The Kryptonian of a Certain American Comic

Chapter 25: 25 Rocky Gone

Chapter 25 25 Loki is gone

   Facing Daisy\'s blame, Rorschach quickly denied it.

   "It\'s not me, I don\'t, don\'t talk nonsense."

  While speaking, Rorschach took out his mobile phone, facing Thor who hadn\'t stopped crying, and pressed the shutter button to take a photo.


   click click click...

   Click click click click...

   Seeing Rorschach take out his phone to take pictures, others, especially Daisy, also started touching their phones.

  Loki felt offended, and glared at Rorschach and the others: "Enough, you little bugs, do you know who the person in front of you is now?"

   "Douson...I mean Tom Hiddleston?" Rorschach blurted out.

  Daisy looked confused: "Who is Dou Sen?"

   "An actor, a sand sculpture actor who plays the evil **** Loki." Rorschach replied.

   "Stupid little bug, your behavior has completely angered the great Loki, and you will pay for it."

   Loki couldn\'t tell that Rorschach was mocking him, so his figure flickered, and he suddenly appeared in front of everyone. At the same time, he stretched out his hands, trying to grab Rorschach and Daisy\'s necks.


"Be careful!"

  Daisy and the others were startled, Rorschach stood quietly on the spot, not panicking at all, and Little Peter kicked Loki at the moment Loki teleported to the ground with his spider reaction.


   This kick was so powerful that it sent Rocky flying backwards, and hit the wall behind him heavily, knocking a big hole in the light partition wall of the motel.

   Seeing this, Rorschach told Norman, "Buy this motel!"

   "I\'ll arrange it now." Norman immediately took out his mobile phone, contacted the relevant departments of the Aussie Group, and bought the motel.

  Loki crawled out of the broken wood on the wall in disgrace, a golden light enveloped Loki\'s whole body, and when he stood in front of everyone again, Loki had already changed into his green horned battle robe.

   "You have completely angered me, little bug, I will make you pay with your life!"

   Loki flicked his hands, and two daggers appeared in his hands.

  He stepped forward with one step, and countless avatars appeared, surrounding everyone.

Feeling Loki\'s killing intent, Thor wiped away his tears, stood in front of Rorschach and others, and pleaded for them: "Don\'t do this, Loki, all this is my fault, even if I can\'t do it in this life Back in Asgard, I admit it, please let these mortals go, they have nothing to do with this matter."

  In Thor\'s view, Loki is scheming and proficient in magic and various fighting techniques. These natives of Midgard cannot be Loki\'s opponents at all.

  Loki\'s eyes were cold, "Stupid brother, you are not made to be a king at all. When you treat disrespectful mortals, you must let them suffer, otherwise they will not know how to be grateful to the gods."

   Before the words fell, Loki\'s real body flashed behind Rorschach, and the dagger in his hand pointed at Rorschach\'s back, and stabbed fiercely.

   "Teacher Luo Xia, be careful!"

  Little Peter was about to block the dagger for Rorschach, but Rorschach moved first.

   I saw Rorschach\'s right foot slid back slightly, then raised his right elbow, twisted his body, and smashed his right elbow towards the rear at an extremely fast speed.

  Rorschach is familiar with the plot, so he naturally knows that the evil **** Loki likes to play backstab tricks the most.

  And from just now until now, Rorschach has always ridiculed the most. Therefore, Rorschach predicted that Loki would definitely attack him.

  So, when he felt the threat coming from behind, Rorschach threw an elbow directly towards the back.


   Another muffled sound.

   Before Loki\'s dagger fell, he was hit on the forehead by this forceful elbow.

  The next moment, Loki\'s brain lost the ability to think, and a mouthful of blood spewed out of his mouth, mixed with a few broken teeth.

  After a while of dizziness, Loki found himself buried in the rubble of the wall again in a trance.

   It all happened so quickly.

  From Daisy’s and other ordinary people’s perspective, Loki appeared and then flew away.

  Thor looked at Rorschach like a monster.

  What the **** are these people from Midgard?

   Didn’t you say that the people of Midgard are weak?

  Rorschach ignored Thor\'s shock, he walked step by step into the rubble of the wall on the other side, and pulled Loki out with his bare hands.

   Not dead, still alive.

  His elbow is very light, otherwise, with his \'SSS\' strength rating, if he hit it with all his strength, he could directly smash Loki\'s brains out.

   But in this way, it is likely that Odin will directly go to war with the earth.

   "Isn\'t it Loki? I\'m also quite curious. As an evil god, you learned magic from God Queen Frigga since childhood. Why do you like stabbing people in the back with a dagger instead of making a big fireball?"

  Rorschach asked out the doubts that had been hidden in his heart.

  The magic in the Marvel universe is very psychedelic. In Rorschach\'s image, except for the scarlet witch, a magic character whose fighting method is to smash energy balls, other magicians seem to focus their skills on melee mages.

   Loki is the best example. As a descendant of the Frost Giant, he has a very high talent for ice magic.

   Since he was a child, he has learned magic from the queen of God, Frigga. It stands to reason that Loki must be an archmage at the level of a holy magister. As a result... hey, he doesn\'t play magic, but likes to learn how other assassins play backstabs.

  Half of Loki\'s face was swollen into a pig\'s head, his eyes were full of \'who am I, where am I, am I dead\'...


   Loki spat out the word with difficulty.

  A colorful ray of light fell from the sky, and the intense glare hurt everyone\'s eyes. When the ray of light dissipated, Loki on the ground had disappeared without a trace.

   "Rainbow Bridge? Is this the legendary Rainbow Bridge?"

  Norman looked at the ceiling with a big hole, and quickly connected this phenomenon with the mythical and legendary Rainbow Bridge.

  Rainbow Bridge is the legendary bridge connecting the Nine Kingdoms to Asgard.

  It can teleport people from Asgard to any corner of the Nine Kingdoms, and it can also teleport people back to Asgard from the Nine Kingdoms.

   Obviously, Loki was led back to Asgard by the Rainbow Bridge.

After Loki left, Thor said to Rorschach and others worriedly: "Rorschach, you are in big trouble, now Loki is the king of Asgard, you beat him, with Loki\'s character, He will never let you go easily."

  After Thor said this, everyone\'s expressions became serious.

  From the conversation between Loki and Thor just now, it seems that the **** king Odin is no longer there, Thor was exiled, and now Loki has the final say on the entire Asgard.

  Rorschach patted Thor on the shoulder: "Don\'t worry, your father is not dead at all."


  Hearing what Rorschach said, Thor\'s gloomy eyes glowed again, and he looked straight at Rorschach in astonishment, "Rorschach, how did you know? Is it true that my father is not dead?"

   "Of course, Loki lied to you. Odin didn\'t die, he just entered Odin\'s Sleep."

  Rorschach explained a sentence, and then added: "Thor, think about it carefully, who provoked you to take people to fight Jotunheim before."

   "\'s Loki!"

  Thor thought about it for a while, and recalled that it was Loki who bewitched him to attack Jotunheim, "But why did Loki do this?"

  (end of this chapter)