The Noble Lord Is So Fierce: Greeting Kiss, My Sweet Wife

Chapter 675

Chi Bingqing looked at the time and asked the kitchen chef to cook lunch.

When Mo Qijue and Tong jiumo come down, Chi Bingqing brings out the stewed bird's nest glue stewed products.

"Good morning, mom." Tong jiumo enters the restaurant and greets Chi Bingqing.

"Morning, foam. Come and drink the bird's nest." Chi Bingqing sits down with Tong jiumo.

Mo Qi Jue also sat down on one side, looking at foam eating bird's nest, and his table empty, he frowned and asked, "Mom, where's mine?"

"Stew it in the pot and take it with your own hands and feet." Chi Bingqing has already sat down and let the servant start to pass the dishes.

"Why don't you get it yourself?" Mo Qi Jue asked suspiciously.

"Because she is foam, is a small public offering, of course, it is brought to the front ah, you a big man, did not let you get up early to cook, you still want to let your mother to serve you? Do you want to scold you Chi Bingqing very impolitely glared at Mo seven Jue, "let you marry foam, is to let you serve her well."

Mo Qi Jue nodded, "well, I know."

At the end of the speech, Mo seven Jue reached out and carried the bird's nest of Tong jiumo.

"What are you doing? If you want to eat, you have to serve it yourself. Why grab foam? " Chi Bingqing saw Mo Qijue grab foam stew cup, and asked angrily.

And reach for it.

Mo Qi Jue looked at his mother grabbing the stew cup, and he said, "Mom, you asked me to serve the foam well? I'll feed the foam to the bird's nest now

Tong jiumo looked at Mo Qi Jue mother and son grabbing her stew cup. She stretched out her hand and put it in the middle. "You let me eat by myself. I'll do it myself."

"Mo Mo, you give me a chance to show, or my mother will kill me with her eyes."

Mo Qi Jue looked at the late ice Qing with fear.

"Mom, don't blame Mo Qijue. In fact, he has always been very good to me, but I'm not good enough to him." Tong jiumo helps Mo Qijue speak.

"Mo Mo, eat more." Chi Bingqing said.

"Well, I know, mom, you can eat more." Chi Bingqing said to Chi Bingqing.

"Mom, the hospital called just now, and the hospital has arranged the operation." Mo Qi Jue raised a sentence at the table.

"Then I'll send someone to admire Wanqing later." Chi Bingqing said.

After lunch, Mo Qijue drove Chi Bingqing and Tong jiumo to the hospital.

Mu Wanqing was also taken to the hospital.

Mu Wanqing was stunned when he saw Tong jiumo.

His face sank in an instant.

However, Tong jiumo stepped forward and took Mu Wanqing's arm. "Wanqing, you can finally see the light. Congratulations."

Mu Wanqing stretched out a shaking hand and held Tong jiumo, "foam, I don't want to do surgery for the time being."

But Tong jiumo said, "how can you not want to? Seeing things is a kind of happiness. "

"Yes, it's sunny in the evening. After the light is restored, you can have a good look at the world." Chi Bingqing said, on the side of the doctor said, "quick, to Wanqing preparation for surgery."

"Yes, ma'am." A doctor led Mu Wanqing into the operating room.

Mu Wanqing hesitated.

"Nine foam!" Mu Wanqing shouts Tong jiumo.

Tong jiumo is holding the hand of Mo Qijue. She knows that Mu Wanqing has no problem with her eyes. She will see that she is holding Mo Qijue now.

Mu Wanqing looks at her eyes with a trace of hatred.

"Wanqing, we are all for your good. You still have the operation obediently. Your father is still waiting for you in the mental hospital. Do you want to restore the light to see him?" Tong jiumo asked in a warm voice.

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