The Grand Secretary's Pampered wife

Chapter 586

The man in black almost instinctively felt a threat.

It is reasonable to say that the strength of youth is far below him, he should not have this feeling.

The young man attacked him. His moves were no different from before. I don't know who taught him how to shoot. It's very simple. There are only a few moves coming and going, but every move is killing!

The young man held the red tassel gun in both hands and cut off the head of the gun!

He waved his knife into the block.

To his surprise, the young man was still the previous move, but the power seemed to increase several times, his hands and arms were numb!

The young man didn't give him any buffer. The second shot had already stabbed him. This time, he still chose to defend with a knife. The heavy red tassel gun pressed on the long knife he held high. The strength of the young man was so strong that he collapsed a few inches into the earth!

What did the boy just do?

How did the strength rise so much?

When the boy's third shot came, he no longer chose to defend. He attacked head-on, but he was forced back more than ten steps by the boy's red tassel gun!

The young silk is not back!

The black robed man's eyes flashed a strong sense of horror.

It's true that he didn't use all his skills when he fought with the teenager, because he couldn't use so much. It's like a bloody BMW. It can run 400 Li a day at most, but if it runs 400 Li, it will die.

At the beginning, the black robed man only used five success forces, and he felt more than enough.

Now we have to use 60%.

Since he came to Zhaoguo, he was the first one to force him to use six forces.

The two met again for several times. The boy's moves were more fierce than before. There was no empty shaking. All of them were killing moves!

The black robed man was injured, both internal and external. He endured pain from all over his body.

On the other hand, although he was also injured, he seemed to feel no pain at all. Regardless of the tear and blood of the wound, he attacked him recklessly!

In fact, it is very dangerous to lose the sense of pain in a fight. Where it hurts, it means that you can no longer bear the force. Once you lose this judgment, the consequences will be extremely terrible.

Gu Jiao has another shot to kill, with the momentum of the mountains and rivers, killing majestic.

Seeing this, the black robed master didn't plan to fight with the youngster conservatively. He directly increased his skill by 80%, which was enough to crush the realm of the youngster!

Of course, this is also the limit of his safe operation. If he goes up, he will have to kill 1000 enemies and lose 800, or die with them.

It's worth getting hurt to kill the boy.

The black robed master thought so and launched the most violent move to the youth.

He thought that he could finally get the result of the young man in front of him, but his breath soared again!

How could that be?

The black robe masters are confused!

He gritted his teeth.

That's all. We'll die together!

The black robe master has improved his skill to the extreme! The veins in his body couldn't bear such a terrible force and began to burst. He also began to bleed!

He poured his internal power into the sword of his right hand and cut it fiercely towards Gu Jiao!

Puchi a, a red tassel gun ruthlessly penetrated his chest!

He looked at the boy in front of him in disbelief and didn't understand how he did it.

The young man walked towards him indifferently, holding the red tassel gun in one hand and pushing it fiercely, which completely penetrated through his body!

The black robe master fell on the ground, and he didn't know how he could have died in such a young boy's hand.

He looked at the dark sky.

Kill the gods.

He saw the murderer.

When it was over, the official road outside the Phoenix Pavilion was quiet, and the air was full of blood.

Gu Jiao holds the red tassel gun and looks at the front of the official road with dark eyes.

Her murderous spirit did not decrease sharply because of the fall of the black robed master.

She also wanted to kill.

If you can't kill others, kill yourself.


Small nine wings fly around Gu Jiao in Gu Jiao's head for a while hovering.


Xiao Jiu shouts at Gu Jiao.



"Cluck, cluck, cluck!"

Gu Jiao aims the red tassel gun at Xiao Jiu.

Xiaojiu puffed his wings and blew up the bird's hair: "chirp!"

Xiao Jiu was scared, but he didn't escape.

It bravely flew to Gu Jiao's head and pecked Gu Jiao's hair band with its beak.




