The Peasant Girl's Concubine's Name Moves the World

Chapter 257: When her mother gave birth to her, she must have had a little brain

Chapter 257 Her mother must have been a young man when she gave birth to her

Warmly listened to his face with surprise, as if he heard something like a fairy tale, his expression was too exaggerated:

"My son, your brain is flooded? Where can I be able to knock down this towering tree?"

Qing Luan came over and said, "No need to argue, you just leaned on that big tree! You brought it down! If you lose one million taels or Fa Langcai\'s prescription, the matter will be wiped out!"

A warm smile, the summer afternoon sun hit her face, making her smile unusually bright: "Are you daydreaming?"

"Idiots!" Nalan Jinnian spit out four words coldly.

Wu Qihua and Wu Qiye jumped out of the carriage and walked over.

Wu Qiye said angrily: "Why don\'t you go to the bank with a million taels?"

"Is this a scapegoat? It\'s obviously that the tree fell on its own, so it\'s lazy on people? You don\'t have to use this kind of reason for unbelief if you want a prescription!"

Qing Luan stretched out her finger to warm her: "I saw her leaning on the tree and leaning the tree down with my own eyes! This one million taels will not be lost today! Or don\'t hand over the prescription. Absolutely can\'t be private!"

She just wants prescriptions, what\'s the matter if she wants silver!

"Pop!" A folding fan was hit, and Qing Luan\'s outstretched fingers were cracked. The pain made her feel her fingers broken!

Nalan Jinnian took out a handkerchief with no expression on her face and tried the folding fan.

When    was over, he threw the handkerchief directly.

Qingluan\'s face flushed, but the pain was so painful that she couldn\'t speak.

The audience laughed at this.

No need to warm up what they said, everyone started to denounce her:

"Girl, they are only half big and small, compared to the big tree as small as an ant, how can the ant shake the big tree? Can\'t it be private? The reporter! We have seen so many eyes. !"

"Yeah! Go report to the official! I will testify!" After saying that, he said to Wenwen and others: "You guys hurry up and go! These two people are blackmail! I have taken a fancy to your family\'s recipe! Don\'t worry! , We can all prove it! This tree fell on its own and has nothing to do with you! If you report to an official, I will help you prove that they want to blackmail your prescriptions and money!"

"Yeah, don’t worry about them! Let’s go! You don’t have to pay for the money when you tell the government! If you lean against a tree, you can fall down? What about using a saw? The woodworker goes uphill and cuts the tree with his back!"

"These two brothers and sisters are quite unreasonable. Fortunately, you are not the only ones here, otherwise you will not be able to clean up after jumping into the Yellow River! You hurry up and leave! Regardless of them are stupid!"


Qing Luan’s words just now were really irritating, and everyone couldn\'t wait to help them warm up.

Wu Qiye clasped his fists and saluted: "Fortunately, everyone has testified, thank you everyone! Otherwise, we will really follow someone\'s way!"

Warm and smiled and said: "Thank you for your righteous words, I have invited the tea money today!"

After the warm words fell, Lei Ting went to the owner of a silver teahouse with a penetrating interest.

Everyone thanked: "Thank you, son! This little son is kind! Say a few words for him, and the tea money is also paid for us! We are also telling the truth, no thanks at all!"

"This good man has a reward! People are sitting under a tree, and the tree doesn\'t fall to him!"

"It\'s not like some people! If you don\'t accumulate morals, misfortune comes from the sky, and I want to blame others!"


The two brothers and sisters of the Qing family are so angry that their faces are black!

"Dear folks, then let\'s go first!" Warm and the others bowed their hands to everyone and said goodbye.

Then, without looking at the two siblings surnamed Qing, they bypassed them and left.

Qing Luan held her hands, tears in pain: "Brother, just let them go like this?"

Qingyang looked gloomy: "Go and see the tree."

Of course, they can’t just let them go, but the tree will fall by relying on it, and no one believes it.

But intuition tells him that they knocked down the tree!

Otherwise, how can there be such an unbiased thing?

Qingyang walked over and took a look, and found that there were many termites in the roots of the tree.

Everyone also came to see: "It turns out that it was eaten by termites! No wonder it fell!"

"It\'s really the ants that shook the tree! That son just now was really dead!"


Qingluan: "This proves even more that the man leaned the tree down! It ruined our goods!"

Everyone looked at her like an idiot.

"Why don’t you find this bunch of termites for a million taels? You don’t want the wind blowing in the sky to cost you silver taels? They are the culprits!

If it fell by relying on it, it would have fallen long ago! Why did the son go far before he fell? Besides, this white poplar tree has a lush crown, luxuriant branches and leaves, without pruning. It is normal for its top-heavy foundation to collapse because of the wind blowing just now! "

This girl, her mother must have had her brains when she gave birth to her!

Everyone shook their heads and left, continuing on their way.

Some big trees will be eaten by termites when they grow old. Everyone is not surprised.

At this time, the tree was finally moved away by the people of the Qing family.

Qing Yang hurriedly approached, he watched the smashed carriages, pieces of blue and white, and a piece of intact porcelain was gone!

His eyes are red with anger!

"Big brother, what should we do? Our exhibits are all broken!" Qing Luan felt distressed when she thought of several stunning works of the world that she had carefully designed.

"The shops in the capital and the shops in the nearby counties will be transferred to another group." Qing Yang looked gloomy.

Fortunately, there are still a few cars behind them, otherwise the sunroof will really be opened!

He is sure that the man knocked down the tree deliberately!

This hatred cannot be avenged, and those who come to Yin will avenge the hatred too!

It is impossible for their young family to suffer from this boring loss!


Warm group of people came to the capital, went directly to the ceramics chamber of commerce, let the chamber of commerce check the integrity and complete the registration.

They then transported the porcelain to the venue assigned to them by the Chamber of Commerce.

The corner of the entire venue.

No way, new members are exhibiting at the corner of the exhibition every year!

The venues around them are either newly added, or kiln workshops ranked relatively low in the ceramic industry.

The day after tomorrow is the day of ceramic exhibition.

Today, almost every venue has people on display.

Warmly glanced at the rows of simple wooden shelves.

If they put all the porcelain on the shelves, it would appear empty.

They don’t have much porcelain.

Warmth decided to buy some furniture, flowers and plants, and other accessories to come back and re-arrange the venue.

"Uncle and Uncle, you should clear the shelves in the middle first!"

"Okay!" The two moved immediately and moved the middle shelf out.

Warmth The venue opposite them is a porcelain kiln workshop called Jasper Porcelain Kiln.

The steward over there saw them move the shelf, and came over curiously and asked: "You moved the shelf, where is the porcelain placed?"

Warmth: “There are too many shelves, we don’t have so many porcelain to put them on.”

The steward listened for a moment, then smiled and turned back.

At the moment he turned around, he pursed his mouth with a look of disdain: What kind of pheasant porcelain kiln is this? Even the porcelain is not enough to put on airs, so what kind of ceramic appreciation conference are you still attending?

It seems that there must be their home on the list of elimination this year!

My own porcelain kiln has one more chance of winning!

is late, sorry~~

Thank you book friends who voted and commented~~

Thank you for catching bug babies: @小P悠悠, @白熊芳, @Happy, @*娇~~

Thank you for the book friends who rewarded me: @雨沐园, @七分一 Rainbow, @曦柠檬, @ hit pig~~

Thank you~~

(End of this chapter)