The National Director is Mr. Perfect

Chapter 1952

"Very good, very happy."

Jun porcelain mouth with a smile, this is a secluded Cafe private room, do not worry about the paparazzi outside.

Even if you are guarding, you don't have to worry. No one can report any news about her without permission from Jun porcelain.

Even if she and Claire meet today, a lot of people have received news.

Seeing Jun porcelain's light smile, Claire was in a trance for a while.

She knew that Jun porcelain was not joking. She looked so good. She really looked very happy.

She didn't know whether she should be happy for Jun porcelain or sad for her father: "porcelain, my father has been hospitalized recently."

She said this sentence, a rare little worried.

Such a beauty showed such an expression that she would like to be reached out to smooth the wrinkles between her eyebrows.

Jun porcelain's face did not fluctuate, but she did not correct the same address as Lydia. Her smile still continued, and her words seemed indifferent: "Claire, you should know that this has nothing to do with me."

"It doesn't matter." Claire couldn't help but smile: "we know you're not kidding. What's going on in the casino has something to do with you? If not, we should know that you are the new owner of the casino to be acquired. "

Jun porcelain can't throw a word out of thin air.

Just because she doesn't seem to be acting for so long doesn't mean she's really not.

Miles knew who was doing it when the casino business was under threat.

Jun porcelain showed her hands, "so?"

She did not deny it.

The light in Claire's eyes dimmed a little, and then quickly disappeared: "porcelain, I know that I have no reason to ask you anything, but I still want to ask, is there really no possibility of letting go? Even now he's willing to give up his stake in the casino for you to inherit? "

"Claire, I like to kill everyone, but not everyone." Jun porcelain took a tissue to gently wipe the coffee stains on his lips: "I can keep all your inheritance rights, but I can't give up the things I have got."

The Austin family can't go back.

Her purchase is doomed. It is absolutely impossible for her to let go.

Claire just wants to let Jun porcelain give up the shares and identity of Austin family with his property.

Let Austin still belong to miles.

But, No.

Jun porcelain's words, decisive, let Claire understand that this matter has no room to turn around.

Her lips smile bitterly: "I should have known."

She sighed, but did not know who was sighing: "I hope he gets better soon."

Claire once blamed her father for not letting Jun porcelain return to his family. Now she knows all the truth. Even if she still hates this man, he is her father after all.

When he was dying to look at himself in the hospital bed, Claire's heart was still soft, so she moved.

She knew that she might not succeed, but she still wanted to find Junci, the niece who had no predestination, to beg for help.

But obviously, it doesn't work.

Jun porcelain said that it was nice to listen to people, but she was indifferent to everything and would never give in.

Claire knew that it was the Austin family's fault in the beginning. , the fastest update of the webnovel!