The Koi Fairy Wife Is Sweet as Honey (Love from The Koi Goddess)

Chapter 477: Red red red

"There are still people who don't know me!"

Jin Li repeated this sentence again, even with a hint of grief and anger in her tone: "Isn't I good-looking enough? My beauty shouldn't be unforgettable if I see it once?"

Su Hexiang: "..."

There are too many slots.

She didn't know what to say at this time.

But obviously Jinli doesn't need her to say anything.

She continued to say: "So this is definitely not my personal reason, it must be my reputation is not enough. No, I was too slack before, I can't go on like this anymore, I have to go back with Qing Sister called, quickly arrange a little work for me. No, call Sister Qing now!"

While she was talking, she took out her mobile phone and dialed out the agent's number expertly.

Sitting next to him, Su Hexiang, who finished watching the whole process: "..."

Jin Li's laziness is well-known in the circle.

After receiving "The Thrilling No Man's Island", she took a long rest before picking up the "Mrs. Qin" TV series. After the "Mrs. Qin" Helan Mingji became popular, she left the window again for a long time before receiving "Jin". Here comes the variety show.

After the accidental cut of "The Koi Is Coming", she even rested directly until now.

If I were to change someone else, in these gaps, I am afraid that four or five announcements have been received.

Who knows that this salted fish suddenly rose up for this reason?

If her agent knew the truth, he would go to Fan Sheng's house to thank him in person, right?

Here, Jin Li has already talked to Sister Qing: "Sister Qing, you can help me pick up some work... I heard you right, I took the initiative to ask for work... What do you want to do? The script is still a reality show. Whatever, it’s okay. For the show, you must remember that there is a lot of traffic, and a lot of viewers can see me! As far as the script is concerned...whatever, the characters must be beautiful! Um..."

Su Hexiang who heard the whole process again: "..."

Once again the grooves are more and more mouthless.

She chose to be silent.

After Jin Li made the phone call, the whole person seemed to be beaten up.

She began to babble: "I must fight for everyone to know me."

She turned her head to look at Su Hexiang: "Su Su, do you think there is any way to increase the popularity quickly."

Su Hexiang: "..."

She said euphemistically: "Jin Li, in fact, not counting your previous black history, it has been less than a year since you officially became popular. In one year, it can reach the current height, and it is already a majority of people. , Something that I would never imagine in a lifetime."

You are still so dissatisfied, don't others want to jump off the building in despair?

"But." Jin Li frowned, "I don't think it is enough."

For her, it is indeed not enough.

Her supernatural power, since the last time she became popular for her role as "Mrs. Qin", she absorbed a lot of golden energy and recovered 10%. After opening the small treasure house, although she has been growing rapidly and continuously, these energy has been satisfied. Not her needs anymore.

She needs more energy, otherwise, she really doesn't know how long it will take if she wants to accumulate full strength and return to the heaven.

"Oh." She sighed heavily, very sad.

The two flew back to the imperial capital.

At this time, after a few days, she was about to pack her things and go to Baige Country with Lu Jianzhen.

Jin Li was a little expectant: "I don't know, will those foreigners indulge in the beauty of the little fairy?"