The Koi Fairy Wife Is Sweet as Honey (Love from The Koi Goddess)

Chapter 624: I make this kid look familiar

In the end, Qingyangzi, who was desperate for money, defeated a group of competitors and obtained the right to go home with the cub version of Dad Lu.

He held the skeptical Xiao Zhengtai cautiously, with a pious posture as if holding a golden doll.

Do not!

Pai Yao's father is obviously more noble than Golden Doll!

On the road, he did not forget to ask: "Where are we going?"

Jin Li glanced at him, puzzled: "Of course I am going home."

Qingyangzi: "I mean, Mr. Lu is like this now, and I don't remember anything. If I live alone, I'm afraid it will be inconvenient. If he goes back to his own home, his family should also find it difficult to accept..."

This is a problem.

Jin Li said readily: "Then go to my house, anyway we live together."

Qing Yangzi didn't know what she thought of, so she coughed and said nothing.

More than half an hour later, the car entered the villa area.

Qing Yangzi's gaze swept around, an expression of envy appeared in his eyes.

Those who live in this kind of place are rich men.

But it was pitch black, and the lights were not turned on.

Do rich people buy a house and never live at night?

He asked his own question.

Jinli: "Oh, these houses you mentioned are all unoccupied. Lu Zhengya lives next to me. He said that he didn't want too many people to disturb us. He bought this villa area."

Qingyangzi: "..."

Qingyangzi: "???"

You rich people, right? Are rich gods spending money so casually?

He looked down at the small father Lu, who was sleeping quietly in his arms, and couldn't help but quietly stretched out his sinful hand and rubbed the boss's soft head.

Qing Yangzi decided not to wash his hands within three days.

He wants to buy lottery tickets with this hand that touched Pai Yao's head!

Got home.

Jinli called Lan Ting beforehand, and Lan Ting was already waiting at the door with excitement early-if Jinli hadn't stopped her, she would have been waiting at the airport alone in the evening.

Lan Ting gave Jinli a big hug: "Jinli, you are finally back, I miss you!"

Jin Li smiled and patted her shoulder, turning her head, Qing Yangzi walked out holding Lu Zhengya.

"This is..." Lan Ting hesitantly looked at Qing Yangzi dressed as a Taoist priest.

"A Daoist I met in the Dao Sect Association, this time he was sent to land..." Jin Li said paused.


She hadn't thought of how to introduce the trumpet Lu Zhengya.

It can't be said that he is Lu Zhengya, and no one will believe it.

On the contrary, Lan Ting, seeing Lu Zhengya in Qingyangzi's arms, let out a depressed exclamation: "This...this child is so beautiful!"

There is a bit familiar.

Jinli saved the introduction by the way, and signaled Qingyangzi and herself to enter.

Qing Yangzi put Lu Zhengya on the sofa in the lobby and said goodbye.

Lan Ting enthusiastically invited the Taoist chief to have a cup of tea before leaving, but was also politely rejected by Qing Yangzi-he was a veteran Taoist living alone with two young girls at night, what is it like?

After sending away the enthusiastic citizen Qing Yangzi, Lan Ting looked at Lu Zhengya on the sofa again.

Seeing this, she suddenly reacted: No wonder she felt familiar, this, this child, and Dad Lu looked alike!

Thinking about it this way, Lan Ting felt something was wrong in her heart.

How do you think this kid is just seven or eight years old?

As everyone knows, Dad Lu is the youngest child in the family. Based on his age, it is impossible for his father to give him such a small brother.
