The Law God - Artic

286 Plant Law and Hunting Law - Students - Chapter 286

At first, he was not trusting Artic but after he learned from his sister he was okay with Artic.

At that time, Artic already created two more chairs for the siblings, the food he was created eaten by the siblings.

It was clear that in their life they did not eat this kind of food without even thinking about saving up.

At that time Artic conjured himself a cup of coffee and started talking.

"So, I understand that you two want to be a "Witchman", but I have something different in my mind that will make you more powerful than a normal "Witchman"

Lalya and Fran looked at the face of Artic with a curious expression.

Artic smiled, Lalya had black hair and green eyes her height was 160 cm and Fran had black hair with blue eyes, they both looked good considering that they were living alone without their mother and father.

After inspecting the kids, he spoke

"Now, come to my side"

After the words from the Artic, Lalya and Fran just got up from their seat and directly went towards Artic


Artic first hold the hand of Lalya and after one second later he holds the hand of the "Fran", with this basic touch he gave them qualities of "Mystic", this means that if they whisper "Mystic" from within their mind and choose something and whisper the knowledge they have about the things they chosen they will start to improve on that "Law"

Like when he first came to this new world more than 200 to 300 years ago.

Artic then started speaking.

"Now, I gave you the needed qualities, so let me ask both of you questions answer truthfully, and thought about it"

Lalya and Fran both nodded their head, as they had hard lives they understood how important that they become "Witchman" and "Witch", so they knew that this kind of chance was not always going to come to them.

After that Artic asked the first question.

"What is the thing that you two know the most, both of you answer the question individually."

Lalya and Fran started thinking about one minute later when Artic took a sip from his coffee, Lalya answered.

"I grow up inside of the plants and flowers, so I know many things about the "Plants"

Artic nodded and looked at Fran.

Fran thought a little bit longer and then answered.

"The best thing I know is "Hunting" I don't know other things and I know how to use "Bow" and "Arrow" skillfully"

Artic again nodded and then clapped his hands and started talking.

"Close your eyes and listen to my words, do what I say"

After his words, Fran and Lalya closed their eyes and waited.

At that time Artic started thinking about the laws and it is the system it been too long that he used the classical law system the system of "Lord" "King" or likewise things.

"Student Witch\u0026Witchman" (Level 1 – Level 2 – Level 3) (Mystic Energy – 1.0 – 10.0)

"Continent Witch\u0026Witchman" (Level 1 – Level 2 – Level 3) (Mystic Energy – 10.0 – 100.0)

"Moon Witch\u0026Witchman" (Level 1 – Level 2 – Level 3) (Mystic Energy – 100.0 – 1000.0)

"Planet Witch\u0026Witchman" (Level 1 – Level 2 – Level 3) (Mystic Energy – 1000.0 – 1000.0)

After Artic created a basic rank system and he started talking to Lalya and Fran which who already closed their eyes and waiting.

"First, whisper "Mystic"

With the words of Artic, Lalya and Fran both whispered "Mystic" as they whispered energy surged their body and their status screen opened in the eyes of Artic.



"Level – 0"

"Mystic Energy = 1.0"





"Level – 0"

"Mystic Energy = 1.0"



Artic nodded and started talking again

"Now whisper "Law" and then start thinking about the things you said to me, Lalya think about plants and interaction between you and plants the knowledge anything about you know about the plants, Fran thinks about "Hunting" and everything you do know about hunting, the use of bow and arrow how to hunt everything you know and feel about the "Hunting"

As Artic said these words he took a sip from his coffee again and watched.

The energy of the two started improving at a faster rate, normally these two could not improve like this without having enough items to improve their "Mystic Energy"

But they were blessed by the "Artic" and Artic made them "Mystic" at the first place

So it was not a hard thing for them to improve their power just from thinking about "Knowledge" "Experiences" "Feelings" of the chosen law.

After about thirty minutes later the both of them opened their eyes, In the body of Lalya green beautiful energy was surging up it looked pretty nice and good but could be violent anytime.

In the body of "Fran", a different shade of "Green" aura started to emerge it looked sharp and quiet at the same time.

Artic checked their status again to see how much they improved and what they earned as abilities.



"Level – 1 (Witchman "

"Mystic Energy = 2.0"


"Hunting Law (Level 1) (%15.2)


Mystic-Powered Steel Arrow (Hunting Law)

(Conjures an arrow from his hands and can shoot it at the targets, it does not have any cooldown or consumption, it is faster and stronger than a normal "Steel Arrow" because it powered by the user "Mystic Energy")


Artic smiled as he looked at the ability of "Fran", basically he could create and shoot a "Steel Arrow" from his hands,

The reason that "Mystics" are strong their abilities come from touching and understanding a "Law" so they do not consume any energy or have to wait for use the ability again.

Artic then looked at the "Lalya"



"Level – 0"

"Mystic Energy = 3.0"


"Plant Law " (Level 2) (%52)



Treeman �� (Conjure a "treeman" the at the size of 2 meters and control or order it (Max Conjure Limit

At the same time (5 Treeman)

Red Vines – (From both hands of the user, red vines could be created and used, be it for attacking or defending)