to see Mei?

Didn’t you come to see Huai Hao?

A grandson married the daughter of Uncle Shi Chang.

A grandson married a daughter of Tongzhi!

Well, not bad!

Old Mrs. Ning said happily: "Today is really a good day. Let the kitchen have a few more dishes. We also have plum stuffed in our mansion, and Princess Hui\'an can taste it. Shi Changbo, Mrs. Wang, Mrs. Wu, you love me on weekdays. What kind of food to eat, I ask the cook to prepare more."

The Ning family is rich, but the Ning family has never been a scholar, so there is no Ning family to be an official, and it has always been a merchant.

Only rich, not expensive, after all, it is inferior to the powerful.

The old lady Ning wondered whether the daughter-in-laws of the Ning family were mostly the daughters of wealthy businessmen, so the children and grandchildren were not for studying!

So the old lady Ning wanted her children and grandchildren to marry a lady of the official family, so she gave birth to reading materials and made the Ning family change their faces!

Unexpectedly, the eldest son rebelled and married the merchant’s daughter.

Fortunately, the second son married a talented daughter, and the grandson he gave birth to has a material for studying!

Now the two grandsons are more promising, and they know to choose a wife from the official family.

The old lady Ning is quite satisfied with her gentle background.

Wen Jiarui smiled and said: "The old lady is polite, we can eat whatever we want, and the guests do whatever they want."

The old lady Ning turned her head and urged Sang Zhi: “Let the chef cook all the health-preserving vegetables that were photographed yesterday.”

Then she looked for topics enthusiastically. She looked at Wang’s clothes and said enthusiastically: “Ms. Wang’s clothes are so beautiful. I don’t know who embroidered them?”

Wang gave a gentle look: "Sister Rou did this."

The old lady Ning was surprised: "It was actually made by the gentle girl? The gentle girl is really ingenious! Weijie, you really found a daughter-in-law!"

it is good! Very good!

Ning’s daughter-in-law has a good embroiderer, but it is very important.

If the eldest wife was not good at embroidering, she would not let her in in the end.

Ning Huaijie smiled, of course he knew it.

smiled softly: "The old lady praised it."

Ning Er Madam, Ning Er Ye, and Ning Huai Min\'s face is ugly!

This embroidery worker is even better than Aunt Pan’s!

This is even worse for their second bedroom.

Second Mrs. Ning looked at Wenxin and smiled: "The eldest sister\'s embroidery skills are so good, presumably the other sisters are not bad, right?"

The second wife of Ning looked warm, and then thought of the daughter of Master Tongzhi.

One is able to climb King Jin, and the other is Tongzhi with real power. Mrs. Tongzhi heard that she is the youngest daughter of the Ministry of Industry.

Who should Huaihao marry? It\'s really fishbone and raging, it\'s hard to choose!

If you can have both at the same time, that would be great.

Warmly shook his head: "I can\'t embroider well."

Of course, this is not good in terms of being gentle.

Warmth: "No."

Wen Ran: "I haven\'t studied."

Second Mrs. Ning: "..."

The second girl Wen\'s embroidering skills are not good, so Huai Hao married her, isn\'t she being compared?

Is still Tongzhi’s daughter!

Old Mrs. Ning doesn’t care about the other three sisters. The grand-daughter-in-law’s meeting will do. She is more enthusiastic about the topic: "Today I was fortunate to meet a few sisters. Seeing the buddies came, did you go to the school?"

Warmth: "My brother and them have entered Beijing, and they will have a trial in the beginning of spring. The master told me that the road between Beijing and Jianghuai Mansion is far away, and it takes nearly ten days to come back and forth slowly, so they couldn\'t come back. They said next time. Say hello to the old lady when you come back."

The warmth for a while also clearly sees the character of the old lady Ning.

Whoever is profitable to her and can be good to the Ning family, she is good to whom.

This kind of person is not difficult to deal with.

This situation is not too bad!

As long as the card of their family is revealed, let her feel that their family is profitable, and after a gentle marriage, at least she will not be embarrassed by her.

"Young Master Wen is actually the Master Juren? Mrs. Shi Chang will raise children!" Mrs. Ning was happier after hearing this.

Will try! Those who can take part in the test are all Juren!

It’s not easy to get into Juren!

Prove that this family is a student.

My nephew is more like her uncle, she seems to see her great-grandson riding a tall horse, the champion parade!

She has been the old lady of the Ning family for most of her life. Although the Ning family is wealthy, she often feels contempt in front of the wives of some high-ranking officials.

As if they are officials’ wives, they are superior, and they are all like a bronzer.

So it was her obsession to let the Ning family switch from business to officialdom.

The alarm bell in the heart of Mrs. Ning\'s heart was ringing.

Ning Huaimin was even more unwilling to marry her own wife too early!

But what about participating in the test? How many people stop at the meeting and can only return to their hometown to be masters?

He smiled and said: "I don\'t know which place Master Wen took the exam. If he is only in the top 50 of Jianghuai Mansion, he will definitely be a scholar! The 20 sons of Master Tongzhi are likely to pass the test. Participate in the palace exam!"

Wen Jiarui: "The eldest son is okay. I took a Jieyuan exam, but the second son is not good. I am uncertain. I only got the tenth place. Jinshi is not so easy to go to high school. I don\'t know if they can go to high school this year."

The room is a little weirdly quiet!

Old lady Ning: By the way, this year\'s Xie Yuan seems to be named Wen.

I heard that it was Lianzhong Sanyuan!

This is not even a junior high school scholar, so do other people still use the exam?

The old lady Ning was overjoyed and overjoyed!

This is not just material for reading, it is simply material for Wenquxing!

The old lady Ning happily said: "It must be high school, but there is no reason for high school! Haha..."

The nephew looks like his uncle! Her great-grandson is also the champion!

Mrs. Ning gave another warm look: the elder brother is actually Xie Yuan, and the Jie Yuan of the Jianghuai Mansion, the top scholar are all capable of contending.

There is another king Jin to be the brother-in-law, how will this official career be worse in the future?

The conditions are better than the daughter of the same knowledge!

Huaihao’s daughter-in-law should choose this warm one!

At this time, Ning Huaihao\'s expression was a bit ugly and brought a few boys and girls in.

What did Zhou Zhengtao think about this time? The sister she brought with her looked pocky, and she was disgusting when she looked at it!

Song Wei brought that ugly monster who was notoriously unmarried!

And this Song Jinxin, this big fat woman is his sister-in-law! Why did he take his sister-in-law out?

What about my sister?

(End of this chapter)