The Magus of Genesis

The fourth episode The breath of the dragon / Fire Breathing

"Good morning ... ...."

Faa, with a big mouth open and yawning, Nina with sleeping voice.

Good morning

I try to avoid seeing her as possible, but I will return a greeting.

It has only been a few months since I met, but I was used to Elf language a lot. Apparently the dragon is not only much stronger than humans, it seems that the head is also good.

If the hardware changes, the behavior of the software also changes, I just remembered the words in just a few days just talking to her.

"Because you were noisy yesterday, I am sleepy ..."

"Sorry Sorry"

As she blushed out her arms, the trees trembled and tilted the leaves, collecting morning dew on that palm. When Nina rinsed his face with a slash with it, the wind blew off to blow off the water droplets. Then the plants covered her body and turned into clothes.

As usual, it is a splendid magic.

For convenience, I decided to call her tribe an elf. However, its ability, lifestyle, and physical characteristics are quite different from the elves designed by the great novelist Tolkien of the twentieth century, as well as the Arve taught in Norse mythology.

Perhaps it should be called Dolies or Nymph, but it is meaningless to check it against the tradition of the Earth. Because she is the existence of this world living in this world.

"Well, what is it? Cow? "

Yeah. I want you to help Nina. "

I glue her gold hair with grass, and she nodded to her, talking off her scratches.

Her cooperation was indispensable to my envisioned school.

"Separately it is good"

It seems that the lives of elves are very boring.

Because you are patiently going out with a quirky dragon like me. Especially it is possible to live without working hard work, there are also things that there is no other amusement like entertainment.

"What is that chuckoo?"

"School means the place where long lives teach this world things to young ones. You, did you learn anything from your parents? "

Well……/(exp) Oh well/

Tilt his neck to remember the old days, she nods.

"Humans are younger than theirs. I know little about what is necessary to live. I will teach them magic, I will make a magical school. "

「……Mahou? "

The word magic is also not in elven language. Nina repeated the pronunciation I said in Japanese.

"Does Nina move trees? That's magic. "


When I answer, she makes my eyes round.

"You teach that ... ..../(exp) how/in what way/by what means/

It looked like she said that he could not think at all.

"Nina, how are you doing?"

- Do?

When asking, Nina aims his eyes towards the trees and extends his arms.

Sawaya wrinkle and branches and leaves moved and got on the palm of her hand as if to do it like "hands".

It's like... Like that.

Nina lowered his eyebrows as he was troubled. There was no further explanation.

I see. Apparently she seems to move the trees like moving limbs.

'I'll be troubled if you told me how to burn the fire '

It was a thought that scales fell down from the eyes to the words of Nina as if it were reluctant.

I understand. Is this also magical? "

Thinking carefully is commonplace. Breathing is for taking in oxygen, but how does it breathe together with the fire in the lungs? Naturally this is also magical because things that are impossible are happening.

But it is indeed troubling if you are told to explain how you are vomiting a fire. I intend to breathe normally as I am. I do not even feel a fever with myself. That is why I forget to blow the fire immediately.

"Nina. Can you list only the hands without moving the trees? "

- Sure.

When I thought about it, Nina touched my hands. Again, it seems that its behavior is not a condition. In other words, she can not blow or blow a fire if it says me.

"Well then, move it,"


Nina moves his eyes only, without changing its posture. Then the branches of the trees began to wander and bowed up and down.

"What's different?"

"Hmm. "But... let's face it.I imagine the movement ......Emotion

While confronting her brows, Nina confided herself with confidence.

Indeed, the image? Give it a shot.

I close my eyes and envision it.

Before the incarnation, I was myself when I was a body.

Body standing upright with two legs. Long arm. No wings and no back. A straight neck.

Breathe in slowly. Air fills the lungs.

And keep it as it is ....spit

"Okay! - What the hell? - [clattering]

"Wow, sorry, sorry!"

I hurriedly knock down the flames that burned in the trees.

It seemed quite hard to be successful.

Firewood blows while making sounds with crackles.

"It's an unexpected meat diet I wish ..."

「Hmm? - I'm sorry. What's that?

Nina was bitingly delicious to the baked deer meat.

"Do not you think poorly?"


To my question, Nina quarrels backward while tilting his head.

"No, sorry, nothing"

Of course. Such a way of thinking is in a richer society. However, it seemed quite a surreal scene that the elegant and delicate elves like how to eat meat baked grilled.

However, in terms of civilized sophistication I am the same or less.

The body of the dragon seems to have changed even to the taste, and it feels delicious even if it is raw. It sticks to the dead as a whole without cutting it, chews with the bones with bones.

Then it is burnt in the flame behind the throat and the juice and meat juice comes out.

This is very delicious.

While chewing mushrooms and venison, I was thinking about magic.

It seems that the magic of this world is not necessarily a spell casting or a movement accompanying motion. That is the same as breathing.

It is difficult to manipulate it freely as it is said that it is said that you can move arms that you do not do.

Wings can be moved freely, I think.

Both wings and tails were not in the human age, but there is no discomfort in moving.

I could move it with a natural sensation just like moving the limbs.


Suddenly I have doubts about my own idea.

Something like moving an arm that does not do it ...Is that really so?

To me now is the wing to fly the sky, the scales to protect yourself, there is a tail that you can move freely to fish the whole deer.

If it is.

Organs for blowing flames are also in my body, are not they?

I close my eyes again.

And this time, not myself, myself. I imagined the appearance of a dragon.

Where is the source of flames?


No. The deer meat that I ate a while ago smells being burned even after the throat.

Then, the lung?

But, even if I stop breathing, my flame leaks slightly from my mouth.

/(aux) (1) if/in case/if it is the case that/if it is true that/(2) as for/(2) as forBelly, is not it?

As soon as I thought, I felt that the idea was strangely perfect.

Somewhat hot feeling is felt around the stomach.

While holding an image closing there, I breathe in like I fell down my head.

The flowers that bloomed in front of my eyes shook without burning.