The National Male God is a Girl: BOSS Fancy Pet

Chapter 33

There was no one over the playground until the bell rang and the talents of the elite class came slowly.

The school uniform is changed into sportswear, but it is also different from theirs.

The elite class wears famous brand sports covers, girls\' Slim fitting shorts and T-shirts, which outline the perfect figure. Boys\' loose midpants suits. The most fashionable thing is that people wear knee length stockings, which looks like high school students in European and American schools.

Then compared with them wearing sack like sportswear, they suddenly have the sense of seeing short, poor and handsome when they meet tall, rich and handsome.

The elite class couldn\'t help but curl their lips.

Physical education teacher Zou Kai whistled, obviously feeling a little nervous.

"Well, what, Miss Wang, the PE teacher of the elite class, has a car accident and a broken leg for three months. In these three months of PE class, the elite class will go with us..."

Before he finished, there was a cheer behind him: "Oh!!"

"Teacher, this is not our venue. We don\'t want to have physical education here. It\'s very dirty."

In the elite class, nanguanlin chewed gum and glanced here with disdain.

What happened to the key class? It\'s just those who study better in ordinary classes. Where can they compare with them?

The elite class is either the rich second generation or the official second generation. To put it bluntly, most of them are the crown prince party. What are these poor people?!

"Hey, we clean it well every day. Where is it?"

A thin girl stood up in indignation, and the students in the key classes around him were a little unhappy.

Even the elite class can\'t look down on people so much!

Nanguan Lin snorted and smiled, "stay away from me, garbage!"


Zou Kai quickly pulled apart the students on both sides.

"Nanguan students..."

Mr. Zou was a little nervous. All the people in the elite class were expensive and difficult to manage.

"What\'s the matter with you? Go away (Zou Kai), teacher!"

"Hahaha, go away, teacher!"

"Poof, yes, since it\'s all called that name, get out of here!"

Several students around nanguanlin laughed, not to mention the key class. The teachers of the key class didn\'t pay attention to them either!

Being so humiliated, Mr. Zou\'s face became more red. Because of this name, he was teased by people. Now he is teased by students, but here are elite classes. Only Mr. Wang can see it. If he changes, he doesn\'t even dare to manage

"Teacher, let\'s have class. Time is precious."

In the key class, a voice sounded slowly and helped him out in a roar of laughter.

Teacher Zou was stunned and looked at him gratefully.

In the crowd stood a young man, male and female, very beautiful, even if the fat school uniform still couldn\'t hide her handsome, full pink lips with a faint radian, calm and publicity.

"OK, let\'s have class!"

Zou Kai took a deep breath: "today I play football..."


A football flashed across his eyes and roared away towards Xia Xi\'s face.

Nanguanlin slowly took back his feet. His face was full of provocation and stared at Xia Xi with a smile.

"Xia Xi, it\'s dangerous!"

Zou Kai was also in a hurry. He hurried to catch up with him, but he saw that the football with great strength seemed to pause in mid air, and then stopped steadily in the palm of the boy\'s hand!

How, how possible? Nanguanlin killed him. He was very strong!

Zou Kai didn\'t know that Xueyu gave Xia Xi strength. She just used her usual skills to unload the strength of football, and then put it in the palm of her hand from rongtuo.

She smiled. Her dark eyes looked at Nanguan Lin with provocation: "the elite class is just like this. What capital do you have to look down on the key class?"

"Yes, what capital do you have!"

"I still think you\'re dirty!"

"What elite class, shit!"

The students in the key class talked about it one after another.

Xia Xi let them rekindle their confidence. Everyone is human. Why should they be despised by you!