The Last Frontier of Fire and Sword

Chapter 650

From July 26, 1657 to July 27, in Kiev, Ukraine, the team leaders and bishops of the whole Cossack emirate gathered in the residence of their chief, Bogdan hemelinitsky, to send their leaders, all Cossack heroes, Moses, Savior of Polish enslaved people Savior and liberator... The last journey of the famous ruler of all Ross.

Yes, the old man who led the zaporoze Cossack uprising and dragged the whole Ukrainian region, the Republic of Poland, the Crimean Khanate and czar Russia into the war is dying.

In fact, as early as two years ago, hemelinitsky\'s body was very weak. The strange politics and the continuous war were damaging his health, but hemelinitsky survived for two years. But just two months ago, hemelinitsky fell on his desk after drinking and never woke up again.

When his son, Yuri hemelinitsky, discovered it, hemelinitsky had cold hands and feet, blue face and bloodless lips. Fortunately, he still breathed.

Doctors from Kiev, France, Czarist Russia and even Jews gathered around him. They tried their best and finally took him back from death.

But after that, although he woke up, he never regained his old energy. As he lay on the hospital bed, he became thinner and thinner, and the vitality in his originally strong body was melting every day.

The door of hemelinitsky\'s bedroom was closed. Two zaporoze Cossack cavalry guards were on both sides of the gate like sculptures. They stared at the front without turning their eyes.

Colonel Ivan hilko touched Bao Hong next to him and turned his head.

"Hey, Bao Hong, my brother, what do you say old heme and his son are doing in there now?" Ivan hilko asked. His voice was very loud, as if he was deeply afraid that others would not hear him.

People around heard it, and they looked at Ivan hilko and Bao Hong. Everyone is extremely concerned about this issue, because there have been rumors that khmelinitsky wants to break the tradition of Cossack election and pass the position of chief to his son.

"How do I know? I\'m not his son? But if I were his son, I wouldn\'t have the face to sit there." Bao Hong sneered at the door.

Of course, he also heard the rumor. Although Bao Hong is not as interested in the position of chief as hilko, he will never allow the Cossack tradition to be trampled on.

No, not even hemelinitsky.

What Ivan hilko wants is Bao Hong\'s attitude. His mouse like eyes turned twice and echoed loudly, "yes, the great chief has always been elected. Our brothers in each league, one person, one vote."

"Yes, one person, one vote!"

Someone immediately echoed Ivan hilko\'s words.

The atmosphere outside the door was fierce for a moment, and everyone was shouting to respect tradition.

While the atmosphere was warm and everyone was shouting slogans, hilko elbowed Bao Hong again.

"Bao Hong, my brother of the league," he said, "I know what you want most. If you help me ascend the throne of the great chief, I will help you realize your wish. I swear in the name of God that the day I ascend the throne will be the day when zaporoze\'s Cossack army arrives at zbalari."

I heard that hilko made a deal with himself with Helena as a chip. Bao Hong\'s face turned pale. He clapped the saber at his waist with a clang. He said fiercely to hilko, "never trade Helena in front of me, hilko. This is my bottom line."

Hilko felt a chill in the tailbone. He quickly smiled and said, "of course, of course. Bao Hong, I made a mistake."

Just then, someone whispered, "Ivan wigowski is coming."

Everyone looked down the corridor.

Ivan wigowski appeared in the corridor. He was still the same as before - holding a notebook in his hand, with straight clothes and meticulous accessories.

When Ivan vigovsky walked towards the gate, Ivan hilko, who had just been angry at Baohong, suddenly jumped out of the crowd. He kicked out one leg, his toes raised high, and his hands spread like a flying eagle, blocking Ivan vigovsky\'s way.

"Hello, noble master of Cossacks." Ivan hilko took off his hat, drew a few circles on his chest with great exaggeration and banter, and then lowered his head below his belt.

Such a comic action certainly caused a lot of laughter.

Ivan wigowski didn\'t laugh. He stepped straight over Ivan hilko\'s leg and went to the gate.

"The great chief called me," said Ivan vigovsky.

"The chief has been waiting for a long time."

Two zaporoze Cossack cavalry respectfully opened the door and let Ivan vigovsky in. Then the gate closed behind Ivan vigovsky.

Ivan hilko spit hard on the ground.

"A bully."

Hilkoben also said, "when your master dies, see how I deal with you", but when the words came to his mouth, he swallowed them back.

Because Bogdan hemelinitsky is still alive.

Ivan hilko walked back to Bao Hong.

"Bao Hong, the chief summoned vikovski alone at this time, and there was a Yuri in it. It seems that old Hemei wants to be alone." Ivan hilko said to Bao Hong.

But Bao Hong didn\'t respond to Ivan hilko\'s words.

Hilko\'s asking for trouble again.

It was, and there were hurried footsteps on the stairs again. Tsarist Russian ambassador tuberlin and his adjutant bojankin also rushed over.

As soon as tubulin came up, he came to Ivan hilko. He took off his bearskin hat and wiped his face. Then he asked hilko, "how\'s the chief?"

"He\'s still alive."

Upon hearing this, tubulin\'s face did not change at all, and he did not know whether it was joy or disappointment.

"But," Ivan hilko continued, "vigovsky went in just now. Yuri was in there."

Tubulin\'s face became ugly. He also thought about whether Bogdan hemelinitsky\'s move had the meaning of supporting orphans.

Although it is said in Kiev that vikovski also has the ambition to win the next great Cossack chief, if Bogdan hemelinitsky gives him enough interests to help Yuri willingly, then their strength will be combined into one. Even in the election, Yuri will win more than hilko he supports.

Realizing that the future situation might be unfavorable to hilko, tubulin said, "hilko, please believe that your Majesty the Czar is your strong backing no matter what happens."

As soon as tubulin\'s voice fell, Swedish ambassador Magnus de la Gardier came together with a short, stocky middle-aged man.

"How\'s my benefactor and eldest brother khmelynitsky?"

As soon as he came to the door, the middle-aged man shouted. He even rushed to the gate and tried to break in.

Several Cossack company commanders quickly hugged him.

"Colonel Popovich, the chief is still alive, still alive. Calm down," a company captain comforted him.

But the middle-aged man desperately moved to the gate. His tiger eyes were tearful and looked like crazy. Several obstructionists were even dragged by him for a few steps.

But none of the people who saw this scene thought he was acting.

Bogdan Popovich, ruler of Chernigov, is also the most loyal supporter of Bogdan hemelinitsky. It is even said that even if Bogdan hemelinitsky asked him to cut off his head, Bogdan Popovich would not hesitate to do so.

After all, the power of one person is limited. Popovich finally exhausted after taking another three steps. The three company captains hurriedly dragged Popovich to a nearby chair and sat down.

When the farce ended, tubulin saw Magnus, who came with Popovich, standing with his hands behind him. He left hilko and walked to Magnus.

"Magnus, my friend. It seems that your king is determined to succeed Yuri."

Magnus neither acknowledges nor denies tubulin\'s words. He said: "his majesty Karl x respects and supports all decisions of chief Bogdan hemelinitsky."

Tubulin snorted coldly.