The National Director is Mr. Perfect

Chapter 1900

Just after Gulu's answer, there was a light all around.

Because the sudden light source was too dazzling, Jun porcelain estimated that it had dropped for about ten minutes. She was not used to such light source invasion because she was in the dark.

I closed my eyes reflexively.

Then, slowly opened.

When she opened her eyes, she was slightly surprised.

This is a space equivalent to nothingness.

It can be surrounded by pure white fog, in which is an enlarged picture of the universe.

Jun porcelain seems to be in the universe, can see itself in front of a blue planet.

That's the earth.

But it's not the earth that makes her vibrate. A little bit in front of the blue planet is something that's floating up and down like a transparent mass of light.

It exudes a soft light, which gives people a very warm breath. The breath makes Jun porcelain feel very familiar and makes her calm down.

"Hello, your highness."

It was like passing through a loudspeaker, and suddenly a soft female voice came out.

This sound is too familiar, although it seems to be the implementation of the general procedures, it seems to be a little standardized soft, but still let Jun porcelain's heart with a violent shock.

That's the voice of Iman, who belongs to his mother.

She opened her mouth, but her voice was a little dry: "who are you?"

She looked at the ball of light calmly. She knew who she was talking to. In the interstellar age, such things were not uncommon.

"I'm the seeker 30749, and I've been wandering in this universe for thousands of years. Three thousand years ago, I crashed because of a system error, and I was silent here until you arrived. "

Its words, let Jun porcelain a Zheng.


Because of this name, in an instant, a kind of hope has never been raised in Jun porcelain's heart.

"Where are you from?"

Seeker 30749: "the interstellar Federation, the tissie empire."


Gulu was excited: "Your Highness, it's your empire, it's your empire!"

Not only Gulu jubilation, Jun porcelain itself also really did not expect.

As if in a dream, she really did not expect to meet her own star age Empire here again.

Tissie, is her empire.

The most powerful federal empire in the interstellar age. She was the Crown Prince there.

Only now, she has become an ordinary person on earth.

"Why do you come here?" she asked, holding back a feeling of hope that had gradually risen in her heart? Please tell me your mission and create time. "

seeker No. 30749:" I am ordered by Queen Iman to search for Anastasia camondaso, the only crown prince of the empire that disappeared from black hole space. In 8215, the Institute found that there might be other life spaces at the other end of the black hole, but because of uncontrollable factors, it could not be accurately located, and there was a destructive force. In the interstellar age, the aborigines couldn't go there. Queen Iman ordered the research institute to create us, the seeker, in the form of a ship, which could be decomposed and transformed to escape the tearing of space. I'm the seeker 30749. According to the survey, I'm the only one who's been in this space right now, and there's no other similar search

Jun porcelain felt that he had a faint sense of dizziness. He had to describe it. Maybe he was caught off guard by happiness.

Because she was Anastasia camondaso, the name of her crown prince. , the fastest update of the webnovel!