The Peasant Girl's Concubine's Name Moves the World

Chapter 280: Okay, let's take you to demonstrate it!

Chapter 280 Okay, let’s use you to demonstrate!

A lady couldn’t help hearing this: "Miss Jia, can you teach us this technique?"

Everyone has children, and it’s common to choke when eating.

Just now, I saw that Jia Jingzheng\'s actions are simple, so everyone wants to learn.

Jia Jingyue looked a little embarrassed, but she still said: "This is a unique technique that shouldn\'t have been spread, but the doctors are kind, let me teach you ladies!"

"Great! Miss Jia is really kind!"

"He has good medical skills and a good heart. It is really fortunate for anyone to marry Miss Jia in the future!"

"It\'s not!..."

Ladies’ words to please, say those who don’t need money.

Deng Luoshan has heard that Guo Mingyan said that warmth helps Wang Jin to heal his hands, and it is the kind of treatment that takes off his clothes.

She smiled at Warmth and said: "Princess Hui\'an, do you also know medical skills? Did you just want to use a needle to pick out the longan for the fifteenth prince? You also teach everyone how to pick out the longan with a needle!"

After hearing this, everyone looked over.

Princess Hui\'an still knows medical skills?

Use a needle to pick?

Will your throat break?

smiled warmly, his smile permeating: "Okay! Let\'s use you to demonstrate!"

"What do you want to do?" Deng Luoshan hit a chill from the soles of his feet.

Warm picked up the longan that the fifteenth prince had coughed up just now, and said with a serious face: "Didn\'t you let me demonstrate? I agree to your request!"


The audience was once again strangely silent.

Li Guifei: ""

here we go again!

Warmly took the longan meat and approached Deng Luoshan step by step.

Deng Luoshan turned pale with fright, and backed up frequently: "No!"

"You don\'t want it? Then who do you want to demonstrate? Anyone in the room would like to demonstrate for Ms. Deng?" Warm held the core and looked around for a week.

Everyone: "..."

is the same silence again.

Deng Luoshan is about to regret it! She has always been quick to speak, and she can\'t control her mouth!

"Princess Huian I just joked! I was joking! I\'m sorry! I\'m sorry!"

Li Guifei quickly said: "Princess Hui\'an, Miss Deng is talking and laughing! Don\'t be serious!"

"It turned out to be a joke! Let\'s forget it!"

After warming, throw away the longan meat in your hand at will.

Deng Luoshan just breathed a sigh of relief, when he felt something hit him and your mouth and slipped into his throat.

She swallowed it, and then she felt a little sweet in her mouth!

"You can eat things indiscriminately, but you can\'t talk indiscriminately, you know? Otherwise, you will die!"

After talking warmly, the golden basin walked to the side to wash his hands.

A few golden pots are prepared here, which are filled with fragrant soup covered with flowers, which are specially used for washing hands before eating.

Everyone: "..."

Deng Luoshan touched his throat and watched the warm hand-washing action. There was a bad premonition in his heart: "Where is the longan in your hand, Lord Hui\'an?"

Warm and serious: "You have eaten!"


The silence between heaven and earth!

Deng Luoshan’s stomach was overwhelmed instantly!

She ran to the side and opened her mouth to vomit, but she couldn’t.

She\'s so sick!

She keeps retching!

Everyone: "..."

The scene became strangely silent again.

At this time, the eighth princess walked over from the lake in the distance with her warmth: "Nuannuan, the seventeenth emperor sent someone to ask if you can leave the palace? He is waiting for you outside the imperial garden."

"It\'s okay." Wash your hands warmly and take out the kerchief and wipe your hands clean.

Warmly said to Concubine Li: "The concubine empress, King Jin is waiting for me, I will retire first."

Li Guifei nodded in a daze: "Okay, Princess Hui\'an, go slowly."

Let\'s go! Let\'s go! Hurry up!

She really doesn’t know how to greet her!

Warm and the eight princesses, Wenxin left the Royal Garden together.

After the three people left.

Everyone only feels the rest of their lives!

Jia Jingyue curiously said: "Is that princess Hui\'an who knows medical skills just now? Didn’t the princess Hui\'an have heard of it before?"

Li Wanwan also laughed: "I don\'t know if she understands medicine. But Princess Hui\'an is a peasant girl. Maybe she learned a little medicine in the village and countryside with barefoot doctors."

Jia Jingzheng smiled upon hearing this, and said nothing more and was not interested anymore.

"Let me teach you the method just now!"



A group of people gathered around, and the atmosphere became active again.

Li Guifei secretly breathed a sigh of relief.


Nalan Jinnian is standing under a magnolia tree outside the imperial garden.

The holy white magnolia blossoms on the tree, slender and shattered, like a jade lamp against the blue sky, with a curvy figure, elegant and calm, and the fragrance overflows far. The man was dressed in a silver-yellow brocade, with a long jade body, and a clear and cold face. Seeing the woman walking by, his thin lips and slight hooks were even more enchanting than the full-blown Magnolia.

The beauty is so beautiful that it makes people breathless

The warmth couldn\'t help but glance again.

"Does the lotus look good?" Nalan Jinnian looked at the woman who walked up to her, her eyes shattered with stars.

"What\'s so beautiful! I only think of eating fried lotus, drinking lotus tea, fried lotus box,"

Warm Every time she said something, the eighth princess swallowed her saliva.

After   , she looked at Nalan Jinnian: "Uncle Seventeen, do you want to eat?"

Nalan Jinnian gave her a faint look: "I don\'t want to!"

Nalan Jinnian warmly said: "Let\'s go!"

nodded warmly.

The eight princesses took the initiative to keep up with her warm hands.

Today she will go out of the palace to have a casual meal!

Nalan Jinnian gave her a faint look: "No need to send it!"

Princess Eight: "I want to eat at Nuannuan\'s house."

Nalan Jinnian just wanted to say go.

Warmth has uttered: "Okay!"

The word was swallowed back into his stomach by him.

"Let’s eat the whole lotus feast today! I just don’t know where the lotus grows well."

Princess Eight: "The ones in the Royal Garden look very good! Uncle Seventeen, don\'t you think?"

Eating a full lotus feast after the lotus appreciation is simply the best thing in life!


Warmth: ""

Is the idea of ​​hitting the lotus in the Royal Garden really good?

So many ladies are still in the imperial garden facing the summer breeze, watching the lotus leaves and lotus fields, fish playing among the lotus leaves, watching the endless green lotus leaves, reflecting the sun when the lotus is red!

A few eunuchs rushed over, rolled up their trousers, and touched the lake.

They started picking lotus leaves, lotus flowers, and digging lotus roots and lotus roots.

Warmth said that the lotus is a treasure and can be eaten anywhere.

Nalan Jinnian thought that the eighth princess was a foodie, and Da Hui, Xiao Hei, and the big ash nanny Xiao Huang were all foodies, so she ordered people to pick the lotus in the Royal Garden Bantang!

He originally wanted to finish it, but thinking of the imperial brothers and concubines is really hypocritical, he likes to hold a lotus banquet, a plum banquet, etc.

So he left half for them to watch.

So the lotus appreciation banquet organized by Concubine Li was full of twists and turns, and finally turned into a lotus gathering banquet, digging out half of her favorite lotus!

This was planted for her by the emperor back then!

is the evidence of her grand pet!

Her face is green!

After all, she couldn\'t help but ran to the emperor to make a vague complaint.

The emperor only said after hearing: "The lotus in the Royal Garden is finally not to be looked down upon!"

Li Guifei: "……"

(End of this chapter)