The Koi Fairy Wife Is Sweet as Honey (Love from The Koi Goddess)

Chapter 490: Mom i saw a fairy

Takayama frowned.

He saw some familiar faces on this occasion, and instead of feeling surprised, he was a little dissatisfied.

People who study art like him always have a three-pointed personality.

He didn't deliberately look down on people, he just felt that there was a gap between the stars of the entertainment industry and them.

He even thought contemptuously in his mind: This female star named Jinli is going to attend Madam Lu's exhibition conference, but she goes to appreciate those paintings, can she understand?

The other two people don't have this idea.

Especially the fourth child, sitting next to him, "wow", and said excitedly: "My goddess is so beautiful! She is so cute! Have you seen her rubbing her eyes? It's so cute, so beautiful! I'm going to watch this section again later, edit it out, and make it into an emoticon..."

He babbled, Gao Shan couldn't bear it: "Shut up and keep watching!"

Then the fourth child really shut up-but not because of Gaoshan's words.

He stared at the screen blankly, watching the picture staying on the big screen.

for a long time.

In fact, it didn't take long.

The picture of the painting was displayed on the screen for less than a minute.

Not only the fourth child, but also stunned by Jinli's slight disdain in his heart.

He muttered: "It's so beautiful..."

He finally found out why Jin Li, a star who would attend Lu Jianzhen's art exhibition conference, was still sitting in such an important position.

She is her model, her muse.

The fourth child is already going crazy: "Fuck, can you go back? I want to take a screenshot, I want to watch it a hundred times, I want to lick the screen, Fuck is too beautiful, no, I have to post a circle of friends!"

As he said, he started posting to Moments, and suddenly came over after posting:

"Isn't Gao Shan the portrait of my goddess? What did Mrs. Lu say? Will this painting be displayed in the exhibition hall? When the exhibition hall is officially opened, there will definitely be a live broadcast of all the works in the exhibition hall, with commentary, wait for you Remember to call me!"

Gao Shan said startledly: "Okay."

At the same time, people from all over Huaguo posted their Moments, Weibo, and various social platforms.

The themes are all surprisingly similar:

[Mom, I saw a real fairy! 】

[How can Jinli be so spicy and so beautiful! 】


Jin Li doesn't know all this yet.

Because after the conference, there will be a dinner.

As the model for Lu Jianzhen's mysterious portrait, she has received great attention.

Seeing that she was pouting her mouth, Lu Jianzhen was very unhappy, and could not help knocking on her forehead: "Who said that I want more people to see your beauty? Now is a great opportunity, everyone. I'm all curious about you, all inquiring about you, if you are lazy, you can't regret it in the future."


Jin Li rubbed her forehead, changed her clothes, and went to the dinner with Lu Jianzhen.

Lu Jianzhen's prediction was not wrong at all.

Originally, the beautiful girl was the brightest pearl at the banquet.

Plus the bonus of her painting.

The liveliest place tonight is always beside Jinli.

Whether it is a man or a woman, whether it is for another purpose or purely attracted by Jinli's beauty, when they see Jinli himself, these people just want to show themselves in the most beautiful posture in front of this girl.

Lu Jianzhen held a glass of champagne in his hand and joked softly: "Hey, I knew that when I brought Jinli, my master would be ignored."