The Grand Secretary's Pampered wife

Chapter 591

What did Princess Ann just say?

This edict came out of his underpants?!

Princess Xinyang is not a good person!

She is a woman, a princess of the emperor!

When she thought of what she had just touched and smelled in front of her two younger generation, Princess Xinyang only felt that she had lost her face for ten years!

"You have nothing to do with sewing the edict in that place!"

She slapped the table and drank!

Prince an is a junior and a minister, and Princess Xinyang is so powerful that even the emperor is afraid of him, let alone an astringent Prince an.

The king did not dare to raise his eyes to offend her when he spoke to her. Of course, he did not see all kinds of intoxicated and addicted little actions she did to the imperial edict.

He was startled by the sudden anger of Princess Xinyang, and finally bravely looked at Princess Xinyang.

Princess Xinyang was very angry. Her beautiful face was dyed very sulky. Her cheeks and neck were red with anger.

An Jun Wang was confused and said, "I can't bring it out without sewing it in my underpants..."

He didn't want to destroy the edict from the beginning.

Such an important thing in hand is a talisman, especially those who deal with the imperial power all day long. No one can guarantee that they will not be scared by the monarch.

He was really going to bring it out in his arms at the beginning.

But on second thought, if grandfather found out in time, he would search his body.

There is only one place that may not be found, and that is his big underpants.

But it's easy to drop it in his underpants, and it's easy to touch it, so he simply turned back to his study and sewed it on the fabric of his underpants.

The reason why he can sew and mend is due to his hard life in Bishui Hutong. He is a big man and learned how to sew clothes.

Of course, his grandfather was so thoughtful that he could not rule out the possibility of taking off his underpants for inspection, so he designed the fire in his study.

He deliberately revealed flaws, deliberately covered up, so that his grandfather thought he had the imperial edict in his body. After the study was burned down, he showed a proud look in front of his face, so that his grandfather felt that he was trying to distract his grandfather by setting fire to the imperial edict.

In this way, grandfather would never pick his underpants again.

But he didn't expect that his grandfather would be angry enough to kill him.

This is beyond his expectation.

He overestimated his grandfather's affection for his grandparents. If Xiao Heng didn't stare at him secretly and send Li Shilang to take him away in time, he would have gone to see the emperor with the imperial edict in his underpants.

However, he would not thank Xiao LIULANG.

Princess Xinyang was so angry that she glared at the king of an County. She couldn't control it: "dragon one! Castrate him for me

As soon as the Dragon flashed in, he grabbed Prince an and threw him into the salt jar in the backyard!

Princess Xinyang

I want you to castrate, not pickle!

Princess Xinyang left with an iron face!

The king of an County folded his body and nestled in the mouth of the salt jar. He looked at Xiao Heng coming towards him: "what did I say wrong? Why is Princess Xinyang angry? Did she feel that I had violated the edict? I had no choice at that time. "

Xiao Heng witnessed the whole process. He held back his smile and pulled Princess an up from the salt jar: "no, you can bring out the imperial edict and make a great contribution."

"Then she's still angry." Prince an muttered and patted the salt on his body. When he thought of something, he whispered, "it seems that the rumor is true."

"What rumors?" Xiao Heng asked.

Princess an looked around and made sure that Princess Xinyang would not come back again. Then he whispered to Xiao Heng, "Princess Xinyang is moody and always has domestic violence against Xuanping marquis. Xuanping marquis is against her husband and wife because she can't bear her tyranny."

Xiao Heng said: "she can't beat Xuanping Marquis, can she?"

"She is a princess," said the king of Anjun. "Xuanping Marquis does not dare to fight back."

Xiao Heng

While talking, they went back to their study.

"Would you like to see the edict?" Princess an takes up the imperial edict on the table and hands it to Xiao Heng.

"No more." Xiao Heng Dao, he quietly took out a brocade box, opened it and said to Princess an, "come on, put it in."

"Oh." Princess an put the imperial edict into the brocade box, "don't you look at it? Are you afraid it's fake? "

Xiao Heng said meaningfully, "no, Princess Xinyang has just checked it. Doesn't she say that paper and silk are different, especially silky?"

Princess an nodded suddenly: "it seems to be."

Xiao Heng is going to die. He's going to suffer from internal injury if he continues to hold it.

He closed the box and said seriously to Princess Ann, "well, I'll go first."

"Xiao LIULANG." Princess an looked at him steadily. "This imperial edict was exchanged by my life. Can it depend on my giving it to you... To save my grandfather's life?"