Gu Jiao's eyes began to struggle. She threw the red tassel gun on the ground. Then she pulled out the string around her waist and tied her hands tightly!

She turned over and got on the horse. With a strong obsession, she restrained the huge killing intention in her body.

Xiaojiu flew to the back of the horse and pecked its ass with its beak!

The horse galloped with pain.

Gu Jiao's eyes have red blood flow down, she already can't see the road.

Small nine lead the way, it took the reins of the horse.

One person, one eagle, one horse, gallop in the night.

Xiao Jiu, hurry up. I can't control it.

Small nine as if sensing Gu Jiao's murderous surging, it chirped up, quickly led the horse to the gate.

The city had already been ordered, waiting for her to take back the antidote.

On the tower, a bodyguard suddenly pointed to the direction of cangbei mountain and said in a loud voice: "my Lord! Look! Someone's coming! "

"How many people?"

"It's like the boy who was out of the city before!"

"Come on! Open the gate

The gate opened wide, and the guards came up.

Gu Jiao's mask has fallen down. She is covered with blood and her face is also covered with blood. Her hands are still tied. If she had not been seen out of the city before, people would hardly recognize her.

What's more, everyone felt the murderous look in her eyes.

She's going to kill!

"Back up!" The captain of the bodyguard drank hard.

The crowd drew their swords and retreated.

Gu Jiao unties the burden on her back and throws it to the bodyguard with her bound hands.

"The antidote."

She looked at the bodyguard with her blood red eyes and said with the last trace of reason, "close the city gate... Don't open it!"

The captain's heart clapped!

"My lord..." the man beside him looked at him.

The head of the bodyguard looked at Gu Jiao, who was full of murderous spirit. He raised his hand in a complicated way: "everyone, enter the city, close the gate!"

"My Lord!"

"Do as I say!"

They gritted their teeth, entered the city, pulled the winch, and shut the gate heavily.

Xiaojiu puffed his wings and yelled at Gu Jiao: "chirp! Chirp! Chirp

Gu Jiao grabs it and throws it through the gap of the city gate.

"My Lord!"

At the moment when the gate was about to be completely closed, a tall, thin white figure came out from the crack of the door.

When they didn't catch it, they heard a roar. The gate, which needed twenty people to start at the same time, was closed tightly!

A roaring voice came from the tower: "are you crazy? Why don't you stop! That's Mr. Xiao from the Imperial Academy! "

The rope on Gu Jiao's wrist is specially made for her, just to cope with the sudden situation that she is out of control. There is a small needle on the rope. If she struggles to break the needle, the neurotoxin inside will penetrate her body.

The more you struggle, the more neurotoxins you get.

The total amount was enough to kill herself.

She lay on the back of the horse and let the neurotoxin paralyze her.

She knew she couldn't use more, but her murderous spirit didn't diminish.


Suddenly, a soft voice rang in her ear.

A pair of powerful arms came over and took her off the horse without hesitation.

The rope in her hand was untied.

She was held in a strong, warm embrace.

"Gu! What a monster your daughter is! Take her away quickly


"Mom, I'm obedient. Don't send me away. I don't eat, I don't pee, I don't cry. "

"I don't care whether you cry or not! Go away. I don't want you anymore! "


"Go away!"

"Mom, mom, mom..."

Three year old Gu Jiao is holding a little puppet with blood in her hands. She is standing in the dark corridor with her bare feet. She is blowing the cold wind and knocking on the cold closed door.

"I'm not a monster." In the muddle, Gu Jiao said wrongly.

Xiao Heng sat on the ground, holding her bloody body tightly. The wound on his neck was bitten by her, and the blood stained his skirt.

He put his cold cheek on her hot forehead and said painfully, "Jiaojiao is certainly not. Jiaojiao is the best Jiaojiao in the world. She is ah Heng's mother."

The unconsciousness of Gu Jiao pinched his sleeve with two slender fingers and said vaguely, "well, I'm just so good."