The Peasant Girl's Concubine's Name Moves the World

Chapter 256: Are you daydreaming?

Chapter 256 Are you daydreaming?

The owner of the teahouse came over and asked Qingyang brothers and sisters: "Can you two guest officers sit together and let a table come out?"

Qingyang: "Sorry, there are different seats for seven years old, so it is not convenient to let it go! Besides, we sat at this table first, so why should we let it go?"

The boss didn’t dare to offend these people when they saw that these people were well-dressed. He could only apologize to Wu Qiye with a smile: “Guest officer, would you like to wait?”

Wu Qiye ignored Qing Luan either, he looked around to see how long he had to wait.

At this time, under the big tree, the person at a table just left.

Warm and brought people over: "Second Uncle, let\'s just sit here."

Warmth took the lead to sit down near the trunk, and the others followed suit.

Old Xu fell asleep, he did not get out of the wagon.

Lei Ting and Lin Tingxuan set up a table on the side table and just sat down.

The tea owner breathed a sigh of relief and immediately went over and asked them what they had eaten.

Warmth ordered a bowl of mung bean paste, some others ordered tofu flowers, some ordered red bean paste, and others were as warm.

In addition, they ordered one tea egg for one person and two dishes of boiled peanuts.

The food came up quickly.

After drinking the green bean paste, I ate another tea egg.

She eats faster, but the way she eats is beautiful and pleasing to the eyes, and her appetite also improves.

After warming, she leaned back lazily against the tree, where she sat with her back against the tree.

Nalan Jinnian only needs a bowl of tea. The tea here is served in a bowl, which is very bitter. After he finished drinking, he put his hands on the trunk at will.

It happened that he was sitting next to Warm, talking in a low and warm voice.

The cold and repelling breath on weekdays is all reduced by the girl around him.

The two leaned lazily against the tree, talking while waiting for everyone to finish eating.

The young girl has red lips and white teeth, just like the boy of good fortune under the seat of the goddess of mercy.

The elder is handsome and extraordinary, and his face is so beautiful that he can\'t find any shortcomings at all.

Only find beauty, beauty, beauty...

Three hundred and sixty degrees are all beautiful!

The eyes of the people in the teahouse couldn\'t help but float towards the two of them.

Qing Luan\'s eyes were also attracted by Nalan Jinnian.

"Brother, who is that man in silver?" Qing Luan asked.

She has never seen such a beautiful man!

"I don\'t know." Qing Yang faintly felt that this person was not easy to provoke.

Nalan Jinnian’s face, even in the capital, can only be known by officials who can appear in the court and the wife and ladies who are eligible to participate in the palace banquet.

Everyone else just heard that he is handsome and extraordinary, there is only one person in the sky!

The Qing family is just a royal merchant, and he really has no right to meet him.


At this time, warm and waiting for someone to finish eating.

Wu Qihua went to pay the money, and the group walked back to their carriage, ready to get on the carriage and leave.

The   Qing family had finished eating at this time, and they also checked out and left. The coachman hurried to lead the horse, and the others were ready to get on the carriage.

After warming up, he looked at the team of the Qing family, and said in his heart: One, two, three!

As soon as the three characters    fell, a strange sound rang, and a big tree suddenly uprooted, and the whole tree fell, just hitting a row of carriages parked by the Qing family on the side of the road.

Dense branches and leaves fell on the other side of the road, raising a burst of yellow dust.

Everyone: "..."

Warm the corners of the mouth and raise it slightly

A row of ten carriages, all of which were squashed by the sturdy tree poles!

No one is spared!

Just right!

The ground felt a shake.

The people in the teahouse were so scared that they all stood up, looked around, found an empty place, and watched this scene in astonishment.

The two siblings of the Qing family: stare, stare, mouth, dumb!

Their goods!

They are worth hundreds of thousands of taels!

The best master of their young family has prepared goods for a year!

The people of the Qing family ran over in a swarm, trying to rescue their goods!

The people around have changed from a look of shock to a look of aftermath!

After all, everyone has been blew up:

"God! What\'s the matter? Why did this tree fall down well?!"

"Isn\'t there a ground movement?"

"It\'s scary! Fortunately, it\'s not on our side, or it will kill people!"

"Yes! I\'m sitting under the tree! My feet are shaking!"

"The luckiest thing is that the table under the tree trunk just now left! Otherwise, the big tree will be uprooted by the side, and even the table will be overturned. It\'s time to be scared to pee!"

"No, it\'s a big blessing! Fortunately, I just hit the carriage, and I\'m fine!"

"It\'s okay to smash the carriage. There is no one on the carriage, right? I hope no one, or it will kill you."

"Let’s go and help move the tree away!"


Qing Luan was anxiously watching the people of the Qing family move the tree, but the tree was too big, a dozen people lifted it and didn\'t lift it, and then fell heavily on the carriage.

Seeing this, her face is blue!

Listening to everyone’s conversation at the moment, his face turned from blue to black, and he said angrily: "Shut up! Do you know that the goods in the carriage are more valuable? A hundred of you are not as good as a piece of porcelain in the carriage! What is smashing? It’s okay to have a flat carriage? It’s okay to kill you guys!"

The people who were about to step forward to help move the tree away did not help after hearing this. They looked at Qing Luan with an angry expression:

"Who came from? Why is it so poisonous at a young age! No wonder that the tree fell into their carriage, this is retribution!"

"I think so, my mouth is so poisonous, I am not a good person if I want to come! God opened my eyes, other people\'s carriages are all right, it\'s her family!"

"I still want to help move the big tree! If you don\'t help anymore, this is God\'s dispatch and deserves retribution."


"You untouchables are looking for..." What else Qing Luan wanted to say.

Qingyang stopped her: "Shut up, what are you talking nonsense?!"

"Isn\'t it? Those people have low lives, how can our porcelain...!"

"Shut up, your reputation is gone?" Qing Yang glared at her, warning in a low voice with only two audible voices:

"Even if those low lives are true, you can\'t tell it! Are you not scolding?"

"They talked too much!" Qing Luan retorted, saying nothing else.

Qingyang then looked at the warm group of people.

A towering tree would suddenly be uprooted, he didn\'t believe it at all!

The warm line is also shocked!

They were sitting next to the tree just now.

If the tree fell to their side, the consequences would be disastrous!

Sister Nuan was leaning on that tree just now!

If you fall to their side, Sister Nuan might be smashed into meatloaf!

"Sister Nuan, fortunately we are leaving! Otherwise, it will be miserable! It scared me to death!" Wen Jiamei was afraid for a while.

warmly smiled: "No, good people are safe for their lives. Let\'s go!"

A group of people got on the carriage and was about to leave.

Qingyang stopped in front of Warm and Nalan Jinnian’s horse.

"You guys knocked down the tree!" This is an affirmative sentence, not an interrogative sentence!

The second brother came back last night. There were five masters in their team. They were very skilled, and more than a dozen of his two brothers had been killed!

The skills of those people are in the middle of the row in the light and shadow gate.

was just sent to destroy their goods, but these people killed everyone without leaving!

Injured the second brother and lost 19 men!

Today they smashed all their goods!

It\'s cruel, frantic, and inhumane!

They really think that with Xu Lao backing up, their Qing family is easy to bully?

(End of this chapter)