The Magus of Genesis

3rd Encounter / Chance Encounter

"Ha ha, ha ha, ha!"

The girl was running desperately in the forest while breathing roughly.

It meanders like sewing the sparsely lined trees and dives under the roots of a giant trestrously stretched arc like a gate.

The next moment, a big tree shook and a big crack entered the trunk. If you think, the big trees fluttered in pieces, and beasts of reddish-colored appearance appeared.

The beast resembled a bear at first sight, but its body was slightly beyond five meters. The nails attached to the tip of a thick arm like a log are long and sharp like a sword, and scales covering the whole body instead of hair are like armor.

It is a literal story to be desperate. If you stop your feet, you will be eaten and die. With that thick arm, you will be blown away, the body of a delicate girl will easily briefly fly to two.

While turning around, the girl rolled back and shook hands, trees thrusting, extending the branches and leaves the armor bearers away.

The girl clearly manipulates the trees, trees are moving by itself, without bones and muscles.

That was exactly a phenomenon called magic.

It is thanks to this magic that the girl managed to escape from the armor bear having a big beyond far beyond herself. However, it also crushes the armor bear lightly by waving the forefoot. There was no meaning beyond hours earning.

Gradually, the girl's leg begins to slow down the movement and the time it takes for the armor to destroy the trees is getting shorter as if it is inversely proportional to it.

Early and late she seemed to be sure to be caught by the armor bear.

……All right, then.

I spread the wings and decided my preparedness and made it flapping. Oh that steriods are bad and tree branches while I went and landed, while approaching ago one's eyes is a little like little bitty girl.


The girl stopped breathing and stopped, falling to the place and sorry. Well, if I think that it was being chased by armor bears from behind, it is a dragon from the front. I do not understand that it will be so.

However, the dragon and the armor bear no longer had a girl in her eyes.

……It is much bigger than I thought.

Armor bear quadruped walking by here, with almost two-legged gait, as well for the first time at the show was great. Speaking at a height, there are more than twice as much as I am.

It did not come out.

I have gotten on now, a bit ... ...No, to be honest.

I regretted from the bottom of my heart.

Originally we are not good at fighting. I have never done a fight in the past life.

It is not much to say that the current body is a dragon with its first battle being such a mighty forest lord.

But, I will glance at the girl sitting by my side. It is the first time to see humans in this world, so I do not know exactly what to do, but in terms of previous life standards it is ten or three years old. This little girl ......And, of course, I can not let the valuable magic user be killed.

"Get away early"

I tried to say so while looking at the armor bear, but the girl does not make it out whether the word is not understood or it can not move. On the contrary, I saw the voice as a threat, the armor bear was attacking.

No, not you.

There was no time to say such a thing, and the armor bear brought the sharp nail to me when I packed up the time with a terrible agility.

Suddenly, I can not avoid it either. On the contrary, I closed my eyes tightly in spite of myself.

It makes a dull sound at the blow that was shaken aiming at the neck.

My head is not at all. The nail of the armor bear.

Everyone who was there was stunned, staring at the nails of the armor bear. I did not do anything. Just simply, its claws could not bear the strength of the armor bear and the hardness of my scales.

It was still an armor bear who first returned to me from Sakai of Forbidden.

Grasp as I hold my shoulder with both arms. I've heard that most wildlife, not just bears, has the most powerful muscle is that of the jaw. I saw that the nail slashing did not work, I immediately switched to the strongest attack method.

Don't choke.

The only thing that I was able to do for the champion of the forest who would do its best without hesitation was mere shouting.

Even so, the armor bears cry and gets away from me like a hurry. The neighborhood of my chest was burned and kept on white smoke. I was confused for a moment that what happened, but I understand it soon. It took my breath.

In the creation seen in the previous life,Dragon's breath(Dragon Breath)Speaking of which is an image of a dragon's deathblow technique, but only in this body I was reincarnated it is not a correct awareness.

There is nothing with skill. Breathing itself is a flame of high fever. In the same sense that humans suck oxygen and spit carbon dioxide, both mother and mother spit out flames. Just breathing normally, the flame leaks from the mouth. Dragon was like such a creature.

However, that huge armor bear screams and jumps up, the flame in my body seems to be much hotter than I thought.

If you can give damage only by breathing, it seems that I will manage somehow. As I stepped forward and narrowed down the interval, the armor bear also turned to four feet and showed the stance of a rush. It seems that there is no reason to retreat even if it suffers a bad habit, whether it is the meaning of the champion.

To the armor bear who came in like a bullet, I shrugged my mouth and breathed a deep breath. It was confirmed long ago that I could vomit a long, long fire in this way. When I was incarnated in the dragon, it was what I played with various flames.


No way, I knew for the first time that it has power so far. There was nothing to vomit towards the living beings. I burned up in the result that I brought up, sniffing the fragrant smell of the armor bear blowing away without leaving even the bones, with the upper body burned to black.

If a gaze turns to the side, a girl with blond hair trembling with rattling staring at the body of the armor bear. I wonder if I think that next time is my turn. When I was looking at the expression dyed in a pale blue, it came to cool down rather.

The girl who noticed my eyes turned his attention to nature, we looked at each other.

/(aux-v) (1) indicate past completed or action/(2) indicates light imperative/You helped me ...?. "

Unexpectedly, the girl opened her mouth and told me somewhere. It was a voice that asked something, but I still do not know what he is saying with words I have never heard.

"I am not afraid, it's okay."

Say with a slow tone and face down on the ground. If you are a human body you can express that there is no hostility if you lower your weapon, but unfortunately I am like a whole body weapon. I pressed my jaw against the ground so that my fangs and flames could not be seen at all.

"You seem to help me,"

While looking a little while ago, the little girl came closer to me as I spoke a slightly different word. Finally I noticed that she was a little different from the person I know.

The tip of the ear looking through the gold hair as far as the waist is sharpened with a pin.

The face that still left the innocence still was incredibly well prepared.

Blue eyes on white skin reminiscent of Northern European race, pretty lips like petals on high nose. Slender and slender body, thin long limbs are young but like a top model. Although it was slightly dirty in a series of escape plays, such a thing is overflowing with the beauty that can not be hidden.

It was an appearance reminiscent of a tribe named Elf, which came out frequently in creation of the previous life.

I dare not wait for her actions without answering her words.


Gently putting my palm on my nose, she murmured somehow.


Imitate her words, say it.

- Mm-hm. You too, it's warm. "

With a smile, she laughs.

That was her first encounter with her - Nina.