The Law God - Artic

285 Brother and Sister - Galaxium - Chapter 285

This man was named Artic, after the events from the "Red Planet" he found an unnamed planet inside of the "Galaxy Named" "Veriolan" and then entered this planet and found a big mountain for his house.

He just wanted to cool down a little bit, the "Starium Monsters" from the "Red Planet" already had their freedom after the events in the "Red Planet"

But the thing is Artic learned many things about the history of gods and other things.

After he converted all the items to "System Points", he lost himself self and then after he woke up he was in the space drifting away.

He was in the sleep for about more than 100 years,

That was not the only thing he noticed.


Artic whispered and his "Status" showed up it was changed.


"Galaxium Level 1"


"Middle-Level Reality Bending"

"Glass Law"

"Mirror Law"

"Low-Space Law"

"Low-Time Law"

After Artic woke up the first thing he noticed that he was at the level of "Galaxium" being, this kind of power could easily destroy star systems.

But at that moment Artic was not using any kind of "Galaxium Energy" he was just feeling the chilling cold air on his face, he was on the top of a mountain without anybody, as he was thinking about what he is going to do, he noticed something different on the outside, he stood up from his chair and went outside for inspecting what is happening.

As he left his house, he noticed two-person, one of them a boy and another one of them is a girl, the girl was carrying the boy on her back, they were not too old only at the age of 14 to 15.

At that time girl spoke with a helping tone.

"My brother is hurt please save him !"

Artic furrowed his brows and then used his little bit of energy to look inspect the boy and girl.

The girl was healthy other than she was cold because of the snow and heat on the mountain, but the boy had some kind of poison on his body.

At that time girl came in just front of Artic, Artic at first did not say anything and then whispered.

"Came in"

As he said these words, he entered the home and the girl entered the home to behind her back a boy who looked pretty bad shape almost going to die from the poison.

At that time girl noticed that inside of the home was pretty warm but there was no fire anywhere, Artic looked at the eyes of the Girl and he took the boy from her back and then spoke.

"What is your name girl, how old are you"

The girl looked at the eyes of the Artic and whispered.

"My name is Lalya, I am 15 years old, my brother name is Fran he was got attacked but I don't know what attacked him after he attacked him just, he just,"

After Artic shook his hand the boy just opened his eyes and looked around as he noticed the "Lalya" he again slept on the bed.

Artic looked at the Lalya and spoke with a nice tone.

"Don't worry, I already saved him he only needs to rest"

Lalya looked at her brother on the bed as she has already seen that he was waking up and now just sleeping she started to feel good and then looked at the Artic and spoke with a calm tone,.

"Mister, are you a "Witch-man" ?"

Artic at first did not get what "Witchman" meant but after just one second later he thought from within his mind.

"She must be trying to say am I a mage or not"

Artic smiled at the girl and then answered.

"Something like that, why you two are here and why you two came here the top of mountains"

Lalya looked down with shame on her face and then answered.

"We are from a village called Therodan our father and mother already died because of sickness, I am trying to find flowers in the forest and my brother trying to hunt creatures so that we could sell them and earn a living"

Artic nodded, he was already accustomed to this kind of living on other planets, it was not a surprising thing for himself.

Considering that this planet was not already discovered by the races from space, it was only natural that people dying of some kind of illnesses.

Artic then shook his hand and after he shook his hand different kind of meats and soups formed on the top of the table.

Lalya was shocked beyond recognition and she did not know what to say, Artic smiled and then spoke.

"Go, eat it looks like you are hungry, you two will not feel cold here and you don't need to think about food,"

Lalya, then slowly walked towards to chair and sat on the chair, with slow moves as she looked at the grilled chicken, and other types of fruits and foods, she started to eat, as she was eating from her eyes teardrops started to come down.

Artic noticed this but he just shook his head.

"It is pretty bad but it is nature only the strongest people could live without any kind of thinking whatsoever."

At that time after eating about one minute, Lalya looked at the Artic with strong passion in her eyes and asked.

"Mister, could you train me, I want to become a "Witch" and then protect my brother and eat good food every day"

Artic, smiled as he holds his chin.

"I am doing nothing here, they will help me to pass time have fun"

As Artic thought about this he nodded and looked at the eyes of the "Lalya"