The Koi Fairy Wife Is Sweet as Honey (Love from The Koi Goddess)

Chapter 625: wide awake

Lan Ting's eyes widened in horror.

No way?

She looked at Xiao Zhengtai on the sofa again.

That's right!

This eyebrow, this mouth, except for being too delicate, they look more and more similar to Father Lu!

The official age announced by Father Lu is 28, so there is a seven or eight-year-old child, there is no problem at all!


When Jin Li went to the bathroom, she met Lan Ting's sad and distressed look.

Jin Li: "???"

Lan Ting asked her: "Jinli, who is this child?"

Jinli: "He, he is a relative of Lu Zhengya..."

Well, relatives.

Lan Ting asked again: "I remember Father Lu went out with you, why didn't he come?"

Jin Lixin said that your father Lu is here.

But she can't say that.

She can only say: "He... has something else to come back in a few days."

"Oh." Lan Ting replied, as if to say casually, "This kid looks like Mr. Lu."

She said, looking at Jin Li's expression.

However, there is no imaginary sadness or embarrassment to avoid.

Jin Li agrees with this sentence: "Of course, they are... relatives."

What she wanted to say was that they were all alone.

However, in Lan Ting's ears, the unfinished words were clearly...They were originally father and son, of course they look alike.

Before Lan Ting could say anything, she listened to Jin Li's mutter: "However, I think the smaller one is better."

Lan Ting: "..."

Is this the focus now?

Although this Xiaozheng is too long, it is really beautiful.

but! Don't you feel sorry for yourself?

She couldn't help saying: "Jin Li, although Dad Lu's family background is very strong, but you also have so many fans like us, we are not bad with him or something, you should not wrong yourself."

Jin Li: "?"

She looked at Lan Ting inexplicably, how could she wrong herself?

She waved: "Don't worry, no one can let the little fairy be wronged."

Seeing her, Lan Ting didn't take her words to heart at all, and her mood was extremely complicated.

She sighed: "Forget it, just think about it yourself."

Jin Li: "?"

Lan Ting asked her, "Shall we send this young master Lu to the guest room?"

Jin Li thought for a while, but he didn't know when Lu Zhengya would wake up. Given his current state, it would be better to stay with himself.

She shook her head: "No, he can sleep in my room."

Lan Ting was a little surprised.

Although Jinli has an easy-going personality and has no rules in her life, she still cares about her private territory, such as her room.

Although she didn't say it clearly, Lan Ting could feel it, so she never set foot in Jinli's room unless necessary.

She is actually willing to let this little child sleep in her room now?

Lan Ting was in a complicated mood. Didn't she say that she liked Mr. Lu to this level?

I like it, don’t care if he has a child, or even love the house and the black?

She sighed in her heart.


Lu Zhengya woke up in the darkness.

When he was awake, he felt that there was someone around him before he opened his eyes.

The sound of breathing is shallow.

what's the situation?

This surprise made him unaware of what he said was wrong, so he fumbled and pressed the bedside lamp.


The room lights up.

Jin Li's unsuspecting sleep came into view.

Lu Zhengya:?


2 more.

See you later.