The Koi Fairy Wife Is Sweet as Honey (Love from The Koi Goddess)

Chapter 476: I am thinking about my future career plan

She looked at the man's unfamiliar gaze, lost in thought.

Fan Sheng: "..."

He looked at Yu Manluo strangely, and the expression in his eyes was: What do you mean by this friend?

Yu Manluo: "..."

She said how do I know!

She called Jin Li.

Jin Li returned to his senses, "Ah" said: "Hello, I am Jin Li."

Fan Sheng mumbled: "This name sounds familiar...Ah!"

His eyes lit up suddenly: "I remember, aren't you the goddess that my brothers talk about every day? It turns out to be a big star!"

His personality is different from Jin Li's imagination.

According to Yu Manluo's statement, Jin Li thought that the man who pulled her out of the mud and taught her to grow up was a black-bellied boss.

But the big man in front of him looked like a bad young man.

It's still the kind that ordinary people will want to take a detour when they see it on the road.

It has nothing to do with someone who has a deep mind.

However, people have always been unpredictable, and Jin Li will not be entangled.

Fan Sheng greeted Su Hexiang again.

He recognized Su Hexiang. He has been acting in various themes for so many years since his debut.

Su Hexiang's popularity is at least at the national level.

Seeing a couple of lovers together, and there is obviously something to discuss, Jin Li and Su Hexiang looked at each other: Now that their intentions have been resolved, they should leave.

Yu Manluo probably had something to do and didn't keep anyone. After leaving contact information with each other, together with Fan Sheng, they personally sent them out.

——Of course, Jin Li did not forget the signature that he had promised before.

In the envy of his colleagues, the little brother felt that he had indeed reached the pinnacle of his life.

And another little brother who has become a salted fish, after watching this scene, suddenly felt that he had evolved from a salted fish to a pickled fish-sour, sour and redundant.

On the way back, both of them were a little silent.

After a long time, Su Hexiang sighed: "This time itinerary, the result really surprised me."

Regardless of the couple, or Yu Manluo.

Jin Li was silent.

Speaking of Yu Manluo, Su Hexiang said with a hint of appreciation: "For the first time, I have seen such a woman."

Crazed, lazy, casual, sober, the feminine femininity is carved into the bones, amazingly beautiful.

She seemed to always understand what she wanted and what was most important to her.

This kind of sobriety is terrible and admirable.

Jin Li was still silent.

Su Hexiang finally found something wrong.

She turned her head to look at Jinli: "Jinli? Jinli? What are you thinking about?"

Jin Li said "Ah", and came back to her senses: "Huh? What's wrong?"

Su Hexiang: "..."

She was helpless: "I said what you were thinking, so I was so fascinated, I have been talking to you for a long time."

Speaking of this, Jin Li's expression deepened again.

She sighed and said very seriously: "I am thinking about my career and my future plans."

Su Hexiang: "???"

It's not that she wants to tear down the stage, Jin Li, she really doesn't seem to be someone who would consider such things.

"Why did you suddenly think of this?" Su Hexiang was at a loss. Is this stimulated?

Jinli looked serious: "The Fan Sheng today, he doesn't even know me?"

She couldn't help taking out the small mirror and looking at herself up and down, still couldn't believe it:

"There are still people who don't know me?"