The Lost Clan of Naruto

Chapter 566

"Oh, I almost forgot about it!"

The fat man patted his forehead and showed a sudden realization.

In fact... Ninja from yunyin village arrived at Muye when several countries declared war on the fire country.

However, Tuan Zang, who was already in trouble, naturally had no mind to deal with these things at that time. Moreover, because of the declaration of war in these countries, Tuan Zang was suspicious at that time, so he directly arrested these three people.


After that, Zhishu won the war, but because there were too many things to deal with, no one noticed these envoys from yunyin village.

Until this morning, the three men failed to escape from prison, the fat man didn\'t know the news of these people.

When the fat man said these things, Zhishu couldn\'t help being embarrassed.

A person\'s experience in embarrassment.

"Cough, let them come out to see me, and... Push it all to the regiment\'s hiding place."

Foreign affairs are still relatively important.

The two countries have not killed envoys in the war, not to mention Lei Zhiguo is such a big country. If not handled well, it is likely to intensify the contradiction between the two countries

After all, Lei Zhiguo itself is the biggest competitor of huozhiguo. Especially in recent years, Lei Zhiguo has developed very rapidly and steadily ranked second in the tolerance field.

At this moment of unity against dawn, Zhishu doesn\'t want to have another branch.

The fat man nodded,

"Boss, I\'ll bring them here."

With that, the fat man slowly walked to the door of the fire shadow office, and then his body gradually disappeared.

Watching the fat man leave, whirlpool Zhishu can finally lie in his chair, close his eyes and quietly enjoy this hard won leisure time.

He\'s been dealing with all kinds of things these two days, but he\'s tired out.

Especially those who care about themselves should also meet, otherwise it is difficult to eliminate their concerns.

So last night, I had a small party in my room.

Since I came here, I can\'t say if I am so close to Mr. gale. Even the ape flying ASMA who is not very close to herself has been invited.

It was yesterday that Zhishu explained that these things were in a mess.

Moreover, we have to face smart young people such as Luwan and hot-blooded young people such as Naruto who are eager for fire shadow

But in the face of these people, Zhishu doesn\'t have any upper shelf.

However, although there is no shelf. But I still feel warm. After all, these people still care about him as relatives and friends.

With the leaves of these people, it is more indestructible.

I listened to a lot of complaints every day when I chatted alone every day.

For example, Zhishu is so busy every day and always causes such trouble, which makes her very worried.

Zhishu can only show some helpless expressions. He is a good girl every day, but he doesn\'t have much time to accompany her.

I have too many things to do. If I don\'t do it, the tolerance world may fall into danger.

He suddenly missed the Ninja school period when maitekai just found Xiao Li, and then Xiao Li just found him.

He and Xiao Li practice their body skills and the eight door evasion skills in the woods every day. And every day I sat on the lawn next to them and looked at them with my little face in my hand.

Only when time goes, can we make a decision that we don\'t regret.

"Cough, boss, I brought you!"

The fat man\'s two coughs awakened the wisdom tree lying on the chair thinking.

Zhishu immediately sat up straight and looked at the Ninjas from yunyin village


These people?

The first thing that catches Zhishu\'s eye is a blonde beauty with white and tender skin color and a tall and sexy body. However, in his eyebrows, he is heroic.

A woman\'s forbearance dress looks capable and natural.

As for the second person, he has black skin in line with the characteristics of yunyin village. He looks lazy and doesn\'t seem to care about anything.

The same gray hair, but not as handsome as Kakashi, nor as free and easy as he came. It looks just like the laziness on his face. It\'s too sloppy.

However, Zhishu can still feel the strong chakra from the ninja.

The last person looks much more ordinary.

Although she is a female ninja, her skin color is as black as the man next to her. Moreover, his appearance is not good, and his forbearance clothes also appear conservative and heavy.

These people seem to have seen the shadow of fire in their previous lives.

But the time is too long, and Zhishu doesn\'t have much memory. So he asked,

"Are you the emissary of yunyin village?"

"Yes, I\'m Samui, he\'s omoi, and Karui."

Led by the white and beautiful female ninja.

However, Zhishu was speechless.

Is that why regional customs are different? What are these names? It\'s easy to get confused.

After thinking about it, Zhishu shook his head with a bitter smile.

He has decided not to remember the names of these people.

"Hum! As the messenger of yunyin, Muye is not polite! And locked us up! Is this the way Muye treats guests?! "

The black and thin woman first snapped, as if she was particularly angry about it.

Zhishu felt that the woman probably put forward the matter of prison break.

After all, looking at the man next to him with a lollipop in his mouth and an indifferent face, he must also be an inactionist.

"Yuan Hui, didn\'t you explain to them?" Zhishu first covered the fat man.

The fat man said quickly, "of course I explained, but it\'s not so easy to explain this matter."

The fat man is helpless. After all, there are too many things happening in Muye these days. I\'m afraid it will take an hour to finish.

But Zhishu asked him to bring these people directly. He couldn\'t finish all the way. He could only pick some main words.

Zhishu nodded, then put his eyes on these people and said,

"Forget it, since Yuan Hui didn\'t make it clear to you. Let me explain to you a little more. "

"Muye has had some turbulence in the past two days... So... This thing is all the mistake of betraying the group of Renzhi village."

In a few minutes, whirlpool wisdom tree said almost everything. Of course, he can\'t spend an hour explaining to these ninjas. So I avoided the important and said it lightly... Well, it\'s all Tuan Zang\'s fault.