The Grand Secretary's Pampered wife

Chapter 590

The unexpected voice made Prince an's heart thump, and his body trembled unconsciously.

This reaction naturally did not escape Zhuang Taifu's eyes.

Zhuang Taifu looked at his back coldly: "so late, where do you want to go?"

Prince an forced himself to calm down. He slowly turned around and said to Zhuang Taifu with the same look as usual: "I... Something has fallen outside. Go out and look for it."

Zhuang Taifu looked at him dangerously: "is that right? What did you leave to look for in the middle of the night? "

An Jun Wang forehead a cold sweat: "I... I lost the token, Zhuang house token."

"Is it?" Zhuang Taifu walked towards the prince of an.

The king felt a huge aura and prestige. More sweat oozed from his forehead, and his throat slid in horror.

Zhuang Taifu stopped in front of him, raised his hand to his waist and said, "then tell me, what is this?"

Princess an's eyes flashed and said, "did my token and I hang on my waist? I thought it was lost... "

"Zhuang Yuheng, when are you going to pretend?"

"What does grandfather say, grandson doesn't understand?"

"No? Well, I ask you, what did you just do in my study? "

"I..." An Jun Wang's chest heaved heavily. His eyes could no longer hide his guilty feeling. He looked at the token that Zhuang Taifu had held in his hand and said, "that's what I'm looking for!"

"A token, you fall from outside the house to inside the house. Is there any worse excuse! Zhuang Yuheng, you are my grandson. You can't even tell a lie! "


"This is the door of my house. I don't want to embarrass you with so many servants watching! Give it up honestly

"What is it? Grandson can't understand. "

"Now you have a grandchild? Zhuang Yuheng, you are too young to play tricks in front of me! Do you hand it in by yourself, or I will let people search it out from you! This is your last chance! Don't think you are my grandson, I'm reluctant to move you! If you dare to disobey me again, I'll think I don't have your grandson! "

"Empress Dowager?" The prince of an County yelled after Zhuang Taifu.

Zhuang Taifu looked back subconsciously.

The king of onjun is on the run!

Zhuang Taifu was so angry that his fists clucked and his shoulders trembled: "grab him back!"

Two bodyguards rushed out of the door. The king of an County was not good at martial arts. He was caught by them before he ran a few steps.

They put the prince back to the gate.

"Close the door." Zhuang Taifu doesn't want to see people passing by.

The little boy closed the gate tremblingly.

Just now, he almost let the princess go. I don't know if the master will be angry.

At this moment, Chuang Tai Fu naturally didn't care to punish these servants. He held them back, leaving only two bodyguards.

He looked at the king of onjun who was being held in front of him and said, "do you think you can successfully leave with something? Do you think you'll have run away by the time I find out? Zhuang Yuheng, who gives you confidence? "

"Grandfather, why do you collude with Yan people?"

"Who told you that?"

"Grandfather didn't care who told me, grandfather just answered me yes or no?"

"So you came to steal the edict? I don't care what you hear outside, you'd better shut your mouth for me! "

"So it's true that my grandfather really colluded with Yan people! What does grandfather want to do? Revolt

"Get down on your knees!"

The king of Anjun didn't kneel. The bodyguard kicked his back knee and forced him to kneel on the ground.

"Search him for me!"

"Presumptuous! I'm the king of the county personally conferred by your majesty! You don't want it anymore! "

The guard hesitated.

"Search!" said Zhuang Taifu

The bodyguard continued to search the king of an, and it was useless for him to struggle.

However, because the imperial edict is not a hard object, it can not be touched at all.

"Take off his clothes and take them off for me!"

Princess an tried to resist, and was pressed on the ground by the two people, his elbow and knee were all worn out of blood.

The two of them took apart while they were pickling. In the end, they just wanted to have a pair of big underpants.

"No, sir!"

Princess Ann curled up and shivered on the cold ground.

Zhuang Taifu was so angry that he kicked over: "where did you hide the imperial edict?"

"Master! Master is not good! There's water in the study! "

Zhuang Taifu's pupil shrunk and looked at the cold and trembling Prince an on the ground again. He saw that the corner of Prince an's lips was raised, showing a successful smile, and said weakly: "this... Did grandfather expect it?"

When Zhuang Taifu rushed to the study, the fire in the study was too big to control.

The steward said anxiously: "I don't know how it was burned. When the little one saw the fire coming, it was already burning out of control, but the seal and memorial on the adult's desk were snatched out..."

Yes, most people will grab what they think Zhuang Taifu cares about when they are in such a big fire. They will not pay attention to anything else.

Standing in front of the fire, Zhuang Taifu carefully combed the course of the incident and roughly understood what was going on.

First of all, Zhuang Yuheng came back with a different purpose, and he always trusted this grandson too much. Even if he ran away from home, he didn't think he could do anything more.

Secondly, he calculated that he could not go far with the imperial edict. He simply hid the imperial edict in a corner of his study and burned it!

