The Koi Fairy Wife Is Sweet as Honey (Love from The Koi Goddess)

Chapter 489: This is my goddess Jinli

Jin Li was a little sleepy.

No way, I really don't understand.

Lu Zhengya whispered to her: "Is it bored?"

Jin Li nodded: "Yeah."

She rubbed her eyes smoothly.

But at this moment, I don't know what Lu Jianzhen said that the camera accurately fell on Jinli.

Suddenly, on the big screen on the stage, a scene of Jin Li rubbing his eyes appeared.

Jin Li: "..."

There are still many people and media sitting behind!

She quickly put her hands down, sat down with a tight face, and gave a very decent smile to the camera.

Behind him came a sound of kind laughter and exclamation.

At the same time, the screen switches.

The "Jin Li" appeared on the big screen.

The exclamation sound came out again.

Just like Jinli said before, even if I look at this painting again, look at it ten times, and see her for the eleventh time, I will still be amazed by her.

Lu Jianzhen seemed to be introducing the work to the media, and then she stood up and walked towards Jinli.

Jin Li looked at her blankly, letting Lu Jianzhen walk to her side, holding her hand.

"Don't be afraid, leave everything to my sister, you only need to conquer them with beauty." Lu Jianzhen whispered in her ear.

Jinli nodded, followed Lu Jianzhen's side obediently, and stood with her.

When she heard what Lu Jianzhen had been saying, she was probably introducing her.

Only the flashlight kept falling on her face.

At this moment, much attention has been paid.



There are not many people who follow Madame Lu's painting exhibition.

Of course, not many people have the ability to chase the pigeon country to see the scene.

Many people just stand in front of the computer and watch the live broadcast from the White Pigeon National Conference.

After the press conference is over, the Silver Palace exhibition hall will be officially open to everyone.

Visitors can buy tickets to enter the exhibition hall to enjoy the painting exhibition.

This is the beginning of the real exhibition.

What do you think of the previous group of guests who got the invitation letter?

They certainly don't need to squeeze with ordinary people to admire the paintings.

Ordinary people don't even have a channel to know this.


Gao Shan is a big fan of Mrs. Lu.

He is a graduate student at the Imperial Academy of Fine Arts and regards Mrs. Lu as his idol.

Originally, he had booked a ticket to go to the White Pigeon Country to see the exhibition. Who knows that there is something happening at the school, he has no time to do it again, so he can only take the time to watch the live broadcast to relieve his heartache while resenting the refund.

Of his three roommates, one went out to do part-time jobs, and the other two were taken by him to watch the live broadcast together-as far as the domestic art students, regardless of their genre, few do not know Lu Jianzhen, and very few do not. Like her.

Gao Shan watched Mrs. Lu who answered various questions in fluent white pigeon language in the video, and felt the sadness of the scumbag.

He has learned a little white pigeon language, and he is still far from being able to understand this kind of interview fluently. He can only understand some general content.

While listening, he translated to two roommates.

Then, the lens on the screen flashed and fell on a familiar eastern face.

"Huh?" Gao Shan exclaimed in surprise, "Who is this woman, she's so beautiful! Moreover, she looks familiar."

The fourth child in the dormitory said directly, "This is my goddess! Jinli!"


Gao Shan reacted. It was Jin Li, the hot female star in the entertainment industry. He had watched "Mrs. Qin" she played.

It's just that the appearance of the ancient costume and this modern costume is still somewhat different, and he didn't recognize it at once.

But how could she be a star on this occasion?

Or the front row C?