The Great Doorway of Daoism

Chapter 365

The white haired old man hurriedly came to reconcile. After a stir by the unknown teacher, he made contact. The other party invited the disciples of Vientiane sect to sit down and talk together.

After chatting, hualanting learned that the seven belong to the same family and belong to the Xingsuo Changkong sect in the west of Xianzhou.

Xingsuo Changkong sect was once a famous sect.

However, with the passage of time, there are a few who can prosper in the wind and waves of history. Xingsuo Changkong sect has now withered. Since the death of the old leader, there are only these eight accepted disciples left in the sect.

In addition to Dugu Yong and Luo Shuiying who fell in love and killed each other, Chao Jishuai was talking with Shiming. The two elder martial sisters were hang Yinian and Xue Bing. The white haired old man was named Feng Lai.

They also have a eldest martial brother named mu Fengyin, who is nearly 100 years old. Since master left, he has been the eldest martial brother to teach on behalf of the master.

The eight people are very affectionate. They are also obsessed with poetry, songs and Fu. They have a special preference for literature and Taoism. They used to practice together for a long time. Until ten years ago, mu Fengyin decided to close the door and impact the yaochi environment in order to revitalize the sect.

Mufengyin found a cave with plenty of energy in the mountain near the middle to close. The other seven people scattered around to practice. We made an appointment to meet once a year to report their accomplishments.

This year coincides with the period of ten years. After they get together, they are going to the mountains to wait for mu Fengyin to leave the customs.

The two groups of people drank and chatted. Because they were both good at literature, they formed a friendship after meeting and exchanging views with friends in the face of the beautiful scenery of Taiye pool on Qiong island.

After drinking and eating, both sides waved goodbye and went their separate ways.

Soon, Meng Haopu returned to Mengbi Shenghua mountain with Hua Lanting and others.

Wan'an was arranged into the construction office, and the others returned to their peaks. They found that the atmosphere on the mountain was a little tense, and there were fewer people walking on the mountain road than usual.

Hua Lanting went to see Yun Yiqi first. Yun Yiqi asked about the process of his trip. He was very satisfied with his progress to the Seven Star Beidou realm after being split by thunder. He thought it would be beneficial to improve his Lei Dan.

Hua Lanting asked why he was in a hurry to call everyone back.

Yun Yiqi didn't elaborate on this. He just told him that he was at the Vientiane gate, including the Tianji power of Shuxuan Xianzhou. Recently, he calculated that Xianzhou would be robbed. Strangely, the time and place are very vague, and the details such as the reason and result are more difficult to see.

This has aroused serious concern among major sectors.

It's not clear whether it's nothing to calculate the future, but everyone can't calculate it. Even if it's a strange thing, it shows that it's a big thing, and it's quite big. The secret of heaven must be blinded by great magic power. This skill is not ordinary.

As a matter of the safety of a continent, all sects and sects could not help paying no attention to it. In addition to the continuous ventilation, everyone began to recall their disciples. Although they did not know why, they could not make targeted arrangements, but they all prepared troops and horses and prepared for a rainy day. Xianzhou was frightened for a moment.

Yun Yiqi let Hua Lanting ignore these things. The elders of the sect care about them. The current task of the lower generation disciples is to seize the time to practice and improve their accomplishments.

Next, after feeling the current situation of leidan in hualanting's belly, Yun Yiqi instructed him to further consolidate it with the nine turn big return Dan method.

Finally, Yun Yiqi asked, "after the advanced stage, you are not only the first of the 60 generations of disciples, but many previous generations of disciples have not reached your height. Now, what problems do you have in mind or skill?"

Hua Lanting thought about it seriously and replied, "master, disciples feel some contradictions and swings."

"On the one hand, as you said, I have walked very fast. You want me to cultivate the heart of the strong. I am also doing it with care. Especially after I can fly to heaven, I also want to fly higher and farther."

"I've seen a lot of great energy in the yaochi area in these days. I also want to stir up the changes of the situation like them. In the future, I can guide the rivers and mountains, attack the Fang Qiu, and easily determine people's life and death, until I emerge and fly up, and live up to the expectations of the school."

"On the other hand, at the beginning of learning Taoism, disciples did not have much lofty ideals and aspirations."

"Now I have achieved something. I can fly and stop when I touch a branch. I can't break it if I accidentally fall to the ground. I'm not so tired and happy. There's no great danger. In fact, it's good to be a free little bird."

"Moreover, even if you become a strong man like Meng Xingsan, it will inevitably end in ashes. Why? Dapeng spreads his wings and hates the sky? Why bother? When you finally become an immortal, you must be free?"

Yunyi nodded strangely: "feel comfortable and comfortable. Look at the clouds and be a wild lily with its own spring valley; or work hard to become famous and make a mire bird that fights against the sky for 90000 miles."

"You can answer this question from different angles. You just came back today and need a rest. As a teacher, you won't start. Let's talk about it."

"Being happy, content and content with the status quo is a way of life. Being ambitious, unwilling to be ordinary and enterprising is also a life choice."

"As a teacher, I think there's no need to be so tangled, so I'll be inferior."

"Whether a person lives or flies high, he will always rise and fall in his life. For individuals, the amplitude of turbulence is high or low, but it will always be a periodic curve of wave oscillation."

