The National Director is Mr. Perfect

Chapter 1953

"We had a good conversation today."

Jun porcelain looks smiling, but if you look closely, you can see that the smile doesn't reach the bottom of her eyes. She gets up and pushes a contract to Claire: "I think maybe you can say that he can accept it faster. Tell him not to struggle, unless he wants to quit Las Vegas with the most ugly attitude. In addition, I wish him a speedy recovery. "

To a defeated general, Jun porcelain also said that he would say two good words.

Miles didn't struggle for long. He had no room to fight back in front of Jun porcelain.

After chatting with Claire, Junci left.

Looking at Jun porcelain leaving her resolute and resolute figure, Claire sits in her seat and looks at the hot coffee in front of her. She is in a state of anxiety.


just three hours after Junci and Claire met, an astonishing news came out of the United States.

[Austin Casino has been officially acquired, and the once glorious giants will eventually become the past]

this news comes from one of the most trusted media in the United States. Their disclosure is absolutely true. The title of this disclosure also represents the media's regret for the Austin family.

For many people, it may not understand what the Austin family acquisition means, but the hearts of the upper class are delicate.

Austin announced the acquisition quietly. It was not without news in advance. However, the target of acquisition was sloley, who couldn't fight with eight sticks?

[sloley officially announced the acquisition of Austin group, and high-tech companies announced to enter the casino industry? ]

[sloley aims at Las Vegas? What does its acquisition of Austin represent? ]

[sloley's identity as the biggest boss is still a mystery. Why target Austin? ]

[miles Austin is not feeling well and is recuperating in the hospital, or is it related to the acquisition of Austin group? ]


The Austin family is also a family loved by gossip people in America. The main reason is that the two twins are too high-profile, one is supermodel, the other is famous playboy.

As for the acquisition, the media went to the two and found that they were not affected at all.

There was not much expression of sadness and indignation. After meeting her father in the hospital, Claire even went to work peacefully. Her brother was still drinking.

It looks like it's full of filial piety.

However, the media later understood that the father was dead, and there was a mother who was the daughter of the oil king. Money was never lacking.

However, it seems that this accident, as the wife side seems to have no help.

In fact, only Austin knew that they were useless.

The gourd eaters were just gossiping about it, and the good people added fuel to the story and said some of them. Basically, they took a blind guess.

Some people know that the business of Austin casinos in Las Vegas is not very good. They are forced by several new casinos, but they don't expect to go bankrupt.

It's mainly because they don't understand the changes in business.

But soon, finally, someone who understood came out.

China's microblog can be regarded as a half melon eating country for this matter. After all, it is not our country. However, this kind of big news is equivalent to the gossip of the world. We all have melons to eat together.

After watching all the events, one blogger finally came out and asked his soul. , the fastest update of the webnovel!