The Lost Clan of Naruto

Chapter 565

When the troops from the country of wind, the country of rain and the country of vortex returned home, a grand farewell ceremony was held in Muye.

It seems difficult for some people to welcome those who invade their own country.

But more people do not regard these troops as invading their country.

In other words, they sent the reinforcements of the fire country to Muye to fight against the evil Tuan Zang and Daming forces.

Moreover, at the time of their withdrawal, these countries did not make any unreasonable demands.

In short, the representatives of these countries also re signed the peace Convention and the agreement of the allies in Muye.

The tolerance world has almost stabilized.

"However, I love Luo. I\'m still very decisive."

Whirlpool Zhishu sat on the chair in the fire shadow office and looked at the urgent report from the wind country. He couldn\'t help but be a little dumb.

Shortly after whirlpool Zhishu beheaded the name of the country of fire, I Ailuo also exiled the name of the country of wind.

Zhishu knows that because of the influence from Naruto, generally speaking, I love Luo will never kill.

But this exile was also very courageous.


"Lord Huoying, from the information of the country of wind, it seems that the exile of Fengying to Daming is smaller than the waves in our country of fire."

The fat man thought thoughtfully, although it was said that the country of fire killed Daming, the situation was more serious.

However, the boss has mastered the whole situation and is also the aspiration of the people, so he can make a smooth transition.

But the country of the wind did not stir up any civil commotion?

This is incredible!

Zhishu looked at the fat man and knew that he didn\'t know much about the situation of the country of wind, so he said, "in fact, the people of the country of wind have completely changed from hating me to trusting and loving me. The last time I fought in the wind country, I had seen that kind of trust. That\'s more than the villagers of Muye trust me or Naruto. "

With that, Zhishu\'s eyes showed a trace of envy.

In fact, this is indeed an enviable thing. As a supreme leader, he is loved by his own people.

"No wonder I love Lord Luo and dare to do so."

Knowing that the boss and I love Luo are good friends, the fat man also called me love Luo as Lord I love Luo.

Zhishu nodded and said, "all this also comes from my love Luo\'s efforts. It\'s hard to imagine how much I love Luo has paid to make the people of the wind country change from such hatred to such love. Of course, if he didn\'t make too many contributions to the country of wind, he really has the ability. I\'m afraid no more efforts will be useful. "

Sometimes, incompetence is an original sin.

The fat man nodded deeply. After following the boss for so long, he also knew a lot of truth.

Then the fat man took out another document and handed it to Zhishu: "and the boss, the news from the big name of the vortex country, he asked whether he asked for the merger of the vortex country and the fire country? And he voluntarily gave up his position as the name of the vortex country. "

The merger of the land of vortex and the land of fire?

Voluntarily give up the position of the name of the vortex country?

Whirlpool wisdom tree smiled bitterly. The name of the whirlpool country may be afraid of the news that the name of the fire country was beheaded.

I wonder how he would feel if he heard the news that the name of the wind country was also exiled?

But Zhishu thought a little.

It is obviously unrealistic for the state of vortex and the state of fire to merge, which is bound to aggravate the tension in the tolerance world.

Moreover, after the merger, there is indeed one less country that supports itself most.

This thing is impossible.

As for the name of the vortex country, Daming is willing to give up his Daming identity

It seems that the name of vortex country can observe the situation and know that his current identity is very dangerous. If he is not careful, he may be killed.

But now Zhishu doesn\'t want to kill him.

"It is said that this time the army of the vortex country is personally led by the name of the vortex country?"

The fat man nodded. "It seems that the middle-aged man gambled everything on you. When he declared war on the country of fire, he said that the country of vortex will not withdraw from the battle until victory or death."

It is hard to imagine that the name of a small country should have such courage.

Even the fat man couldn\'t help looking a little moved, so he said to Zhishu, "boss, I mean, why don\'t you keep the name of the vortex country? After all, that uncle is not easy. "

Not easy

Of course it\'s not easy!

The land of vortex has less than 500 ninjas!

Moreover, among the 500 ninjas, more than 100 are wandering ninjas from all over the world. The name of vortex country is almost to spread money, even pit and cheat, so that these more than 100 people put on the tolerance clothes of vortex country and followed them into the border of fire country.

Even when the war was won, some people did not know that they had declared war on the country of fire before.

Zhishu smiled, threw the information on the table and said, "I didn\'t intend to abolish this name. And so loyal to me, I not only don\'t reward him, but also let him be punished. I\'m afraid it will chill many people. And... Now is not the time to continue to attack big name. "

The current situation seems particularly unfavorable to Daming.

With the country of fire and the country of wind as examples, it is difficult to ensure that the shadow of other countries will not follow suit. After all, the state\'s force is in the hands of these shadows.

These celebrities are aware that they are threatened, and it is difficult to avoid disgust with themselves.

If we eliminate another big name, I\'m afraid the big names of those countries may jump over the wall to represent the traditional forces and fight Muye.

"Well, the name of the vortex country can\'t be killed. Moreover, he should be shaped into an example, rewarded and publicized to the small allies of Muye, especially the country of grass. Settle down in the small countries around you. "

In a few words, whirlpool wisdom tree decided the fate of a big name.

After solving this matter, Zhishu felt that there should be nothing urgent to deal with by himself for the time being.

Just as he was about to lean back in his chair and stretch, he suddenly felt that he remembered something.

"Yes! Is there anyone from yunyin village? "

Zhishu found himself a little nervous and almost ignored this event!

This was the starting point of the fourth World War of tolerance when he watched the fire shadow.

Because Lei Ying of yunyin village wants to avenge his brother chirabi, the five shadow talks are held!