"Therefore, there are times when you have to accumulate momentum at the bottom of the valley; there are times when you have to stop and be ready to restrain and bear; there are times when you need to climb a slope, you must be angry and work hard; there are other times when you need to rush to the top or retreat, you have to rush forward and work hard."

"Master, do you mean to be a band?" Hua Lanting asked.

"HMM. but also."

"At your age, you are in the most energetic and creative period, with unlimited potential and possibilities. It is time to get ready to work hard."

"As for me as a teacher, my spirit and spirituality may still be at their peak, and my energy and physical strength have begun to decline. It is doubtful whether I can reach the top. However, my momentum is indeed declining. In addition to my responsibilities, I will pay more attention to and please myself and the people around me. The ideal goal of becoming an immortal in my early years is not necessarily to be realized."

"One of them. You are far from the stage of shrinking the flag and enjoying yourself. You have to fight."

"The second point is about the range of the band and the height of life."

"Is there one aspect of life? If there is, we still have to fight to verify it."

"We have a long-term vision. What we finally cultivate is energy. Not only the quantity should be huge, but also the quality should be higher and more pure. I remember an elder Daneng once taught me a saying. Now let me share it for your reference."

He said: "the energy of a life is equal to the length of life multiplied by the width of life, multiplied by the height of life, and finally multiplied by the density of life."

"The length of life is the number of longevity. The so-called long life, monks will live longer than ordinary people if they don't die."

"The height of life. If you can look down at the world from a great height, you will naturally see far and wide. What we are talking about here is vision, pattern, volume and breadth of mind."

"Let's talk about the width of life. Small knowledge is less than great knowledge, and small years are less than big years. Your knowledge and wisdom determine your perspective and dimension of looking at things. The more diverse your foothold and perspective, the more comprehensive and thorough your understanding of things. Seeing mountains is mountains, seeing mountains is not mountains, and seeing mountains is mountains. That's the truth."

"Length, width and height, and finally the density of life."

"As a teacher, I like drinking tea. I can taste more than 100 kinds of tea. Each kind of tea has its own unique smell. The taste of the same tea produced in different solar terms is also different. Tea is a very complex and three-dimensional beverage."

"Every link and detail of a cup of tea, from when and how it was picked in the country of origin, to the processing method in the process, to what water, apparatus and method to brew, will give life to this cup of tea and make it different from others."

"This is not the only one that you can feel when you sip your mouth, and the tea soup stirs in your mouth. The different parts of your mouth and tongue feel different at different times. Slowly swallow, gradually warm your throat and stomach, or heat or warmth, and aroma, and even breathe out, even if you can appreciate the essence of tea, such as the earth's soil, sun and moon light, rain morning dew and so on. It's a natural fragrance that comes out of hand-made utensils. Then, you may sweat a little, you may relax and relax, you may feel refreshed, or take a nap in the afternoon. Whatever, in short, this is one of the manifestations of the density of life. "

"The density of life is the degree of delicacy, complexity and richness of things you experience."

"The length of life is beyond your control. But the height, width and density of life can be improved to a certain extent, or to a considerable extent, through efforts."

"You know how to calculate. If you increase by 10%, what will be the result of multiplication? If you increase by 20% or 50%, the energy of life is more than doubled."

"The energy of your life is likely to determine the high point of your life band."

"This is the second."

"However, what I want to tell you is that I worked hard and used clever methods and skills during the time when I should work hard, which may not be enough to support you to become an immortal."

"Ah? What else?" Hua Lanting asked bitterly.

"There are days outside the sky and people outside the people, and each mountain is higher than the other. Most people are limited by their own experience, their circle, the society they live in, and the era they live in. When facing great changes, it is difficult to break through the shackles and break through“

"You should remember that you learn poetry to develop your poetic mind, you learn art to cultivate your logical reasoning ability, and you travel around the mainland to understand different cultures and civilizations. But these are not enough. These are just tools."

"There is only one thing you need to learn all your life, that is imagination!"

"Xuanzhu mirror is nothing. There are a lot of people who do yaochi mirror, and Shifang limitless mirror is not the ultimate. If you want to ask me specific questions, I can't give you the answer. But if you can imagine what you can become, that's the most, it's probably difficult for you to even do it."

"Only when your brain hole breaks through the sky, dare to think what others have not thought, and constantly establish and update your new imagination of the future, can you get out of your own way of becoming immortal and God."

"Immortal is nothing more than a higher-level person of evolution. If you want to evolve, you should not only work hard, but also have the ability of imagination."

"It is said that a long time ago, part of a group of monkeys slowly walked upright and made tools through imagination and efforts, and finally became human, while the other part became today's gorilla."

Hua Lanting: "

Half a year after this day, Hua Lanting and others were at ease, and Xianzhou was safe.

Over time, many sects gradually forgot the predicted crisis and returned to their usual comfort.

However, some farsighted sects and organizations, including the free Vientiane gate, have never let down their vigilance. Although they do not know when the crisis will come, they have been making intensive preparations, including the reserves of various resources, so that the business of the four major businesses of "civil engineering industry and commerce" is becoming more and more frequent and popular in the dark.

On this day, hualanting and others have a new task.