When he came out of the teahouse, he told him that Zhuang Yuheng had come back once, so he went to the study to check the painting for the first time. He found that the imperial edict was gone, and immediately thought that Zhuang Yuheng had stolen it.

Zhuang Yuheng should have drawn the fire from the corner blocked by the bookshelf.

He was anxious to recover the imperial edict, and came out immediately after entering, so he didn't find the small fire in the corner.

Zhuang Yuheng, Zhuang Yuheng, I haven't seen you for a few days!

That imperial edict is not only Qin Fengyan's mace, but also Zhuang Taifu's biggest trump card against the wind. What is the imperial edict of the former Emperor? It's a legitimate orthodoxy, and its prestige is superior to his majesty today!

As long as he takes out the imperial edict to make the other princes and princes emperor, there will be ministers loyal to follow him. At that time, coupled with his many years of influence and the help of the Nangong family of the state of Yan, why not worry!

But now, this imperial edict was destroyed by his most respected grandson!

Zhuang Taifu's anger was enough to turn the prince of an over and over again!

He angrily came to the door of the house. The king's clothes had already been torn, and now it was a bodyguard's robe that covered him.

Zhuang Taifu was not an easy man, but he couldn't help it: "Zhuang Yuheng, you are very good, you are very good! You don't want to live, do you? Good! I'll help you! Somebody! Drag him down! Dead with a stick

Don't worry about the grandson who eats everything from the inside to the outside!


Zhuang Yuexi suddenly rushed over and threw herself on the king of an County. She turned her head and looked at her grandfather: "grandfather, don't beat my brother!"

Zhuang Taifu was furious: "even you want to fight me?"

Zhuang Yuexi knelt in front of him and hugged his leg: "grandfather! Don't be angry with your brother! Brother didn't mean it! You forgive my brother! "

Zhuang Taifu kicks Zhuang Yuexi: "don't do it soon!"

Two bodyguards hold Prince an.

"Let go of my brother!" Zhuang Yuexi rushed over again and bit one of the guards by the wrist.

"What are you doing?" Zhuang Taifu drinks to Zhuang Yuexi's maid.

The servant girl's mother-in-law hurried forward and opened Zhuang Yue Xi.

Zhuang Yuexi struggled with tears: "grandfather! Grandfather! Brother is your grandson! You can't shoot him! If you want to fight, fight! Xi'er is willing to be punished on behalf of her brother! Grandfather! Grandfather, please fight! Don't beat your brother! Don't... don't... "

Zhuang Taifu didn't pay attention to her granddaughter's crying and pleading at all. She was blocked up and dragged down.

He looked coldly at Princess an: "execution!"

Dong Dong!

Suddenly there was a violent knock on the door.

Zhuang Taifu frowned: "who?"

"Open the door! Criminal investigation! Violators are in custody and jailed! "

Zhuang Taifu coldly asked one of the guards to open the door.

Li Shilang came in calmly with the official document of the Ministry of punishment. He looked at the prince of an who was not able to be dragged down. Then he arched his hand to Zhuang Taifu and handed the document to him: "Zhuang Taifu has made sun zhuangyuheng suspect in a murder case. I have been ordered to arrest the suspect Zhuang Yuheng. I hope Zhuang Taifu will not obstruct the official handling the case."


The king of anshire was shackled and taken to the prison car.

In the middle of the carriage, Li Shilang released the prince of an.

The king of an County got on the carriage waiting in the lane for a long time, and unexpectedly saw Xiao Heng.

"You are..."

Princess an wants to say that you really dare to do something in the name of the Ministry of punishment.

I think this guy can even forge the imperial edict. What else is he afraid of.

Princess an raised eyebrows and said, "without your help, I can come out myself!"

"You're welcome." Xiao Heng's light way.

"Hum." Prince Ann turned his face.

When they returned to the Blue Water Lane, Princess an changed his clothes and came out, Princess Xinyang also came.

It was the first time that Princess an saw her. He didn't know the real identity of Xiao Heng, so he was surprised by her sudden visit.

He didn't know, and he didn't dare to ask.

"What about the edict? Is it really burned? " Asked Princess Xinyang.

They are sitting in Xiao Heng's study.

"No, I brought it out." The king took out a blank Edict and put it on the table.

Princess Xinyang is picking up the imperial edict. Her fingertips caress the texture and texture of the imperial edict: "it's worthy of being the imperial edict of the former Emperor. The paper and silk are different from today's. It's said that it's made of a special kind of silk and bamboo, with a faint fragrance of bamboo. How did you bring it out? Haven't you been searched? "

Prince an scratched his head: "it was searched, but... They didn't expect me to sew the edict there."

Princess Xinyang put the imperial edict at the tip of her nose and closed her eyes intoxicated: "where?"

An Jun Wang: "underpants."


The imperial edict in Princess Xinyang's hand is lost!