The Peasant Girl's Concubine's Name Moves the World

Chapter 281: good to eat! I want more.

Chapter 281 is delicious! I want more.

In the evening, warm sour lotus root strips, lotus root boxes, fried lotus petals, lotus leaf beckoning chicken, glutinous rice chicken, lotus leaf shaomai, mung bean lotus root ribs soup, glutinous rice stuffed lotus root, cold fungus lotus root slices, pig feet stuffed lotus root

Everyone is satisfied with the food, so I won’t say more.

After the meal, the eight princesses were sent back to the palace.

Heart has returned to the house.

Warm and Nalan Jinnian sat under the flower stand in the yard drinking tea and digesting food.

There are only two of them.

Nalan Jinnian sat lazily on a wicker chair. After eating and drinking, his handsome face under the sun looked contented.

He held the tea bowl in his well-knotted hands, and gently moved the small sprouts on the tea noodles with the tea cover, making him look lazy and sexy.

After taking a sip of tea, those charming Danfeng eyes lifted, looking warm, her eyes gleaming: "Go back to Ningyuan County tomorrow?"

The sound is as low as a cello, and it sounds so good that it makes the heart tremble, as if something has struck the heartstrings.

"Hmm." Warmly peeled a shiny purple grape, stuffed it into his mouth, and responded vaguely.

Then she picked another grape with her plain white hand, peeled off the skin, and was about to put it in her mouth.

Nalan Jinnian\'s big fractured hand held her wrist: "I will try it too."

said she pulled her hand over, and his head moved over

The fingertips seemed to touch a soft, cool, warm touch.

Warm for a moment, and then someone grabbed the grape in his hand.

Nalan Jinnian’s eyes were full of smiles: "It\'s delicious! I want more."


The sun sets, and the sunset glows beautifully.


The flower viewing banquet is over, because Warmth plans to go home the next day.

Lin Tingxuan returned to Changping Mansion to bid farewell to his grandmother in the evening.

Changping Bofu, in the old lady’s house, at the moment, there is a sense of harmony.

The maid came to inform that the young master was back.

The laughter in the room stopped abruptly.

The old lady was pleasantly surprised: "Ting Xuan is back? Call him in quickly."

Lin Tingxuan walked in and bowed to the old lady: "Grandma."

"Ting Xuan, sit down!"

Lin Tingxuan glanced at the wedding invitations on the table.

A trace of anxiety flashed across the old lady’s face, and she quickly let people put those wedding invitations away.

Lin Tingxuan sat down and said without any expression on his face: "Grandma, I am leaving the capital tomorrow. I will come back to see you later."

The old lady looked dismayed: "Are you leaving again? Where did you go?"

Uncle Chang Ping was furious when he heard this: "Where do you want to go fooling around? Don\'t go! I found an errand for you. You should go to be a soldier in the city. Behave well and strive to be promoted to the guard next year. ! Such a big person, your brother works in the Hanlin Academy, and he is about to get married! Why are you fooling around all day long!"

"I just came to say goodbye to my grandmother."

means to listen to your arrangements.

After finishing speaking, Lin Tingxuan saluted the old lady: "Grandma, I\'m leaving!"

Lin Tingxuan turned and left without waiting for the people in the room to say anything.

Uncle Chang Ping was so angry that he couldn\'t say anything, he just pointed at his back: "Nizi! Nizi!"

Mrs. Chang Ping immediately helped him smoothly: "Master, don\'t be angry, maybe Ting Xuan has something to do!"

"What business can he do? Can he be a coachman?"

Why did he give birth to such a son!

Lin Jingxuan stood up and followed out, and stopped him:

"Brother, next month, 20th is the day when my cousin Shiwan and I will get married. You must come back to join our marriage."

"Let\'s talk about it! It may not be free." Lin Tingxuan paused before leaving a sentence.

Lin Jingxuan’s young man outside the door made a stubborn bite, maybe he is free? People who don\'t know thought he was busy with some national affairs!

