The Kryptonian of a Certain American Comic

Chapter 26: 26 Guiding Thor

Chapter 26 26 Guiding Thor

   "Why else, he wants to prove that he is more suitable to be a king than you, and he wants to win Odin\'s trust." Rorschach said succinctly.

   "So, all of this is Loki\'s fault!"

  Thor is just simple-minded, it doesn’t mean he is a fool.

  After Rorschach dialed a little bit, Thor wanted to understand the whole story.

  From the very beginning, there was something strange about the sudden attack of the frost giants, and then Loki bewitched Thor to attack Jotunheim.

   This also directly angered Odin, and eventually deprived Thor of his divine power and expelled him to the earth.

   Not much Thor soon became depressed again: "But even if I understand that it is Loki\'s conspiracy, so what, the father entered Odin\'s sleep, I have lost the power of Thor, and I can\'t stop Loki at all."

   Jane Foster on the side was a little embarrassed: "I said I would return the hammer to you, so you can\'t blame me."

  Thor sighed: "I don\'t resent you, ma\'am, now you must learn to master Thor\'s power before you can defeat Loki."

   Thor now pins his hope of stopping Loki on Jane Foster.

  However, although Jane Foster has become a female Thor, she is still a scientist on Earth in her bones, and she doesn\'t know how to use Thor\'s power at all.

   "Let me cut in..."

  Rorschach spoke suddenly. He looked at Thor and asked, "Your Highness Thor, do you think there is a possibility that you have not lost your divine power at all?"

   "I don\'t understand what you\'re talking about, Lord Rorschach, you can see that I can\'t lift Thor\'s Hammer at all!" Thor looked at Rorschach with a confused expression.

Rorschach continued: "Thor, I think you may have been mistaken about one thing all along. You are Thor, not Hammer God, right? Does your divine power come from yourself, or from Thor? Hammer? Is Thor\'s body really you, or is it a hammer?"

   "I am Thor, and my divine power comes from... myself." Thor replied with some uncertainty.

"Then why are you so obsessed with lifting Thor\'s Hammer? Could it be that if you lose Thor\'s Hammer, you are not yourself? You must understand one thing, you are Thor, and that hammer is just a hammer That\'s all!" Rorschach said.

  Thor nodded, as if he understood something, but he didn\'t seem to understand anything.

   "Then why can\'t I lift Thor\'s Hammer?" Thor asked straight to the point.

Rorschach turned into a psychological mentor and analyzed it to Thor: "It\'s very simple, because you are too weak. The Hammer of Thor had to be lifted by a qualified person. Later, when your father expelled you, he gave Thor the Hammer Casting a spell, don’t you think Odin’s actions are superfluous…”

   "So, I am more inclined that the spell your father really cast should be \'When Thor learns to be humble, get rid of arrogance, and is willing to dedicate his life to others, he will unblock the power of Thor\'."

  Rorschach\'s conjecture is based on the main plot of Thor 1.

The main plot of Thor 1 can be summed up as Odin directing and acting in a big drama. He knew that his son was too arrogant and arrogant, so he found a reason to seal Thor\'s power and let him go to the grassroots level to experience it. The hardships of the old father\'s business.

   Loki thought that he had calculated everything, that he was on the fifth floor.

   As everyone knows, Odin\'s wave is in the atmosphere, and he is the mastermind behind everything.

  Ginger is still spicy, but no matter how hot it is, Rorschach already knew the plot.

Seeing that Thor seemed to have realized something, Rorschach took the heat to strike the iron: "His Royal Highness Thor, Thor\'s Hammer is just for you to better control your own power, but you seem to rely too much on Thor\'s Hammer, just like You have always depended on your father Odin, so even if you pass another thousand years, you will still be an unweaned child. Only when you completely stop relying on Thor\'s Hammer and focus on tapping your own potential, can you Only by growing can you truly become stronger."

   "I understand. You must be the wise man of Midgard. From this moment on, I will focus on tapping my own potential instead of relying on Mjolnir." Thor\'s tone was firm, as if he had made up his mind.

   "Children can be taught!" Rorschach gave Thor an appreciative look.

At this time, Daisy came over mysteriously, "Hey, investor, is what you said true or false, why do I think you are fooling this idiot...cough cough, I mean this Thor, you just want to Flick his hammer here?"

   "Of course it\'s true. I, Luo, never fool people! Besides, isn\'t Thor\'s Hammer in Jane\'s hands? What does it have to do with me?" Rorschach retorted.

   "That\'s true."

  Rao is Daisy, who talks a lot, and can\'t find a word to refute for a while.

  The movement of the battle here has attracted the attention of the surrounding residents. Fortunately, Loki came and left quickly, but luckily no civilians were affected.

   "Let\'s get out of here first, Norman, you stay and deal with the aftermath. When the police ask, just say it was a gas explosion." Considering that Thor is still a criminal, Rorschach should not contact the police delicately for the time being.

   Immediately, Norman and Harry stayed behind to deal with the aftermath, and the rest packed up Dr. Jane Foster\'s research materials and equipment, and quickly left the motel.



   Loki was lured back by Heimdall, and he fell limply on the ground, relying on Heimdall\'s support to barely stand still.

   "Your Highness, are you alright?" Heimdall asked worriedly.

  His duty is to serve the king and protect Asgard.

  Now Odin is asleep, Thor is exiled, and Asgard is under the control of Loki, becoming the temporary king.

   Therefore, Heimdall must be responsible for Loki\'s safety.

   Loki straightened up with difficulty, his eyes were burning with unquenchable anger, "I\'m fine, just a small injury...Damn bugs, **** Midgard, I\'ll make them pay the price!"

  According to Loki\'s original plan, he contacted the Frost Giant in advance to trick the Frost Giant into Asgard while Odin was asleep.

  And he will rebel against the water when Laufey, the king of the frost giants, invades Odin\'s bedroom, kill Laufey, and show a wave of filial piety in front of Odin.

   Loki wants to prove to Odin that he is more filial than his brother Thor and more suitable to be a king.

  ‘The Frost Giants have invaded, and I can use the excuse of resisting foreign enemies to mobilize the Destroyer. While destroying the Frost Giants, I can also get rid of Thor and the bugs in Midgard! \'

   Loki was thinking in his mind, and walked towards the Golden Palace with a gloomy face.

  Heimdall kept looking at Loki, as if he could penetrate people\'s hearts.

  Loki\'s heart has reached the point where everyone knows it. Heimdall is not a foolish and loyal person. In his heart, Thor is the most suitable candidate for the king.

   "Come here."

  Heimdall called a soldier of Asgard, and he ordered to the soldier: "Go and call the Valkyrie Sif, the warriors Hogan, Fandral, and Vostagg."

  These four are Thor\'s most trusted comrades and friends.

   If anyone in Asgard could help Thor, Heimdall can only think of four of them.

  (end of this chapter)