The National Director is Mr. Perfect

Chapter 1899

The body is falling.

The feeling of being completely weightless is frightening.

After touching the ground, Jun porcelain heard something in his ear, and then saw that the land in front of him had become a kind of void space.

As if it was transformed by some technology, it directly soared into the air, and it fell down naturally.

But she saw a group of tourists in front of her, as if nothing had been found, and she fell silent.

Because of her character, she couldn't shout.

Although the feeling of falling suddenly can make people crazy, Jun porcelain quickly calmed down his mood and even grasped his balance in the air.

Because the fall is too fast, all around is the wind whistling, scraping Jun porcelain eyes can not open.

Gulu's voice was a little flustered: "Your Highness, are you ok?"

Their signals can not be connected out, it is also a little flustered, but it found that its own energy can still be used, so it tried to protect Jun porcelain's body.

Last star: "don't panic. The problem is not serious."

As the voice of the last star just fell, Jun porcelain felt that the feeling of the strong wind had dissipated a little. She opened her eyes and saw the darkness around her.

I feel as if I am in the void. I feel nothing but falling down endlessly.

She was calm and did not panic because of the unexpected situation. She just asked, "did you hear that just now?"

She heard that, royal blood, permission to enter.

It's definitely not something that ordinary technology can say.

She is the royal blood, but she is the royal blood of the future interstellar age. In addition, she is an ordinary person on earth. Why is she said to be royal blood?

Is it really the same world technology as her?



Gulu and the last star both answered and heard, and the last star reminded, "because of the spiritual imprint, it seems that this experiment was not completely stopped by the interstellar at the beginning."

Otherwise you won't see it here.

Gulu: "in other words, our guesses may be true? Is there any trace of spiritual imprint on your highness? "

Last star: "this is not sure for the time being."

Two brains are discussing, Jun porcelain has some black lines, because now she has not fallen to the ground.

Because of the darkness around her, it was not good to keep falling down, and she just didn't panic.


All of a sudden, Jun porcelain felt as if he had fallen on something soft. If you can describe it, it's like marshmallow.

And falling down at such a high speed, it seems that it is just unbalanced, and there is not too much impact.

Jun porcelain frowned. Although she couldn't see it, she still tried to touch the ground in front of her.

It's really soft. It's like marshmallow It doesn't feel like plastic.

Gulu is still worried about the safety of Jun porcelain: "Your Highness, are you ok?"

"It's OK."

Because he didn't know what was going on around him, Jun porcelain just sat up and didn't rush to look around.

"Gollum, can you use energy for light conversion?"

"It seems that we can't..."

Gulu tried, some frustrated: "still can't do it."

The energy of light source and magnetic field is different. To produce substantial energy is like to create something out of thin air. For Gollum now, it consumes too much energy. , the fastest update of the webnovel!