The next morning, a few warm people returned to Ningyuan County.

This time, the warm ride on the carriage, the warm second riding a woman pretending to be a man.

The eight princesses secretly left the book and ran away!

ran out of the palace and came to Shichang Bo’s Mansion, intending to go to Ningyuan County with the three of them brazenly.

This capital cannot stay, she is worried that she will starve to death.

Nalan Jinnian wanted to kick her back to the palace.

But the Eighth Princess very cleverly pulled and warmly said: "Dear Xinxin, let us ride in a carriage. Isn’t Nuan Nuan motion sickness? My 17th emperor’s carriage is relatively stable. Let her ride my 17th emperor’s carriage. !"

Nalan Jinnian’s feet abruptly returned!

His girl will definitely not leave her sister in a carriage.

Nalan Jinnian glared at Princess Eight, then pulled warmth into the carriage.

Warm but not very happy, she wants to sit with them, at least not so boring on the road.

The eight princesses are a talkative!

Nalan Jinnian held her warm hand.

"I\'m going to sit with my second sister and others." Warmly looked at him.

The eighth princess hurriedly said: “Don’t, it’s too crowded, it’s easier to get motion sickness!”

"Oh, hurry up! I\'m worried that my mother and concubine will find me when I leave the book and run away, and then send someone out to catch me back!"

"Young Master Lin, hurry up and get the carriage!" The Eighth Princess urged.

Lin Tingxuan couldn’t see that Nalan Jinnian wanted to ride a carriage with Princess Hui\'an. He waved his whip and the carriage started to move.


Nalan Jinnian pressed down the corner of her mouth that she wanted to keep up, and said solemnly: "Get in the car!"

Warmth can only climb into the carriage obediently.

Nalan Jinnian gave her a hand on the side.


In the carriage, the two did not speak.

Nalan Jinnian took out a book and read it.

Last night, there was someone warm in my head, even someone in my dream. She didn\'t sleep well. After the carriage walked for a little and half an hour, she fell asleep.

Simply put her head on the carriage wall to sleep.

You don’t have to worry about motion sickness when you fall asleep.

After warming and relaxing, I fell asleep soon.

Nalan Jinnian took the book and sat next to her, worried that she would fall.

It was quiet all around, only the wagon wheels made regular rolling sounds, as if they were hypnotizing.

The breath on the man\'s body is very good, clear and charming, refreshing, with a magical power that is even more calming than the soothing fragrance.

Warm and gradually fall asleep.

The girl\'s body slowly tilted, and her head unconsciously leaned on the shoulder of the man next to her.

Nalan Jinnian\'s body became stiff, and she dared not move.

For a while, he noticed that the girl hadn\'t woke up before he relaxed his body and carefully put the book aside.

Slightly tilted his head, lowered his eyes, and looked at the sleeping girl leaning on him.

From his angle, only the girl’s long, dense eyelashes, her nose, her small pouting mouth, and the black hair that fell on half of his body, like the finest brocade, can only be seen.

A sweet breath lingered on the end of his nose, so awkward, he couldn\'t help but tilted his head cautiously, and dropped a kiss on the top of her hair.

The warmth moved.

Nalan Jinnian\'s body became stiff, he quickly turned his head and sat down, picking up a bunch of books that he had put on hold, but didn\'t dare to move, even if the book was upside down.

The warm face rubbed against someone\'s shoulder, found a comfortable position, and went back to sleep.

Nalan Jinnian breathed a sigh of relief when he saw this. He didn\'t move anymore. Only then did he find that the book had been turned upside down. He straightened the book and looked at it seriously. He just looked at the book that he turned one page at a time. It\'s still that page for a long time.


Thank you for your rewarding book friend baby: @七分一 Rainbow, @雨沐园

It’s been a long time since I added it, please add it tonight

There are still around the early morning~~

(End of this chapter)