The Last Frontier of Fire and Sword

Chapter 651

Almost an hour after Ivan wigowski went in, the gate reopened.

Ivan wigowski came out, his eyes red. After everyone looked at him, vikovski said in a trembling voice to the people outside: "the great chief wants to see Baohong, hilko and Popovich. Others who are willing to stay here can stay here and those who want to go back can go back."

"Why did you tell us to go back and stay here?" a question came from a corner.

"That\'s what the chief said," Ivan vigovsky said coldly to the voice corner.

No one answered in the corner.

"Please, three," Ivan wigowski said again to the three.

Bao Hong, hilko and Popovich looked at each other, and then followed Ivan vigovsky in.

In the hospital bed, hemelinitskiren had three dreams. In the first dream, he returned to his youth and returned to the battle of secora.

At that time, he was a registered Cossack General of the Republic of Poland. On the eve of the battle, he and two army generals of the Republic of Poland went to meet with 73 year old Grand Marshal Stanislaw zukevsky.

When the three came outside the tent, Bogdan hemelinitsky clearly saw the old commander unloading his armor with the help of an attendant.

Seeing the young man\'s quick work, the old commander blurted out, "child, how old are you this year?"

The attendant looked up and replied, "your honor, I\'m 21 years old."

The old commander smiled, and the fine wrinkles covered the corners of his eyes: "when I was your age, I worked in the court. I followed the former King Stefan bartore to suppress the Gdansk rebellion when I was nearly 30..."

When the old commander mentioned the past, the attendant replied excitedly, so that he interrupted his words: "yes! I knew that battle since childhood. You led less than 3000 people in lubeshov to beat more than 10000 rebels down! Sir, my friends and I have heard a lot of your heroic deeds since childhood. You are our idol!"

"You are also my idol, sir," hemelinitsky thought silently outside the tent.

"Strictly speaking, child," said the old commander, "the battle of lubeshov was commanded by Yang zbirovsky, who is an officer I respect very much..."

At this point, khmelinitsky seemed to see tears in the eyes of the old Commander: "he died seventeen years ago."

The Chamberlain fixed the last armor part, lowered his head and said, "I\'m sorry, sir."

The old commander\'s eyes were as calm as ever. He murmured, "man is always going to die, no matter how great or humble he is."

This sentence was also firmly remembered by hemelinitsky at that time.

Then the old commander noticed hemelinitsky and the other two at the door.

"Here you are. Come on in."

So he walked in side by side with the other two. Just before the old commander, one of the men with a beard and a letter in his hand smashed the letter on the table. He was about to speak, but he saw that the attendant standing next to the old commander had not left. He immediately ordered him to leave temporarily.

"Charnietsky, you go down first."

The attendant took a look at the old commander, who slightly jawed his head. The young man saluted and left quickly.

As soon as the Chamberlain left, his beard broke out. He put his right hand on his saber and scolded: "that... Those corpse vegetarians! Rukev... Lord forsky, such a big war refused to give me... I... we allocated funds for additional troops. We are protecting... Protecting our country! We are protecting their property!"

The old commander didn\'t speak. He opened the letter and began to read it. He tried to read, but he was too old to read clearly.

"It\'s nothing more than platitudes. The old men of Parliament are rich. They sit in the sun in the big manor and don\'t want to give the army a Taylor!" shouted a man of his age with a moustache.

Then hemelinitsky himself said, "I heard that the Turks have assembled tens of thousands of troops, including their lackeys and vassals."

"The news is very well informed, Bogdan. You zaporoze Cossacks have robbed the pagans\' treasures, which will really make trouble for us!"

"I assure you, we didn\'t do it, your excellency pototsky." hemelinitsky replied, "it was the Don Cossacks. We have little contact with them."

Pototsky shrugged: "whatever, I can\'t tell the difference between you anyway..." he then sneered: "the evil Cossack is the long fingernail of the Republic. Although it is sharp, it also needs to be trimmed regularly."

Anger flashed across khmelinitsky\'s eyebrows, and the detail was seen by the old commander.

"Enough, pototsky, pay attention to your words. Bogdan is a registered Cossack and our colleague here. Don\'t forget that he led 500 Cossack infantry to help us against the Ottoman invasion."

Hemelinitsky glanced gratefully at the old commander. The old commander then said, "in any case, the king\'s order has been issued. We are in war and we must work together. I have been in Moldavia for so many years and know that the determination of the pagan Sudan can not be underestimated. Considering the very limited size of our army, this battle... Will be very difficult."

Until now, hemelinitsky still remembers how he answered when the old commander sighed so much. He asked the old commander to let him lead the Cossacks to block the army of Ottoman Turkish sultans and win valuable time for the army to build fortifications.

"Sir, I am not afraid for the sake of the Republic!"

Said the young Bogdan hemelinitsky.

The old Commander agreed with the young Bogdan hemelinitsky\'s suggestion that he would almost commit suicide. Bogdan hemelinitsky led five hundred Cossack infantry day and night towards the Turkish camp.

They launched an uprising against the Ottoman Turkish army and charged without turning back. There were more than 20000 enemies, but everyone, including themselves, did not turn back. The Cossacks twisted into a rope and rushed towards the enemy\'s middle army. They beat the Ottoman Turks head and tail, and soon their formation was out of order.

Jamid Popovich, one of his Cossacks with one eye and one ear, stabbed three white hooded (Sudanese soldiers) in a row and seized three money bags full of confinement from them. Just as he rushed to the fourth enemy, a shell hit him and broke him in half.

Kobita, a young Cossack with golden hair, pressed a pagan on the ground and stabbed him with his opponent\'s dagger. But before he got up, a hot bullet hit his temple and almost opened his skull. He was killed by a hippathian cavalry on a tall horse. He was tall and straight like a poplar.

This guy is obviously a hard stubble. Before the battle with Bogdan hemelinitsky, two more zaporoze Cossacks were split in half, one Cossack was stabbed to death with a spear, and the other was smashed by a page hammer.

Bogdan hemelinitsky rushed up. When the other party saw Bogdan hemelinitsky wearing a lock armour, he also saw that he was an important figure in the Cossacks. So he abandoned his other opponents and rushed over.

The hippathi cavalry waved their sabers and put a steel shield on their chest. Bogdan hemelinitsky had a pistol in one hand and a saber in the other.

When they were about to pass by, Bogdan hemelinitsky shot his opponent\'s horse in the eye, and the dark brown army horse knocked the hippasi cavalry down.

Bogdan hemelinitsky bullied forward. He slashed between the two pale lips of the other party, knocked out several white teeth and cut off his tongue.

The blood, which was as red as a vine, gushed out like a spring and dyed each other\'s armor red.

But before Bogdan hemelinitsky could taste the fruits of victory, another hippasi cavalry attacked him from behind and knocked him unconscious

Bogdan hemelinitsky and his Cossack infantry forced 150000 Ottoman troops to arrive in the battlefield two days later at the cost of almost all deaths, and caused several times more casualties to their opponents.

It was an impassioned and youthful era.