The Master's Master Can't Be a Mortal

Chatper 1898

in the crowd.

Lin Jie from Yunguo finally squeezed to the front, looked up at the incomparably imposing Misty Sect, and then looked at Gong Qingqiu, Concubine Fox, Li Wanqing and other mid-level and high-level immortal emperors in the sky, his heart was surging.

"Finally here, Misty Sect... I must pass the examination."

Lin Jie clenched his fist secretly.

Since reincarnation in Yunguo, Ye Feng secretly strengthened his divine body, and was bestowed with huge luck from the air by the hand of luck, so he rose instantly.

In just a few months, Lin Jie\'s cultivation base soared.

Some time ago, when he just arrived in the mainland of China, he was extremely lucky. He met the mansion left by two ancient immortal emperors after their death, and obtained a bottle of good fortune golden elixir.

"I should have hope to pass the test, right?"

Lin Jie secretly thought.

The Misty Sect\'s assessment is divided into a literary test and a martial test. The literary test is presided over by Li Wanqing, the martial test is in charge of Concubine Hu, and Gong Qingqiu is the chief examiner.

The essay test tests the knowledge of practice.

As for Lin Jie, after obtaining the inheritance from those two ancient immortal emperors, he inherited all their knowledge, and his cultivation foundation is extremely solid, so he is very confident.

As for the martial arts test, he is not afraid either.

The two immortal emperors had rich fighting experience, and Lin Jie himself had a set of special armor and was good at fighting.

"I\'m a First Layer Immortal Emperor."

"No matter how bad it is, you can still enter the top 10,000, right?"

"In this case, you can enter the sect."

Lin Jie whispered.

Surrounding him, there are quite a few young talents gathered at this moment. Hearing this, they all stared straight.


"Is the entrance examination of Misty Sect so much now? It doesn\'t matter if the total number of people exceeds 100 billion, but there are even immortal emperors coming to participate in the assessment."

"Didn\'t you say that there is an age limit?"

"Don\'t tell me, this young Immortal Emperor is actually a younger generation like us!"

People around erupted into heated discussions.

at this time.

Three figures descended from the top of Misty Peak, namely Donghuangxiao, Lin Cuicui, and Tianyan Saint Body Yang Tian, ​​all of them were genuine Immortal Emperor Realm.

Especially Yang Tian, ​​who is very talented, he was born as a tenth-level immortal emperor, and recently he broke through five levels in a row. When he reached the fifteenth-level immortal emperor, his aura overwhelmed the audience.

"It seems that I have won."

Yang Tian put his hands on his hips and looked proud.

Donghuangxiao\'s cultivation is not as good as Yang Tian\'s, but after joining the Misty Sect, he has made rapid progress, and now he has the tenth level of Immortal Emperor. She was also confident, and said: "The assessment is not about cultivation, but about potential. I can beat you."

"So, there is hope for me too?"

Lin Cuicui said with a grin.

Now, she is a triple fairy emperor.

"I\'m the Holy Body of Heavenly Eyes, isn\'t my potential high enough?" Three-eyed baby Yang Tian snorted.

"I am the Supreme Invincible." Donghuang Xiao said.

As soon as this remark came out, the three-eyed baby suddenly froze.

On weekdays, he likes to spar, and he often fights with Lin Cuicui and Donghuangxiao at the same level. His ability beats Lin Cuicui, but he is not the enemy of the invincible supreme Donghuangxiao.

This made Yang Tian very distressed.

"Oh my God!"

"There are three more immortal emperors!"

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