The Noble Lord Is So Fierce: Greeting Kiss, My Sweet Wife

Chapter 674

"Mo Mo, ah Jue..."

Chi Bingqing comes in with a pillow, but sees Mo Qijue and Tong jiumo on the bed

"Ah --"

can be hit on the spot, Tong jiumo screams.

Mo seven Jue quickly pulled the quilt, covered two people's bodies.

Fortunately, Tong jiumo was wearing a nightdress.

"Mother! What are you doing in the middle of the night? " Mo seven Jue watched Chi Bingqing come in, full of shock.

Chi Bingqing said, "what do you say? Of course, I came in to chat with foam."

"Chat? What a chat in the middle of the night! Go to bed in the middle of the night Mo seven Jue help forehead, a face of helplessness.

Chi Bingqing said, "I can't sleep. This is the first time I spend the night in a stranger's house. How can I sleep?"

Mo Qi Jue said, "Mom, what can't sleep?"

"You, you, you, get dressed and go to sleep." Chi Bingqing and his family went to the bed, picked up a pillow and smashed it to Mo Qi Jue. They also picked up the clothes on the floor of Mo Qijue and threw them in the past.

Mo seven Jue see mother to go to bed, Mo seven Jue asked, "Mom, what do you do on my bed with foam?"

Mo Qijue had a deep insight into Chi Bingqing's idea and asked, "Mom, you don't want to sleep with us, do you? How old are you? "

"You promised me before, if I help you to take your grandparents and your father away, and let you and Mo Mo alone, you will let me sleep with Mo Mo, you will not forget it?"

"Mom, it was just a temporary measure." The forehead seven Mo Jue says.

"Oh, I take it seriously." Chi Bingqing said with a smile.

Then he took the pillow, put it in the middle, and fell asleep beside Tong jiumo.

"Mo Mo, you are so sweet! What perfume do you use? " Chi Bingqing took a deep breath and asked.

"is the perfume of the seven Duke of the Duke." Tong jiumo replied.

"a big man, what perfume he has! No wonder it's so sultry Chi Bingqing said instantly.

, "Mom, the seven gentlemen say perfume is the essential artifact for a wife." Tong jiumo explained the doubts for Mo Qi Jue.

"Still need artifact?" Chi Bingqing frowned and asked, and then kicked the Mo seven Jue out of bed.

"Turn off the lights and sleep!" Chi Bingqing holds Tong jiumo to sleep and says.

Mo Qi Jue could only turn off the lights and go to sleep.

Tong jiumo is held by Chi Bingqing, which reminds her of the way her mother used to hold her to sleep.

Child nine foam some feeling, turned over the body, holding the late ice Qing.

Chi Bingqing a Leng, did not expect the child nine foam will hold her.

Thinking of this, Chi Bingqing knows that Tong jiumo is thinking of her mother.

She reached out and patted the back of nine foam children, "foam, sleep, sleep, mother is here, darling, big baby!"

Soon, Tong jiumo is really holding Chi Bingqing to sleep.

Sleep to midnight, Mo seven Jue crept up from the bed.

Get out of bed, light hands and feet to the child nine foam bedside.

Who knows when he is just about to lie down, Chi Bingqing suddenly raises his head and stares at Mo Qijue, "go back to sleep! Or go out and sleep on the sofa

Mo Qi Jue is really angry with his mother.

"Mom, do you believe I'll throw you out?" Mo Qi Jue was so angry that he wanted to turn on the light.

But Chi Bingqing lowered her voice and said, "foam is sleeping. You will wake her up when you turn on the light."

"Mom, Mo Mo is my wife. Do you think it's appropriate for you to sleep in my bed with Mo Mo?" Mo seven Jue really want to call to let the old father come back to take the old mother. , the fastest update of the webnovel!