The Master's Master Can't Be a Mortal

Chatper 1899

"It\'s over?"

A Tianjiao looked at his ranking and found that it was only over 8,000, with a score of 190,000. His face gradually became ugly, and he felt that the entrance examination was too difficult.

Misty Sect recruited 10,000 people, and now he has more than 8,000, but this is only the ranking of the essay test. There will be a martial arts test later, and he must be ranked in the top 10,000 in the total points of the literary test and the martial arts test before he can be selected.

Now, far from being happy.

If he can enter the top 1,000 in the essay test, he will feel safer.

"Haha, my dear, click to enter and give a good review. The higher the score, the faster the update. It is said that those who gave Xiangshu novels full marks finally found beautiful wives!
Newly revised and upgraded address of the mobile station:, data and bookmarks are synchronized with the computer station, and there is no advertisement for fresh reading!