The National Male God is a Girl: BOSS Fancy Pet

Chapter 35

"Later, get her to death!"

When passing by nanguanlin, Xia Zheng whispered, and her dark eyes were full of malice.

Nanguanlin smiled, reached out and pinched Xia zhengran\'s waist secretly.

With such a good chance, he will certainly kill this sissy. Dare to trouble him? I\'m tired of living!

The declining family is the declining family. Do you want to make a comeback? Oh, it\'s not impossible. Just ask him!

"Let\'s play! Our people, I\'ll pick!" nanguanlin\'s tone was crazy.

Zhan Yu, who had been watching silently, suddenly opened his mouth.

"If you play a game, 90 minutes is not enough. If you only play half-time, it is 45 minutes, but now it has been ten minutes in class."

The voice of condensation was calm and indifferent. Although it was not loud, it made the noisy playground silent in an instant.

"Zhan, stop talking!"

"The voice is really good."

"Although I hate the elite class, some people are still excluded!"

In a whisper, nanguanlin\'s attitude eased a lot. He whispered, "less war, no comparison?"

The identity of this person is not clear to the princelings, but it has been explained at home. They would rather stay away than provoke!

"It\'s not better than losing the identity of the elite class. In that case, I\'ll change it and compete with the three player football. In order to support you, I\'ll go."

Nanguanlin\'s eyes brightened and his heart rejoiced.

Zhan Shao is definitely the elite of the elite. He is the first in all subjects. Not to mention the beauty of music, body and labor, it is a model of the all-round development of morality, intelligence, body, beauty and labor. With such a god level, he will absolutely abuse the dead pervert!

Nanguanlin is in a good mood.

"The third person, just Ling Haotian."

Finally, the team secretly looked in the mirror to sort out their appearance. Someone who maintained his idol image was stunned and tilted his head.

Zhan Shao told him to play football? Ha, auditory hallucinations? What about the MV if you get hurt?

"Haotian, let\'s kick off."



"Xia Xi, please pick someone."

Zhan Yu looked over indifferently. His deep eyes were dark and bottomless. The cold thin lips made Xia Xi squint vigilantly.

She hasn\'t touched this man\'s mind. Now she wants to play football again. What the hell?

However, no matter how many people played football, she was not afraid. The mercenary Corps often went out of nowhere. At that time, their entertainment was all kinds of balls except gambling!

Although the body can\'t run, she has blood jade. As long as the power of blood jade can support 30 minutes, she will definitely win the game!

"Xiao Xi, I\'ll come!" he Xiaolan squeezed out: "I, I\'ll help you!"

"I\'d better come. Who made me the class committee?"

Xia Zheng came out with a smile, pretending to be cute and soft.

I didn\'t expect Zhan Shao and Ling Haotian to attend. She will never miss such a good opportunity!

In my mind, the scene of playing football happily with Zhan Shao and Haotian flashed away. She hooked her mouth and had better be a friend, so my father will admit that she is better than this waste!

Then you can divorce happily and kick the waste away, and she is Xia\'s only heir!

"Xiaoxi, let\'s win the first one happily ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ come on ~ ~ ~"

Deliberately rising tail sound, whine in whine gas, Xia Xi shivered and subconsciously rubbed her arm.

Everyone is strange recently. Which one did Xia Zheng make?

But she\'d better not mess with herself!