Xiao Heng paused and looked at him with a positive look: "are you not afraid that his life is not like death?"

After all, for an ambitious person, losing everything is the biggest torture.

Princess an just looked at Xiao Heng quietly and didn't speak.

Xiao Heng nodded: "OK, I understand. I promise you."

"Thank you very much," he said

Xiao Heng took the imperial edict to the house in Zhuque street.

Princess Xinyang washed eighteen pots of water in her own room. Her hands and nose were almost rotten. Yujin didn't know what happened. She asked Princess Xinyang, but she refused to say.

"Little Marquis, you are here." Jade Jin saw holding a brocade box step into Xiao Heng, heart under a loose.

Xiao Heng looks at the angry Princess Xinyang. To be honest, he seldom sees her mother like this.

"Aunt Yujin, let me take care of my mother." He said, pressing down the corner of his lips.

Yu Jin looked at Xiao Heng strangely and said: "OK, you come."

She put down the basin, turned and went out.

While sitting on the chair, Princess Xinyang rubbed her hands and said, "what's the matter? Come to see me joke? "

Xiao Heng tut a, innocently way: "see you say, your son I am that kind of person?"? Besides, what jokes do you have to watch? Isn't it an edict taken out of the underpants? "


LIULANG is Xiao Heng's character now. She shouts with her surname, which shows how angry Princess Xinyang is.

Xiao Heng, shut up.

When Princess Xinyang saw the box in his hand, Liu Mei frowned and said, "what's this?"

Xiao Heng said truthfully: "imperial edict."

Princess Xinyang was stunned and reflected that it was the emperor's edict. Her face sank: "you! Don't you dare to take this kind of thing! "

Xiao Heng says helplessly: "this thing is too expensive, put me there not safe."

This is a big truth. The child at home is too bear. It's hard not to turn it out one day. After thinking about it, it can only be put in the hands of Princess Xinyang.

Of course, Princess Xinyang understood this truth. She gritted her teeth and said, "take it up and take it away for Yujin!"

Xiao Heng held the brocade box and made a bow: "yes, my mother!"

He turned and went out.

Princess Xinyang glared at him: "come back to me!"

Xiao Heng turned around obediently and said with a smile, "what else do you want from your mother?"

Xinyang Princess calm face way: "change your address!"

Xiao Heng bowed again and said with a smile, "yes, the honorable Princess of the prison."

Princess Xinyang

After Xiao Heng gives the imperial edict to Yu Jin for safekeeping, he goes to the next room to accompany Gu Jiao.

Recently, each of them is busy. It's too rare for them to be alone.

Yujin properly handles the imperial edict and returns to Princess Xinyang's room.

Princess Xinyang finally finished washing and was sitting in front of the dresser to apply the cream.

Women's hands are also easy to care for.

"I'll do it." Yujin said.

Princess Xinyang handed her the cream.

Yu Jin scraped a little with her fingertips, held up Princess Xinyang's left hand and daubed it on the back of her hand gently: "princess, I just heard the little Marquis say that the former Emperor had left a blank imperial edict. Without that imperial edict, Zhuang Taifu was afraid that he would never be able to make any big waves again."

Princess Xinyang said, "hum."

Jade Jin soft voice says with a smile: "small Hou Ye is really capable."

Princess Xinyang said, "what can he do? Zhuang Yuheng stole the imperial edict. He just sent someone to pick up Zhuang Yuheng. "

After smearing the cream, Yujin gently massaged Princess Xinyang and absorbed it: "why would Zhuang Yuheng want to steal the imperial edict for the little Marquis? Didn't the princess think about it? Zhuang Yuheng broke with Zhuang Taifu. No one in the capital dares to take him in. Only our little marquis is brave. "

Princess Xinyang turned her lips.

Yujin then said, "it's the talent of the young marquis to reach and think what ordinary people can't. Xiao Hou Ye is a good child with vision, strategy, courage and mind. "

Can Princess Xinyang not know? She just wants to hear people praise her son.

Yu Jin smiles, puts her tender left hand on her leg, picks up her right hand, and begins to gently apply the cream for her: "Zhuang Taifu lost the protection of empress Zhuang first, and then lost the bargaining chip of King Ning. Now even the only chance to turn the tables against the wind is gone. I guess the power of the banker is exhausted. I'm not afraid, but the people of Yan have a headache, What is the princess going to do? "

Princess Xinyang said thoughtfully, "I want to kill people with a knife."

Yu Jin is slightly surprised: "whose knife does the princess want to borrow?"

Princess Xinyang looked out of the window at the setting sun: "Yan people's knife."